Monday, December 28, 2009
Harness Your Power: Key Questions for 2010
Who am I?
What characteristics do I choose to cultivate and embody?
What do I want in every aspect of my life?
How do I desire to feel when I wake up each day?
How do I desire to be in my relationships?
Please find an hour this week to sit silently and meditate on these questions. Open your heart. Release all limitations. You are not your past -- you are who you choose to be in THIS Moment!
Use these questions to become clear on a listen of your Daily Resolutions for 2010. To reach New Year's Resolution takes a day-by-day commitment. Write your Daily Resolutions for 2010 and then post them in a place you will see them every morning when you wake up and every night before you sleep. I'd even suggest you carry a copy with you in your pocket to be a constant reminder to you.
You can be any person you want to be.
You can create the type of life you truly desire.
Take time to answer these questions and get clear...those who are clear are much more likely to experience what they want in life!
Much love to you,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Harness Your Power: Give Yourself the BEST Gift!
Here are a few ideas to help you:
To overcome your self doubt, the first and most important step is to become fully aware of your self-criticism. Take today and really study your thoughts. Why is it that you doubt yourself? What is it that you believe about yourself that causes you to think you aren’t as good as other people or that you can’t attain the level of success you desire?
To really get beyond self-doubt, you need to know why you doubt yourself.
Observe your thoughts. Write down on paper what you think so that you can see it clearly.
Next, ask yourself, “Where did these thoughts come from?” Look closely and try to get a sense of who told you this about yourself or why you decided this was true.
You may begin to see that your parents, siblings, teachers, friends etc. convinced you years ago that you aren’t good enough or you don’t have what it takes for success.
You are born with intrinsic value and a unique set of gifts. How could the Creator make mistakes in how you were created? You are an incredible person, one with great power. To activate your power and potential you must open to knowing your personal value. Value doesn’t come from what you achieve or what possessions you have. You ARE valuable already. Once you know this, everything in your life will begin to change.
Remember that these old thoughts of self-doubt are habits. You’ve been practicing this type of thinking for many years. So, it will take some effort to create a new set of thinking habits.
Here are some new possibilities:
I am amazing.
I am valuable.
I am important.
I am here for a reason.
I am gifted.
I am talented.
I am strong.
I am full of love.
I enjoy life.
I have fun all the time.
I am kind to others.
I am smart.
I am a leader.
I lead by example.
I listen to my heart
I respect others.
I speak my truth.
I am honest.
I love to read and learn.
I make the World a better place.
That’s enough to get you started.
To move beyond this self-doubt will take some effort on your part. But, if you do, the rewards will pay off in HUGE dividends for the rest of your life.
I have written many articles on the topic of self-esteem. If you want more of this type of writing from me, send me an email at and let me know you want to move beyond self-doubt.
If you want to share your observations of your thoughts with me, then drop me another email and tell me what you’ve discovered. I can help you find alternate thinking that will empower you in 2010.
Also, I have a free daily email list that can support you in seeing yourself in a more positive way. Go to my website and put your email in the red box called Food For Thought if you are interested in receiving these.
Blessings and Love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Harness Your Power: Joy & Passion
For those of you who know me well, you are aware that I call Maggie my greatest teacher. It was her arrival in my life that caused me to do some deep soul searching. At three months of age we were told that Maggie was a floppy baby. She underwent every test thinkable only for us to be told they didn't know why she had low muscle tone. We were left in total uncertainty -- told that Maggie might not walk, talk or be "normal."
I celebrate my daughter today! She can walk. She struggles still getting up the stairs. She can talk. She still has speech therapy and is not as understandable as other kids her age. She has developmental delays and yet is learning to read, write and do simple math problems. She is tenacious. She never gives up on learning. Thankfully she is a born teacher. Whatever she does in the classroom at school she carries home to instruct her baby dolls all evening long.
My daughter was officially diagnosed with Prader Willi Syndrome when she was 5 years old. I'm learning that this syndrome has a wide range of possibilities for a person's life. I'm coming to understand that we have no idea what her future will bring so we need not spend our time worrying about it or wondering. Maggie has taught me to live in the present moment and embrace life wholeheartedly. That is how she lives. She doesn't even know that she has this syndrome. She simply lives with zest and freedom.
I give thanks today for physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, doctors, nurses and supportive family and friends who have helped us make so much progress. Maggie is resilient. She is smart with a very sharp set of ears --she NEVER misses a word that is said and we are often shocked when she reminds us of what we said!
