Sunday, December 4, 2011

Less Stress This Holiday

So many of us are stressed even before the holidays arrive.  Then we add in expectations of relatives, more parties to already-busy schedules, extra financial burdens -- and what do we get?  MORE STRESSED OUT!

What if you could move through the last four weeks of the year with peace, joy and satisfaction?

What if you could do the holidays on your terms, letting go all pressures (outer and inner)?

I believe it is possible.  And, here are a few ideas to help you achieve well-being as you close 2011 and start a New Year!

  1. Realize that stress is a gift. It shows you where your life is out of balance. Pay attention. Look closely at what is bothering you.
2.  Rather than letting your worries swirl endlessly inside you, write them down. Go down your list one item at a time. Ask yourself, “Is there anything I can do today to change the situation?” If so, take a step of action. If not, release the challenges to God. This famous prayer from Alcoholics Anonymous is a powerful one to memorize and use regularly: “God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change; The Courage to change the things I can; and the Wisdom to know the difference.”

3. Do one moment at a time. What needs your focus RIGHT NOW? Do not let worries about something you have to face a few hours or a few weeks from now take your energy away from today. Remember, you have always found a way forward—and you always will. Pour your energy into the moment you are in.

4.  Commit yourself to finding the good. Stress is not caused by circumstances, but by our response to them. Allowing the negative to fill your mind will generate intense stress. Choosing to be hopeful, looking for a solution and taking one step at a time, will dissolve stress.

5.  Breathe, breathe and breathe some more. When under pressure, we tend to hold our breath and tense our bodies. Change your energy. Take a moment to sit quietly and breathe deeply. Breathe in peace. Let go worry. Close your eyes. Let the tension drain out of your body and into the ground beneath you. Consciously relax every muscle from the top of your head, through your neck and shoulders, your torso, your legs, even those little toes you have.

6.  Find a healthy outlet. Engage in creative activities that allow self-expression. Listen to music that soothes and uplifts you. Dance. Draw. Write in a journal. Take a walk. Play or watch your favorite sport.

7.  Seek help. We all find ourselves in difficult situations. It is a sign of strength and wisdom to ask for help when you need it. If you have stressed to the point you feel physically ill, seek medical attention. If you find yourself unable to shake off anxiety, depression or panic, seek out a trusted friend or counselor. Sometimes a listening ear is all we need to release the inner pressure.

You can do it -- pick 3 of these helpful tips and put them to practice regularly as you navigate the holidays.
You DESERVE to feel well!
Make this a priority.
With a holiday smile,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Back to the Basics - Two Helpful Daily Practices

Life can become incredibly intense and feel challenging.  As I experience these times in my own life, it brings me back to the basics.  I have been reminded the past few weeks that I only have to live ONE MOMENT at a time.  That's it.  If I can focus my energy in the NOW, then I can do what is needed for my life.

Two helpful practices that I've been using are gratitude and mindfulness.  I thought I'd share a few thoughts on each practice with you. 


Start and end the day by giving thanks. Focusing your heart and mind on gratitude will help you set an optimistic tone for your day. Before rising from bed, think of five things in your life right now for which you are thankful. From a friend to a bed to a beautiful sunrise to a pair of shoes – begin to notice each simple gift of sustenance and comfort that is so much a part of your life that you can hardly see it.

If you find yourself losing perspective midway through the day, stop and find something to be grateful for—like a pleasant greeting from a stranger or a call from a friend. Gratitude can raise your spirits and boost your energy.

Keep a small notebook and pen by your bed (you could even carry it with you during the day) to record your gratitude list. As you close your day, write down five things from the day for which you are grateful.

"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, 'thank you,' that would suffice."
 ~Meister Eckhart

Live life with mindfulness. We tend to live on auto-pilot moving from one activity to the next with very little thought. Using mindfulness is a powerful practice to bring our attention to the present moment. Each day choose one specific activity and give it your full attention. It can be drinking a glass of water, walking up a set of stairs, washing your hands, looking into your child’s or spouse’s eyes.

Engage as many of your sense as possible. For example, look closely at the piece of plantain you are about to eat. Notice its shape and color. Smell it before you put it into your mouth. Slowly enjoy chewing it – feeling the texture on your tongue, tasting the sweetness or saltiness. Listen quietly as you chew – be aware of your muscles and teeth.

By giving yourself totally to one such activity each day you will begin to view seemingly small every-day happenings in new ways. Soon you will be finding pleasure in things you didn’t even notice. Slow down and enjoy each moment of your life.

Hence, there is a time to go ahead and a time to stay behind.
There is a time to breathe easy and a time to breathe hard.
There is a time to be vigorous and a time to be gentle.
There is a time to gather and a time to release.
Can you see things as they are
And let them be all on their own?

~ Lao-tzu

Enjoy the week ahead!

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Growing Younger: Tapping Into the Fountain of Youth!

I had my birthday yesterday and it was tremendous fun. 

Yes, it seems each year my numerical age seems to go higher.

None of us want to get older, do we? Let’s face it, for thousands of years people have been in search of the mythical fountain of youth. Imagine what would happen if someone discovered the fountain and bottled the water. I bet most of us would be lined up to buy a few ounces no matter the cost.

I recently ran into a distant relative, someone I had not seen for several years. I was shocked at how much he had aged. The lines in his face had deepened. His hair had greyed. He seemed depressed, lethargic. I wondered to myself, “What happened?” So I delicately asked how he was doing. He shared stories of a messy divorce, a dissatisfying job and increasing health problems. When I asked how he was spending his time, he sighed, “I go to work. Come home. Watch the news. Surf the ‘net. Fall asleep on the couch. Then start the cycle over again the next day.”

Not long after, I encountered a family friend. I had not seen her for five years and was amazed at how young she looked. Her face was bright. She was vivacious, smiling and excited about life. Her energy was contagious. I was curious, “How did she grow younger rather than older?” I asked her what she had been doing. She shared honestly her challenges with finances, a job search and a stressful turn of events with one of her children. Then her attention naturally turned to the rich meaning she was finding with life. She had decided that no matter what life brought her way, she was going to live one moment at a time and experience peace. From her perspective, the best was yet to come.