I look back now and see that if I had spent the last 7 years in worry, I would have been miserable. Instead, I have focused on the beauty in Maggie. I've accepted her journey as HER journey, not one to be measured against other children. I have celebrate each step of progress and watched in wonder at how she always has kept a happy spirit and a brilliant smile.
Maggie follows her passion. She loves to teach. She told her pre-school teacher one day that she was going to take her job and that her teacher would have to go get a job at McDonalds! That is how serious Maggie is about her teaching. For her birthday she asked for a white board and markers. Since opening her gift yesterday she has been using the white board to further instruct her babies.
I am in awe as I watch her. She jumps for joy almost every day. She loves life. She loves others. She is kind. She is helpful and motherly. She is all that I could ever have asked for in a daughter.
Here is what I want to say to her this week: "Thank you Miss Maggie for stimulating me to be joyful and follow my passion. It is because of you that I am an inspirational speaker, life coach and writer. I love you. I am in awe of you, Mom"
Please, in honor of Maggie and because life is so short, follow your passion. Do what comes naturally. Remember what makes you tick, what you can't get enough of and begin to incorporate it into your life.
And, this week, please find at least one opportunity to jump up and down and celebrate life like my dearest daughter. Notice that as you do this you MUST smile. Jumping for joy is fun.
Living with joy and passion,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Harness Your Power: Express Your Love
On Friday evening I went to the viewing. I was impressed by the incredible outpouring of love and support shown by friends and family. This young woman had made an incredible impact on people with her courage, resilience and determination to live a full life in spite of her debilitating condition.
As I looked at each of the people standing in line at the viewing I realized that this 22 year old girl continued to live in the hearts of each of these people. In fact, the love she had shared with all of these people lives on. Love has no end. Love continues to grow and deepen whether we are present on earth or not.
Share your love. Give it freely. Don't hold back because of your fear or insecurity. Instead, offer it generously. Lavish it on those you meet. Love is what makes a lasting impact. We are beings of love here to join with one another in love.
Today was the funeral. Another imprint left deep on my heart was the amazing connection between those at the funeral. Hugs, kisses, holding of hands, patting of much touching and kindness extended all around the room. Why don't we see more of this shared freely between people every day?
Take the time to share your love through these embraces. Wouldn't every day feel better if you received a loving touch from those who are close to you and even from those who are merely acquaintances.
As one of my friends reminded this evening, the people in our lives are merely "on loan" to us for a period of time. We never know when that time will come to a close. So, express love NOW.
Later in the week I received an email from a college teammate who had her first child. Ironically the baby was born the same day that the 22 year old had passed away. Life ebbs and flows. People arrive and people depart. The Eternal spirit is present here and continues on when we leave our body behind.
I offer you my love today,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Harness Your Power: Embrace the "F" Word!
FAIL is a four-letter word many of us stay as far away from as we can.
None of us like to consider ourselves failures…we have come to believe that failing is something bad, something we should dread and avoid at all costs.
Maybe we’ve gotten our belief all wrong.
“Failure” is merely an attempt to do something that doesn’t work out the way we had wanted it to. Failure is for the courageous -- it is taking a risk, giving an idea a try.
Failure means we have boldly put ourselves to a test.
Failure is good. Failure is just another step of growth on the path of success.
Why aren’t you taking steps on your personal dreams for success?
Do you hesitate to act for fear of failing?
If so, consider the wise words of Barack Obama, “Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it’s not. It takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty of failure along the way. The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won’t. It’s whether you let it harden or shame you into action, or whether you learn from it, whether you choose to persevere.”
The only true failure is not trying, not acting when you know what can be done…the only real failure is withholding your unique talents, perspectives and action.
Please, my brothers and sisters--step forward and TRY! Just do your best in improving your life, your community and your nation. We need you to learn and grow. Growth comes from trying.
Trying hard and failing often…but always learning, growing and giving my best,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Harness Your Power: Prepare for the Holidays (and Challenging Family Members)
1. NOTHING needs to be taken personally -- especially in regards to your family members! Remember that just because they are snappy, judgmental, or overly direct, you really never know what is happening inside them. But, the way they act toward you has to do with THEM not you. Be as compassionate and understanding as you can. Let what they say go in one ear and out the other rather than taking this to heart.
2. Be a kid...have fun, lighten up, relax, let it flow...take the days you have visitors in stride and focus on fun and laughter and love.
3. PEACE and LOVE and JOY...these are your key words...if you focus on creating moments of this, and release all heavy energy, this will be a wonderful time.
4. Before next Thursday write a list of everything you like and appreciate about those who you dread interacting with the most. Keep the list in your pocket on Thanksgiving day and as soon as you feel yourself getting worked up, then stop and read...focus on the good, focus on the good...let the rest go.
5. Be you and enjoy the moment. Make sure that you enjoy yourself. For those of you who get tired of dealing with difficult adutls, why not get on the floor with the kids or go outside and play!
Hope some of these tips work for you! You won't know unless you give them a try.
Here are a few affirmations to use in preparing mentally. Pick one or two of these each day and repeat them to yourself often.
I have a peaceful, loving holiday with my family.
We grow together and love each other more.
I am compassionate toward _______________ (fill in the blank with a challenging person).
I see the best in each person.
I offer love and kindness.
Nothing is personal.
I let people be who they are!
I lighten up and have a good time.
I laugh and eat and smile and cook and play.
I give thanks for it all...even the difficulty!
With love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Harness Your Power: Peaks and Valleys
When we resist these difficult times, we feel tremendous suffering and exhaust ourselves. What if we could relax and know that there are important lessons to learn, essential people to interact with and powerful tools to gain? Though it might not feel easy or less intense, the challenges take on a new color and texture.
I want to encourage you today to ask the following questions if you are facing difficulties:
What is it that I am learning from this time?
What if I knew this challenge was purposeful for my soul's development?
What if I could open my eyes and see the situation from a totally different perspective?
I'm asking these questions myself. In doing so, I am finding some fascinating answers. I'm being reminded that life happens only one moment at a time. I need not worry about 2 weeks from now or 2 years from now. I can instead open to what is available to me in the moment I am living. I can open to the gifts of today.
I am finding many miracles and blessings in these times even though they feel hard.
I offer you my love. If I can be of assistance to you please drop me an email.
All is well,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Harness Your Power: This Moment is Perfect
I can relate to this response. I've been contemplating this quite a bit lately.
I've come back to the realization that in this moment, THIS EXACT MOMENT, I am always provided for. Though the future is uncertain and I have no idea how the challenges in my life will come to resolution, this moment is just fine. I must choose not to run ahead to a few days from now, a month from now or a year from now. We are all being forced to be present to life right now.
The question is, will you be in the moment with a head full of fear or will you be in the moment with a heart full of peace? This is the choice. Believe me, I know it is not always an easy thing to move into a feeling of peace. I've struggled with this myself lately. But, I keep coming to the truth that my whole life there has always been a way forward, a miraculous provision at just the right time. So, why not just rest into the arms of the Divine?
Yes, we each must do our part. We need to show up every day and do what we are guided to -- to take the steps to provide for our families. As we do our small, simple tasks, we find that the breakthroughs come in the perfect time of the Divine. We want the breakthroughs to come sooner and this often causes us terrible grief and inner conflict -- WHY ISN'T THIS SITUATION CHANGING NOW???
I'm here to say that it isn't changing because the learning you are called to do is not yet complete. Each challenge is preparation for your path ahead. Try to relax and learn rather than fight with life. You will save energy and feel better if you take this approach.
I give my love to each one of you. I understand the feelings of difficulty. I also know that there is always hope, always peace and always love available to us as we become present to the Divine.
With love,
Patricia Omoqui,
The Thought Dr.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Harness Your Power: Move through Intense Times
Here are a few affirmations and thoughts that I've been using that may be of help to you:
It is well.
All is well in THIS moment.
I give thanks for....(then I find any blessing no matter how tiny it appears to be to raise my energy.)
I am growing in compassion for others through these challenges.
I find ways to express love and understanding as often as possible.
My mind and heart are being stretched and expanded from these experiences.
I am prepared for the path ahead.
Every opportunity offers me tools and lessons if I choose to embrace them.
I am walking moment to moment...but then, isn't that the only way life happens. We just think there is certainty ...but there is always the unexpected. I choose to expect the best!
In a spirit of miracles and love and kindness,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Harness Your Power: Observe, Observe, Observe
Observation is the key to understanding how we sabotage ourselves with fear, self-doubt, guilt and limiting ideas. The more you study your mind and see how it connects to the way you feel and the results you are creating with your life, the more aware you become of your next steps of personal growth.
Each thought you have is an OPPORTUNITY! Yes, you have the power to choose to focus on empowering thoughts so that you feel well. When you feel well, life becomes more enjoyable. Your eyes open to new opportunities and you move beyond fear to experience what you desire in life.