I marveled at the contrast between these lives. Fascinating—two people both experiencing some difficult years and yet with starkly different outcomes in appearance and energy.

It got me thinking. How can a person remain youthful while navigating life’s inevitable ups and downs? Perhaps we can stay young and vibrant regardless of age. I know I would like to feel like Ellen Glasgow, author of The Woman Within. She said, “Though it sounds absurd, it is true to say I felt younger at sixty than I felt at twenty.”

Here are some key ways to tap into your inner fountain of youth. If you consistently use these ideas, you may just grow younger next year rather than older if you consistently practice these ideas.

1.  Take care of your body. Do the basics. Eat fruits and vegetables. Drink enough water. Get a good night’s sleep. Take a short nap when your body calls for it. Stretch your muscles. Stay active and fit—at least get out and walk for twenty minutes a day. Your body’s well-being is an excellent investment. After all, you have your body for your entire life journey. Treat it with great respect.

2. Cultivate your relationship with God. Don’t reserve spirituality for emergencies. Experience God’s Presence all the time. Use daily spiritual practices like prayer and meditation to tap into stillness. Tune in to the Voice of God within you. Invite the peace that passes understanding. Notice the many ways God cares for you every day. Be child-like: trust God even in the darkest times. Those who remain aware of God’s workings are brighter and more joyful.

3. Keep positive company. As American playwright Tennessee Williams pointed out, “Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by the friends we choose.” Be wise in who you select for your inner circle. According to Jon Gordon, author of The Energy Bus, you should beware of “Energy Vampires.” He says, “They are everywhere. And they will suck the life out of you if you let them.”

Give yourself permission to keep the negative, complaining, judgmental, energy-draining pessimists at a distance. Instead surround yourself with positive, encouraging, nourishing, uplifting optimists. “Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It’s up to you to choose which you will be” (Harvey Mackay).

4. Stay curious and learn. Too many of us stop exploring new topics and skills simply because we earned a high school diploma or a college degree. No matter how much you think you know, it is a speck in comparison to what is offered in the vast and ever expanding library of life. Keep reading. Explore art, music, science, technology. Whatever captivates the child in you—that is what will keep you young. Getting in the creative flow eliminates all sense of age and time. Live in that space.

5. Revel in life’s simple things. Take the time to savor your food, dish by dish and bite by bite. Take an occasional moment to deeply breathe the fresh, free air. Enjoy the warmth of the sun. Cherish the smiles and laughter of children and the loving exchanges with your spouse.

6. Keep love alive. Appreciate the distinctive personalities and the unique essence of family members and friends. Do not take them for granted. Ordinary interactions become extraordinary memories. You are never too old to share love. Consider the possibility of falling in love again with your spouse. If you are not currently married, open your heart to a deep satisfying relationship.

7. Process life as it comes. Express what you need to express. Cry and grieve when you are mourning. Deal with anger when it occurs. Don’t carry heavy baggage from your past. Forgive. Move forward in power and freedom. Become present to the wonder and richness of each new moment.

8. Play, laugh, be joyful! Youthful people have light hearts. Too much work and worry can bog us down. Listen to the advice of Dr. Seuss, an expert in turning work into fun, “I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.” Do not let life’s insanity break your spirit. Find the humor instead.

Remember. Age is only a number. Your state of mind and heart define your true age. Do not assume that getting older in years means you need to become weak, sedentary, or sidelined. As French novelist George Sand (1804-1876) remarked, “It is a mistake to regard age as a downhill grade toward dissolution. The reverse is true. As one grows older, one climbs with surprising strides.”

Be determined to continue the adventure of life. Use your growing wisdom and self-knowledge to bloom over and over again so that even until your last days, others enjoy the fragrance of your life.

Here are some quotes to meditate upon this week:

“At twenty we worry about what others think of us; at forty we don't care about what others think of us; at sixty we discover they haven't been thinking about us at all.”

-- Author Unknown

“Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.”

-- Eleanor Roosevelt


“To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent - that is to triumph over old age.”

-- Thomas Bailey Aldrich

With all my love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lessons from the Sewer: Unblocking the "Clogged Pipes"

I am writing and there is a nasty smell in the air.  My eyes aren't as bright today as usual.

Yesterday I realized that something wasn't quite right in my house.  I followed my nose to the issue:  our basement was full of crap (I mean that literally).  For some reason there was about two inches of nasty gunk all over the floor. 

Fast forward to 11 p.m. last night.  I stand outside our house with a Roto-Rooter plumber watching as he investigates the pipes from the street and into our basement.  "A-ha" he says.  I got the clog.  It is gone."  I go in and flush the toilets and run the sinks and sure enough, it is fixed.

BUT, there was still a sewagey mess in my basement.  I could have gotten some professional help to clean this up but I did a bit of research on the Internet.  My husband and I fearlessly took on the mess ourselves.  And, it was DISGUSTING.  The good news is that we have cleaned it up. 

It got me thinking.  Too often we humans let our inner "emotional pipes" get clogged.  Over the years, there is a build up.  Rather than processing the "emotional waste" as we could as each situations arises , we tend to ignore the feelings and underlying issues. 

When the blockage gets too big, then there is a nasty overflow.  It is at these points that we can no longer ignore the mess and we must do the work needed to clean ourselves up inside.

Pay attention to your emotional flow.  Journal.  Write down your feelings each day.  Or, confide in a trusted friend.  Don't hold all the hurt, confusion, pain or despair inside OR - you may find yourself in an emergency inner plumbing situation.

Remember, some situations REQUIRE professional help.  Get that if you need it!  The mess might be stinky to deal with but once it is cleaned up, you will find a new, easier flow to life.

With relief that the mess is gone,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Find Your Inner Lion This Week!