Take time this week to observe your thinking. Pay close attention to two areas: self-talk (criticism) and fear. Write down what you observe. Notice the impact these negative thoughts have on the way you feel and the way you live.
After observing, ask a simple question, "How might I view myself or this situation differently?" I guarantee that with time you will be guided to the right answers!
I'm here to support you, love you and encourage you.
Never hesitate to send me an email:
With great love for you,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Harness Your Power: Get Some Rest!
Rest is essential to our physical, mental and emotional well-being. Yet, so few of us get enough of it. I admit I am guilty of this on a regular basis.
When you interact with people and ask them, "How are you doing?" They often respond with the words, "I'm so busy." It even can appear sometimes that people are competing with each other to see who is the busiest one among us.
For some reason we attach our value to being busy. We have come to think that the busier we are, the more important we are. I'd challenge you to question this notion. All too often I've worked when I was tired and ended up getting very little done.
I now know that if I rest first, I get far more done and have improved focus.
Listen to your body's signs this week -- do you feel exhausted, worn thin? Do you feel on edge or cranky? Are the tears flowing more than normal? It might just be that what you need more than anything is a nice, long nap.
Get some rest. I did and I feel much better. I have extra zip to my step and a much clearer mind.
Take good care of yourself. You are so important!
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.
Come hear me speak on Sunday, October 25th at 3 pm at the Mind, Body, Spirit Expo in Valley Forge, PA
Monday, October 12, 2009
Harness Your Power: Tools for the Fire of Fear
I have used these tools over and over the past few years. They work.
It doesn't mean that the fire doesn't feel hot, as if I may completely melt. I actually have felt moments where I felt I might break into millions of little pieces. But, I have learned that my spirit is far grander than the stories my mind tells me of future fear and guilty pasts. I sit and watch my mental processes. I feel what is there to be felt. I move through it. Then, after some time it passes and I move back into deep peace.
My faith is deepened. I am more certain than ever that I am guided each step of the journey.
I wanted to share this with you so you can understand that you are not alone if you are facing difficulties that feel overwhelming. I experience this too. Yet, I've found a way to sit in the darkness with a calm spirit knowing that the storms will pass.
I was blessed this week to see a "rainbow spot" on a sunny day. I've never seen anything like it before. The sky was bright blue. In the middle of one of the clouds was the most beautiful circle filled with the colors of a rainbow. I looked up and breathed in the energy of hope it offered me.
Dear friend, we can only live one moment at a time. To jump any further ahead than this moment often causes us too much suffering. Breathe deeply this week and stay as present as you can. Use gratitude to stay focused on the gifts this moment offers you.
Healing with you,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Harness Your Power: Serve
I have found nothing more satisfying than helping another being by sharing my love, time and resources with them.
As philosopher and physician Albert Schweitzer said, “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”
Yes, there is pleasure in enjoying material goods but that soon wears off.
Yes, there is excitement in traveling the world and seeing new places, but we always long to return home.
What lasts? The only mark we leave is our loving service to others. This is what truly matters. This is what people will speak of when our life comes to an end.
The wonderful thing about services is that it is simple to do – often the smallest acts of care change the lives of people around us.
Do you have ears? Serve this week by taking the time to really listen someone who needs your attention.
Do you have arms? Offer a hug to someone who is struggling to find hope.
Do you have a few extra Naira? Offer help to a family who needs help funding their children’s education or surprise them with food that they hunger for.
Do you have expertise? Find a young person who needs your advice and support and commit to a mentoring relationship.
In the words of Anne Frank, “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” Don’t wait another minute!
Use the question, “How can I serve?” to guide you through every day this week.
Wholeheartedly serving with you,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Harness Your Power: Let Your Wounds Heal (Don't pick at them!)
Isn't that the truth with our inner wounds too. Time heals our inner traumas, that is, if we aren't constantly opening them up. Many people spend time talking of dramas, traumas and past hurts, re-living them over and over in their head. They do this so much that they prevent their complete healing. I'm not saying that it isn't good to express how we feel about things we've experienced that have been hard for us. It is good to process and tell your story. It's powerful to understand the roots of our patterns for the purpose of moving forward and not repeating them.
Remember this week that repeatedly opening up old wounds to dig around in them is much different than applying ointment, a bandaid and letting the natural process of spirit-mending to take place.
If you could use support in moving beyond the past so you can fully enjoy the present, please drop me an email at . Life coaching might be just what you need to make huge leaps forward in your personal well-being.
With all my love,
Patricia Omoqui
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Harness Your Power: Recent Observations

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Harness Your Power: See the Inner Light

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Harness Your Power: Acknowledge Growth

Monday, August 31, 2009
Harness Your Power: Offer Support

Monday, August 24, 2009
Harness Your Power: Be In THIS Moment

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Harness Your Power: Just Dive In!

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Harness Your Power: Contemplate New Perspectives

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Harness Your Power: Enjoy the Boring

(Maggie, Skye and two friends at summer camp)
My daughter Skye suggested we go see a movie this weekend. We went to see UP! , one of the recent Disney releases. I must confess to you, I love kid’s movies. In the childish antics and humor always appears a hidden message for my soul.
My favorite scene in UP! is when the young scout tells the elderly man how much he loved going to the ice cream store with his father. After getting their cones, the boy and his father would sit on the curb and play a game – the dad counted the blue cars driving by and the boy counted the red ones.
As the scout finishes telling his story he says, “You know, it’s the boring things I seem to remember the most.”
This one line summed up much of my learning the past year. Most of my adult life I’ve had a sense that my life was only meaningful if I was approaching or having a big, exciting moment. I assumed that the small, ordinary, routine moments were unimportant. In fact, I often rushed through them.
I was missing out on so much beauty in life!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Harness Your Power: Enjoy This Big World

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Harness Your Power: Stop Comparing!

Sunday, July 5, 2009
Harness Your Power: Observe Communication

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Harness Your Power: What's On Your Mind?

There is tension in the space between where I am and where I am going. It is a mixture of excitement for the new chapter and a sadness to let go of my current one. At the darkest points, in times of greatest uncertainty of what is to come, the dawn is closest. The sun rises promising something fresh and new, yet there is a hesitation – a fear of what comes next.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Harness Your Power: Love What You Do!

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Harness Your Power: Accept the Moment
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Harness Your Power: Thanks to Pioneers