This week I share with you my rendition of one of my favorite parables. As you read, consider how different life might be in  the last few months of 2011 if you found your inner lion. The story goes…

Once upon a time there was a flock of sheep living together in a pasture. One of the sheep looked different than the others. His name was Rex. The other sheep repeatedly told Rex that he was just like them. The adult sheep taught him how to act like a sheep—to graze, eat grass, and be part of the group.

For a number of years he lived like a sheep. He would “baa” even though often he felt the urge to roar. One time he did roar and the others made fun of him. He was embarrassed. So he decided it was best to “baa;” he didn’t want trouble with his friends.

When he admitted to dreaming of life in the jungle, the older sheep reprimanded him, “These pastures are good enough for you. Stay here where you are supposed to be.” He often felt the urge to move ahead but others told him he was causing problems. They liked to move slowly as a flock. Rex also wanted to journey independently but the flock felt that was ridiculous.

One day Rex was grazing near a stream. He approached the water’s edge for a drink. As he bent to drink, he caught a glimpse of himself in the water. That day, for the first time in his life, Rex really saw himself. He noticed that he looked nothing like a sheep. He was a lion! He was different, unique. He was strong. He looked regal with his fur coat and mane. For a moment he was overcome with excitement. This small glimpse confirmed to Rex that he was not just an ordinary member of the flock.

The next moment fear came up. Rex had grown accustomed to a life as a sheep. He was comfortable in the flock. What would the others think if he followed his heart and emerged as a powerful lion? Yet, Rex was bored. He was tired of living like the rest of the sheep. He wanted to break free.

Though he felt scared, courage began to build in his heart. Knowing his true identity gave Rex the guts to use his strength to move away from the group. He left the pasture. Freedom was finally his. He had found his voice and he roared at the top of his lungs. Gradually he became quiet in his confidence. He could choose to roar or be quiet. He explored the highlands and moved at his own pace. He found the rhythm of life he had longed for.

He finally felt comfortable in his own skin. At last, he was in sync with himself.

Many of us are so conditioned that we remain in groups even after we’ve outgrown them. We follow the crowd blindly trying our best to fit in. We are careful not to stand out too much so that we are accepted. We stick with the status quo even though we long to break free, to express ourselves in ways that resonate with our spirit.

We live prisoners to mental programming that has caused us to believe “we can’t”, “we shouldn’t” and even “we can’t follow our hearts.” And so we live in our heads playing over and over again the negative programs we’ve picked up along the way. We feel boxed in and miserable. Yet we wear a sheep-like smile to give others the impression that we are “doing just fine.”

I encourage you to look in a mirror this week. Really look at yourself. Look beyond the surface. Take time to see yourself with new eyes. Take off the glasses of self-judgment you’ve been told to wear. Ask yourself, “Who am I and how do I want to live my life?” Let answers come from your heart rather than from your head.

Smile as you see yourself. Let go of ideas of style and physical attractiveness. Instead, notice the uniqueness of your face. Gaze into the bright and sparkly gleam of your own eyes. See the genuineness of your smile. You are incredible, aren’t you? Enjoy this moment of self-appreciation. Feel your energy as you dare to admire yourself.

It’s ok to do this. You aren’t an egomaniac if you do. You are simply connecting to your spirit as it expresses through the body you’ve chosen for this journey. If you find yourself unable to do this, ask yourself why? Then see if you can’t at least find one or two things that you like about yourself.

Now, try to hear your own voice. What is it that you have not been saying that you have in your heart? What is it that you’ve held back for years because you feared others might judge you or mock you or even reject you? Imagine for a moment the way life might feel if you finally gave voice to your truth. As you look in the mirror practice saying those things that you’ve suppressed. It is time for your truth to emerge.

We are all born as lions. But then we are trained to be sheep – accepting without question, limitations imposed on us and sticking with the group. We plod through life even when we sense a strong, purpose and direction in our heart.

Roar, lion, roar. Break free, lion, break free. This is the way life was meant to be lived. You don’t have to stay with the flock in a pasture that’s dry and tasteless to you. Speak your truth, lion, speak it loudly.

Your assignment this week is to notice whether you act like a lion or a sheep. Do you follow the crowd hoping to fit in? Or, do you move at your own pace following the inner yearnings of your heart? Just notice. Don’t judge yourself. There is nothing wrong with the choices you’ve made so far. However, by observing these choices, you can begin to see new possibilities.

Each day this week sit for at least 1 full minute and look in the mirror. Get to know yourself in a whole new way. This time, do it without the judgments and labels others have given you. Who are you at your core? Feel the fire of passion burning within you. Open to this energy and embrace your freedom.

Freedom is available to you in each moment. Dear Lion, begin to choose freedom.

“A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep.” Vernon Howard

Roaring with you,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Note of Encouragement for the Weary

Yes, I admit it.  I am exhausted.  My plate is rather full these days both personally and professionally.  I am making sure I getting enough sleep.  Yet, I just feel worn down. 

I have been observing myself, watching my thoughts very closely.  I have noticed that if I live one small moment at a time, I am fine.  I have discovered that if I begin to think a week, a month or a year into the future, I become tired.

The beauty of Life is that the only moment I need to live is RIGHT NOW. 
I live this moment, then the next, then the next. . . as I approach life this way, I am able to flow smoothly forward.  It becomes easier when I just take one step at a time rather than wondering and worrying over the next one hundred miles of the journey ahead.

I have been spending daily time at a nearby park.  Nature has a way of renewing me.  I have been sitting and walking amongst the grandest trees and dainty flowers.  Butterflies show up on my path as do birds of many shapes and sizes.  A brisk walk cleanses and uplifts my spirit.  I am in awe of the simple treasures and miracles life offers.

So today, I give thanks for where I am.  I am where I a meant to be.  I choose to relax into that knowing and rejoice at how far I have come and how much I have learned.

I say a prayer for each of us this week, that our minds will be calm and our spirits will be renewed.

Rest and meditate on these thought-provoking quotes as you begin a new week:

"The great opportunity is where you are. Do not despise your own place and hour. Every place is under the stars, every place is the center of the world." (John Burroughs)

"Don’t be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves." (Dale Carnegie)

"Inside myself is a place where I live all alone, and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up." (Pearl S. Buck)

With love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Master Basics - Then Get Fancy

The problem today is people want to use high-skill techniques before they learn the foundational skills.  To get long-lasting success, we must not take shortcuts or jump ahead in the process of learning.

Warning:  It is ESSENTIAL to master the basics BEFORE you get too fancy.

I was thinking back to my years as a basketball player.  As a 16 year old playing my first year of basketball, the coach saw how tall I was and made me a "post player."  (For those of you who don't know what that means, it means I played close to the basket and with my back facing the basket most of the time.  Think of a player like Shaq.)

My coach taught me only ONE move my first year.  It was a simple shot.  I would pivot and shoot a short bank shot.  This worked perfectly for me since I was taller than most of my opponents and I could shoot right over them and score.  Coach knew this.  If I could make this shot consistently, our team was going to score loads of points!

But I was feeling frustrated.  Players around me knew more moves!  They could do fancier moves and score points with flare. I wanted to do that.  I wanted coach to show me how to do to that too.  But he insisted that I learn only the basics and perfect this ONE type of shot before I moved forward.

So, I focused.  I shot and shot and shot.  I missed a lot of shots at first.  BUT, with repetition, I was able to use this shot and score plenty of points each game.  In fact, in my first season of ever playing the game of basketball, I mastered this shot and was on my way to becoming the league’s leading scorer.

In my next season, the coach taught me one more new move – drop step, dribble, power up to shoot. Wow! Now I had a second shot, a fancier one. I worked on that one until I could do it well and score with it.  Then I had two shots I could try out and it was exciting to have grown as a player.

At last, when I got to college, the coaches taught me some awesome moves (fancy moves with real swagga)—Up and Under, Hook to the Left, Hook to the Right--I even started shooting from the perimeter rather than just with my back to the basket.  I was prepared for this new learning because my high school coach had forced me to master the basics.  I had a solid foundation.  It allowed me to make great progress.  And, with time, I was a "flashy" player who could score with both basic moves and ones that wowed the crowd.

I am glad my first coach didn't allow me to move faster in my learning than I was ready for.  He was wise.  He knew if I became really good at the basics, I'd be able to easily grasp the exciting moves.  I didn't like how slow he was moving in teaching me, but I see now, that his approach was the right one for my overall growth as a basketball player.

Be patient as a learner.  Understand the basics and practice hard until you are sound at what you do (whether that is a sport, education, career or running your own business).  Learning takes time.  To gain a level of excellence in anything you do, you must work hard at it and remained focused.  Complete the stage of growth you are in and do your best at it because it is preparing you for your next level of performance. 

If you skip essential learning and try to bypass the next steps of your growth, you may sabotage your long-term success. 

Do not be worried you aren't growing fast enough.  Instead, follow this wise Chinese proverb:

"Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still."

Steady, focused, persistent, determined, dedicated, willing to practice, giving it your all, striving for excellence:  this can be your focus for the week.  It certainly is going to be mine!

Have a blessed and joyful week ahead.
I'm here to support you in your personal and professional growth.

I am only ever an email away.
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Don't resist Life - FLOW!

"Seek not that the things which happen should happen as you wish; but wish the things which happen to be as they are, and you will have a tranquil flow of life”

Epictetus quotes (Greek philosopher associated with the Stoics, AD 55-c.135)

When the river of life is pushing you forward and you decide you aren't going to move, you are going to be exhausted from struggling to stay where you are.  If you try to swim upstream against the flow, you won't get anywhere.  How do I know?  Well, many times in my life I have fought with the river of life.  I don't do so anymore.  I have learned my lessons.

In the past week there was both an earthquake and hurricane Irene in my area.  Was it fun?  No.  But it was an experience.  As I woke my children in the middle of the night because a Tornado warning sounded for our area, I took them downstairs to a safe place.  I sat in the silence calmly giving thanks for each one of them.  A moment of truth:  my children are alive, healthy and even in the discomfort of a horrible storm, we have each other.

No matter the challenge or the seeming inconveniences life brings our way,
there is learning to be found in every moment.

So, why not stop resisting what life brings your way and instead GO WITH THE FLOW?

Learn.  Grow.  Gain as much from the moments of life as you can. 

I have found that when things don't seem to be going my way, it is the time I must pay the most attention:  I am being taught something essential for the next stage of my journey.

Flow, flow, flow as life brings you forward.

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Thoughts on Ten Years of Marriage

Words that come to mind as I celebrate ten years of marriage:

Determination.  Ups.  Downs.  Highs and lows.  Great memories.  Tough ones.  Breakdowns.  Breakthroughs.  Love.  Patience.  Acceptance.  Compassion.  Growing understanding.  Space to allow the other to be.  Maturity on both parts. Learning to listen without defense.  Learning to speak one's mind when needed.   Greater appreciation of one another.  Belief in each one's potential.  Willingness to give 100% support to individual visions and a joint vision for life. 

Wow.  Ten years of marriage.  TEN YEARS OF MARRIAGE.  It means I have grown and learned a lot.  It means I have a better appreciation for the union of marriage.  It shows that I still have a lot to learn, a long way to go. 

Today, however, I just simply celebrate. I delight in the person I have become because of the loving support my husband has offered me through the years.  He has always encouraged me to follow my heart and to live my dreams.  He knew I could face my fear and self-doubt and be amazing as I lived my purpose. He has offered me wisdom, support and inspiration when I have been at my most difficult points.

I am blessed, blessed beyond measure. 

I say to anyone who is early in your marriage -- hang in for the ride of your life.  Anyone who says marriage is easy is not telling the truth.  It is hard work.  It is difficult and challenging.  Marriage requires a daily commitment.  It is a choice to stay together through thick and thin, through some of the toughest times you can imagine.  I am so glad to have made it to this point.  The depth of my love for my husband is greater than I could ever have imagined.

My prayer is to be the best wife, mother and person I can be. 

Have a blessed week.
May you find and cultivate the love your heart desires (whether you are single or whether you are currently married).

Monday, August 15, 2011

Insights from Travels

It has been a few weeks since I had the time to sit down and write a blog.  The past month was full of travel for me.  I made stops in Accra (Ghana), Lagos and Abuja (Nigeria).  I met wonderful people. I had the chance to engage with many men and women that I mentor.  I was invited to share some of my favorite topics with audiences like Harness the Power of Your Mind and Clarify Your Purpose and Live It.  It was a delightful, rich time of service, work and play.

As I sat in Abuja one Sunday night waiting to go up on stage to address an audience at Holyhill Church Ideas! Forum, my mind flashed back to 2007.

I saw myself sitting at my corporate desk in tears, wanting so much to be free to live out my passion and purpose.  I was so hungry for change.  I yearned to be free.  During those long years of soul-searching, I eventually connected to my calling as a speaker, success coach and writer. 

Yet, after I found my calling, I faced fear after fear.  The fears would rise up and tell me that my dreams were impossible.  For some reason, I found the courage to ignore my fears and I carried on day-after-day, choosing to take little steps forward.

Each tiny step that I took had led me to the night in Abuja.  I spoke that night on the importance of finding and living your purpose.  And, what I said came from a deeply authentic place--I was living what I was teaching.

I am in awe of this journey.  The more that I forge ahead, the more wonderful it becomes.  It is not free of issues and challenges.  In fact, I have many more of them now than I did even a few years back.  I feel more joy and peace now even in the midst of difficulty because I know who I am and what gifts I am here to share with the world.

Tears came to my eyes that night in Abuja.  They were tears of gratitude and amazement.

Each of us can take the time to find our deeper life calling.  It takes some effort and some soul-searching.  But, the payoffs of doing this inner work are life-long. 

If you want to dig deeper into the topic or learn more, my book is a great resource.  (You can purchase it on Amazon ).  Or, I am here for you as a coach to guide you through the steps you need to take to create a life of deep satisfaction and meaning.

I pray this week that you experience a greater sense of possibility in your life than you ever have before.

With love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Keep Growing: Observe, Listen, Learn

I am on an interesting journey and I am having a great time. Arrived in Lagos (Nigeria) a week ago.  Headed quickly to Accra (Ghana) to speak at a conference.  Will travel next weekend to Abuja.

I love travel.  It is a stretching experience--from waiting in line for hours getting through immigration to dealing with a taxi driver who wants to charge me twice as much as a local--it is all LEARNING.

I am fascinated by life.  I am in awe of my journey.  And, I desire to keep growing every day.

My desire is to keep my eyes wide open and OBSERVE.  
"What is really going on here?"  I ask myself.  "Why are things the way they currently are?" and
"Is there a way this could get better and develop more?"

As I take my morning walk in Lagos, I notice the trash scattered on the road and wonder, "How could this be cleaned up?"  I see there are plenty of people who want to work.  I see the trash trucks sitting by the side of the road not in use.  The pieces of the puzzle all seem to be there.  I pray and know that there will be a time when it all comes together into a workable solution.

I have been purposefully quiet this past week.  I am doing my best to LISTEN.  Young and old have many experiences to share.  I ask questions to draw out this wisdom.  As I do, I smile.  I have much to gain from the perspectives and ideas others offer.  God brings me the right learning partners at the perfect time. 

Treat each conversation you have as a precious opportunity to develop yourself.  Consider these words of Coach John Wooden, "Others, too have brains.  A leader listens.  Don't act like you're listening when you're just waiting to talk.  People know when you're not hearing what they say.  Sometimes we forget that we're not the only smart person in the room." 

Your challenge this week: 

Be open to learning.  Be ready to grow.  Take off your blinders.  Look at life closely.  Be full of wonder in your day-to-day experiences.  Pray for a fresh perspective.  Be willing to see the world around you from new angles. 

Wishing you a fantastic week of personal development!

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Patience & Maturity

We are in a rush.  We want it NOW.  "Why has my dream not come to fruition yet?  I am trying so hard."

I have felt this.  I have heard it from clients, friends and family. 

"Am I doing something wrong?  Am I off track?  What am I missing here that is causing this delay?"

This sure has gone through my mind the past few years.  And, I hear people around me doing the same soul searching.

The irony:  every moment, every experience, every step, every waiting period, every challenge--is ESSENTIAL!  It is not optional to S-K-I-P steps. 

To get to the breakthrough, to have the culmination of your vision, you must be willing to be persistent and stay the course no matter how things appear.

There is Infinite Wisdom in the Grand Design of Life.  How beautiful it all becomes and how interesting it is when we KNOW that every circumstance is for our highest good and for our personal growth.

If you truly believed the above statements, how might your approach to your daily journey change for you?  Would you be more relaxed?  Would you feel greater peace?  Would you not be so hard on yourself? 

Maybe, just maybe, if you do your best and stay focused, the rest happens at a natural pace.  And, perhaps your satisfaction and enjoyment of the entire journey would increase exponentially if you knew that YOUR LIFE IS ON SCHEDULE. 

You are maturing.  With each moment, growing more and more.  Invest yourself where you are.  You may want to be on the big stages with the grand audiences -- and that will come.  But for now, use your skills where you are and with the audiences in front of you.  This time period allows you to further develop, to be truly prepared for the BIG BREAKTHROUGHS.

Be patient.  Trust the process.  Know that you are maturing.

All is well.
You are on schedule.
Simply live one moment at a time and do your best.

Written from the depth of my spirit and my experience,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I am clearing it all out.  Yes, the junk and even some of the good things.  You know that stuff that sits in your environment taking up space.  You bought it for some reason but now you can't remember why.  I am in the process of simplifying my life in every way.  I am looking through my house.  Every nook, every inch is being combed and re-evaluated.  I am keeping those things that truly bring my life enrichment and meaning.  The other things, I am letting go.

It is symbolic, I believe.  This process is a cleansing as much within me as it is outside of me.  The old energy, the remaining healing needing to be done, the pockets of anger and even shame--I am scrubbing my spirit as I do this outer ritual of realignment.

I feel as if burdens are being lifted and new energy is being found.  I sense that my vision is getting clearer as I move all blocks out of my spaces.  I am ready for new.  I am clearly stating to God that I AM READY.  I am willing to do my part, to take every step humanly possible in this moment and the next so that I am fully prepared for the next chapter.

How can the new enter if I have not been willing to clear the way for it?

That's what I have been up to.  How about you?  Ready for more freedom--both the inner and outer kind?  Perhaps it is time to let go of the inner and outer "stuff" that holds you back.  Start by noticing.  Yes, sit and just be in your spaces.  Look closely.  Become aware of what might be stuck.  Then, be willing to open to moving that which no longer serves you out of your life.  When you are truly ready, you will take the steps to do so.

Experiencing  more freedom,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

From Inadequate to Worthy

I know a person, one who feels inadequate.  She longs for personal change.  She is tired of her boring job.  She is hungry for new friendships.  She desires to live in a fun city.  She wants to feel happy, delighted about life.  But, just as she opens the door to her dreams, she shuts them.  She will not let herself move forward because she believes that she is not good enough, not smart enough, not capable of having what she wants.

As I hear her speak, I am astounded.  My view of her is quite different.  I see her as creative, spunky, full of possibility.  She is a beautiful woman.  She has talent.  She has the power to do what she wants in life.  But, she does not yet see or embrace this about herself.

As a friend and coach, I watch.  I encourage.  I wait.  I know that one day she will wake up to the truth of herself.  She is WORTHY.  She deserves to enjoy her life, to feel peaceful, to believe in and love herself.  I look forward to that day. 

I know a day can come when more of us understand our own potential, step into our power and go for our dreams.  Too many of us sit and suffer, wishing...waiting...hoping change will come.  And, all that hinders us is self-doubt, fear, low self-esteem.  The change we long for needs to happen inside--we must transform our thoughts of "not good enough" to "fully equipped and able."

I encourage you this week.  Open your heart.  Let the genie of your dreams begin to come out of the bottle.  Write them down.  Draw them.  Add vivid colors and textures to your desires.  Get them from your heart onto a piece of paper.  Then ask, "What is that one next small step I could take to move forward?"  You do not need to know the whole path.  You just need the next step.  Take that step.  It leads to the next step, and the next step and the next. ..and before you know it, you are on your way down the path of a vibrant, enriching and joyful life.

You can do it.
If you need support, let me know.

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Harness Your Power: Beyond Shame to Seeing Commonality

Just before hiting the runway.  Empowered.
 I had a fantastic time last week at the Women Empowering Women event in Philadelphia.  It was a tremendous day of sisterhood, connection, and apprecation of what we as women share in common.

In the morning, there was an intimate discussion forum.  More than twenty women from many different walks of life (CEO, Psychiatrist, Lawyer, Doctor, Life Coach, recovering drug addicts, formerly homeless) spent three hours talking.  Powerful, transformative moments occured as woman after woman shared stories of challenges and triumphs. 

It is clear to me that giving voice to our stories opens us to feeling empowered, to connecting with others and to seeing that WE ARE NOT ALONE.  The stories shared during the forum had common themes of low self-esteem, body image struggles, rape, sexual abuse, betrayal, abandonment by parents and addictions.  Regardless of titles, economic status or skin color, there was COMMONALITY.  Each woman has her own story--a dynamic one of personal growth. 

I cried. I laughed.  I hugged.  I felt it all very deeply.  I shared my own story from childhood, one I hadn't shared in many years.  It felt good to express what was there, shed a few tears and heal more deeply.

We are more similar than different.  Don't allow your pain to cause you to hide.  You are not alone. Your pain may come in the form of your unique story, but each human being has experienced some form of pain. 

Find someone you trust to confide in.  Voice what needs to be said.  Get it out in the open in a safe place so that you can be heard.  By telling it aloud you open the door to more freedom and peace than you may have right now.  If you aren't ready to say it to another person, take time to journal about it.  Find an outlet for self-expression that allows you to process the experience and move forward.

Consider these words, "If we want to change our lives, our relationships or even the world we must start by understanding and overcoming the shame that keeps us silent" (Anonymous Professor).

Your pain turns into beautiful colors woven into the fabric of your remarkable being.
Don't be ashamed, rather, become empowered.  Be proud of who you are!
With my love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.
P.S. I also got to have fun as a model in the fashion show.  Enjoy the pictures :)

Getting Make-Up - how glamorous !

Striking a pose.

Strutting on the runway....too fun!

Sisterhood, Beautiful Women Connected

Monday, May 16, 2011

Harness Your Power: Allow Your Dreams to Mature!

Last night I attended a family barbecue.  One of my cousins is pregnant, in her seventh month.  She is UNCOMFORTABLE!  Sleeping is difficult, walking is challenging--she is READY for this baby to be delivered.  Yet, she does NOT want the baby to come early.  Why?  Because in the last few months of the pregnancy, the baby develops and grows in important ways.  The entire nine months is crucial for the baby to be born vibrant and healthy. 

So, she patiently waits day by day until the baby is ready to emerge.

It is the same with our dreams.  Our dreams need development.  The ideas we have at the outset of our journey must go through the entire process of developing and maturing.  If born to early, they may not survive.  That is why we must trust the process of our personal and professional growth.

 Each stage, each step, each moment is essential on our path of progress. 

As an entrpreneur and visionary, I have BIG dreams and visions for life.  I've had them for years now.  I wanted them all to materialize rapidly.  But, I've found that I can't skip steps in my self development or the maturity of my vision.  I'm glad that it takes as long as it does.  I'm more prepared than ever for new phases of living my life vision AND my vision gets clearer and fuller by the day.

I have clients who are entrpreneurial and they have incredible plans for business and life pursuits.   Too often, they seem in a rush.  They want it to happen NOW.  In pushing for results, they often miss crucial opportunities to fully embrace and develop themselves in the stage they are in.  I encourage them to be patient, persistent and persevere. 

They will realize their potential and actualize their visions--but it happens over a period of time.

Don't be in too much of a rush o!  Be diligent today, where you are.  Take the key next steps with the resources you have right now.  If you stay focused on a consistent basis, you will achieve things you never imagined you could.  Just because you don't see the results yet, doesn't mean you should give up.  You are developing as a person.  You are learning important life and business lessons to help you get to the next stage of your plan. 

Open to the entire experience.  It is rich if you do.

Savoring the tiny steps of progress with you,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Harness Your Power: On Love, Mothers and Life

My lovely daughters Maggie and Skye after making chocolate cupcakes.
Mother's day was wonderful.  My girls and I sure celebrated--and we did so on their terms (wink).  Saturday evening Skye (age 6) said to me, let's celebrate Mother's day by having a sleep out on the living room floor.  I suggested we'd be more comfortable if we slept in our beds, but she was SURE this was the best way to have fun.  So, I relented. 

We got out the blankets, extra pillows and attempted to be as cozy as possible on the floor.  I slept on the couch and woke up with a wonderful back ache.  I smiled when I felt the ache because I knew my little girls were happy and we had made a special memory.

In the morning we had breakfast with my mom Gayle.  She is an angel.  I don't say that lightly or from a biased perspective.  Everyone who knows my mom is amazed at how giving, kind, peace-filled and wise she is.  As for me, I feel as if I got the best mom on the planet.  Not only did she offer me a mother's love and acceptance while growing up, she is also the editor of my articles and my book AND one of the best mentors I have ever found. 

I am blessed.  Counting my blessings is the best way for me to remember the richness of the gifts in my life.  I have a devoted husband, a supportive extended family, two little girls who teach me to play more and I do work that I love. . . those are the highlights on my list right now.

I keep being reminded that it is the simple, priceless things that are the most wonderful.  A Mother's Day card from my child with a handwritten note is more of a treasure than an expensive gift any day.

I am mellow today, just pondering some of the deeper questions of life and its purpose.  So, perhaps the best idea for the week ahead is to stay fully focused in gratitude for every blessing tiny to gigantic.  Don't miss out on any of it.   Write a list right now!

Cherish the moment and treasure the ones you love.

That's my focus,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Harness Your Power: Life Unfolds in Divine Time

The Great Hearted Dr. Femi Olaleye

I found myself with a big grin today.  Let me tell you why.

About six months ago, I came up with an idea to write a profile piece for the cover of Vanguard Newspaper's Allure Magazine.  The gentleman's name for the profile is Dr. Femi Olaleye.  He is an accomplished doctor with a vision to provide low-cost, quality healthcare to those in Lagos, Nigeria, who simply can't afford it. 

I followed the process I always use.  The first step was to send Dr. Femi the interview questions.   Step two was for him to respond which he did in a very short time period.  The next step was for me to take his responses and boil them down to the proper number of words for a profile piece.  I started working on it and met with my editor (my distinguised, English Professor mother) several times. 

Then, something strange happened.  No matter how hard we tried to get this piece finished, we just couldn't.  A normally easy process for us became extremely tedious and difficult.  We'd try to meet and then an emergency would happen.  Or, we'd work on the document and the changes we'd make would be lost due to computer troubles.

I felt pressure to get the piece done.  I kept stating to my mom, "We have to finish this piece.  I'm embarassed at how long this is taking."

I kept Dr. Femi informed that we still had him in mind and we were gradually progressing with his piece.  This went on for over four months. 

My mom and I were both perplexed.  It made no sense that we were struggling so much.

FINALLY, about five weeks ago, the piece was fully edited and submitted to Allure.  Normally a piece like this prints fairly quickly.  This time it didn't.  Dr. Femi asked me, "When will this piece be featured?"  I asked the editor and got the response, "I'll let you know when we decide to print it."

We waited.  We waited some more.  We continued to wait.  I decided to stop asking and just let it print whenever it printed.

Today, I went online to look at the Vanguard Allure.  Guess what (drum roll please)?  Dr. Femi Olaleye was at last on the cover of Allure Magazine!  But the coolest part about it is TODAY IS HIS WEDDING DAY!

That is why I smiled and laughed.  God has a perfect timing.  It all made sense.  The piece was supposed to print today.  What better wedding gift could a man get than to have his work featured on a national magazine cover ON his wedding party day?

Life is fascinating.  Maybe, just maybe, it is much easier than we think.  What if all we have to do is OUR part?  What if we simply need to take the next step and the next and the next and leave the timing of the "BREAKTHROUGH" to God?

I feel certain that's the case.  This is one story of a multitude that I could share with you that has led me to conclude that God's timing is best and is often full of irony and humor.

So, I say, "Congratulations, Dr. Femi Olaleye to you and your beautiful bride."  She is lucky to have a man like you who has a heart of gold.  And you, Dr. Femi are lucky to have a woman such as her.  I pray that the blessings of God rain down upon your lives, flooding you with all good things (maybe even some amazing children).

Please take some time to read this profile piece and be inspired.  His work is making a major impact on the lives of many Nigerians.  If you feel so inclined, do reach out to him and offer financial support to further his cause.

Trust God's perfect time.  Relax your spirit and KNOW that your life is unfolding at the perfect pace, in the perfect way.

Speaking of perfect, my column this week in Vanguard is titled Perfect "Imperfections."  Yes, it might be an encouragement to read this too.  Your seeming inadequacies may be doing more good than you realize.  Read this and you'll understand why: .

Have a great week ahead!

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Harness Your Power: End the War With Yourself!

When I began studying my thoughts several years ago I was S-H-O-C-K-E-D to see the amount of self-criticism, self-doubt, guilt and yes, even self-hatred.  I was my own worst enemy and the harshest task-master I could be.

No matter how hard I worked, how well I did, how successful I became -- I STILL didn't think I measured up.  Here's how the inner thoughts went:

  "I'm not good enough. I should be doing better and geting more done in a day.  I'm not a good wife, mom or manager.  I should be further on my career path than I am.  Why can't I keep my house cleaner and cook better? Look at what my Princeton classmates are doing already in their careers, I need to catch up to where they are. "

I discovered that I was draining tremendous energy with constant self-loathing. 

I spent a few years being aware of these thoughts and working to consciously change my thinking.  The work is paying off.  I have grown in self-compassion and self-understanding.  I have gained energy and felt physically and emotionally better as I improved my thoughts about myself.  I am more focused on finding the good in myself and the good in others.

But, there are still subtle patterns that emerge.  There is still self-criticism happening.  I have learned to just observe the thoughts rather than buy into them.  Last week I observed myself thinking, "Trish, you aren't getting enough done. . . you should work more, be more, have more and do more . . ."  I watched this with interest.  I had to chuckle!  How could it be that after years of working to improve my thinking that there is still more work to do?

Well, there is.  There are many  layers to the onion of mental programming that I am working to re-program.  And, I am willing to work on it because I see that negative views of myself keep me from being as empowered and energetic as I desire to be. 

Why put up with any thoughts that cause inner conflict and suffering?  I choose to keep growing.  I want excellence in my thinking so that excellence spreads through every tiny bit of my life. 

How are you doing with your thoughts about yourself?  Tune in this week.  Observe your self-talk closely.  Is there opportunity for improvement?  For being more loving and gracious to yourself?  Write down what you find on paper so that you can see your thinking in black and white. 

You may discover, as I continually do, that life can feel better when I am nice to myself.

Imagine that!  What if we were all nicer to ourselves?  I have a feeling that the world might become a more peaceful place if we ended the war with ourselves.

Here are some gentler thoughts (affirmations) to practice throughout the week ahead:

I open to loving myself more each day.  I offer my best each day.
I give myself credit for all I do.  I am growing and learning.
I am an amazing creation of God.
I am willing to be gracious to myself and others. 
I release all need to compare myself with others.  Instead, I walk my unique path.
I am empowered to live my full potential.

With great courage and honesty,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Harness Your Power: Break Your Vision into Chapters

The genie had been let out of the bottle.  It was stuck inside for years.  When my fear moved out of the way, something magical came about.  I discovered incredible passion inside me.  The more I kept the self-doubt out of the way, the more the genie emerged.  It grew bigger, wider, taller than I had ever imagined.

The part of myself that is made for greatness had emerged.  It was READY for life, ready to work hard, committed to achieving my dream.  My dream was to help people reach their full potential.  I could see myself standing on a stage speaking, working with groups and individuals and writing about topics that could transform people's lives.  I could see myself working all over the world.

Once my vision emerged, the challenge was that my dreams were INCREDIBLY VAST.  Idea after idea rose up from my soul.   I could see the way my skills, personality and passion could be combined to make an incredible difference in the world. 

So, where would I start?

I needed to start where I was.  What was that one next step I could take on the road to my destiny?  Many times I felt overwhelmed --there were so many things I wanted to work on, so many projects I could start -- so which one would I begin?

I discovered something important:  I had many years ahead of me!  So, I could break my dreams into "chapters" and get started.  I began by giving my next chapter a title: "Getting Started."  I needed to build the infrastructure.  It was time to create business cards, take needed training courses, get up on stage and build my network.  I needed a website, a blog.  I could take time to write on a daily basis and hone my skill.

One chapter led me to the next chapter.  It has been and continues to be a personal evolution.  The adventure is in the personal growth.  It overjoys me to see that with consistent effort, results do come. 

There are not enough hours in the day to work on all aspects of my vision so I take it one stage at a time.

If you feel overwhelmed and are unsure of where to start, try breaking things down into 90 day time periods.  Of all the dreams you have, which one could you best progress on in the next 90 days? 

Don't get stuck in over-analysis.  Listen to your inner voice.  Then, act on the guidance you receive.  One small step leads you to the next and the next and the next.  When you do this day after day, you make tremendous forward movement!

Use this motto:  I take the next step forward from where I am with the resources I have today.

If you need support, I'm here as a coach to help you clarify the next chapter so you can get started!

With a smile,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Harness Your Power: Persist! Persevere!

It is a joyful process for me as a coach when a client stays FOCUSED long enough to create the results they long for.  This week I have seen an incredible "real-life movie" of a dream culminating into a reality for someone I have worked with for several years.  It is AMAZING to be on the sidelines watching, cheering, and coaching the person forward.

To get the big dreams, you have to have a "stick-to-it-tiveness."  Too many people, when the going gets challenging, give up.  They may be close to the breakthrough but they become impatient or frustrated.

Consider this: What if that one next push allows your dream to be born? 

Contemplate:  Will you find yourself looking back with regret for not having gone the length needed to fully live your potential?

Persistence is defined as the quality of continuing steadily despite problems or difficulties. 

Perseverance is defined as steady and continued action or belief, usually over a long period and especially despite difficulties or setbacks

I implore you to develop these qualities.  Persistence and perseverance are a foundation for creating true success and satisfaction.

The roads, when they go uphill may cause you to feel out of breath, but in the process of climbing your body has been awakened and your lungs have been stretched.  And, when you have reached the top of the hill, the view is quite incredible.  Your spirit will sing.

A favorite new quote I found goes something like this, "The hardest part of getting to the top of the ladder is getting through the crowd at the bottom."

The people who move up the ladder are the ones who stay focused the longest and NEVER GIVE UP ON THEIR DREAMS.

With great beleif in your power to persist,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

p.s. I am currently taking on a few new clients -- people who are committed to optimizing every aspect of life -- people who no longer want to settle for status quo but who want to live full out!  Please contact me if you could use my support.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Harness Your Power: Relentless Focus!

Relentless.  Focused.  Centered in passion.  Connected with purpose.  Willing to do whatever it takes to experience the thrill of living one's dreams.  Do you know how this feels?

I do.  I never would have thought five years ago that I could let go my fearful, limited thinking to wholeheartedly live my vision.  It's been a gradual progression.  The further I walk down the path to my dream-life, the more committed I am to continuing my forward movement. 

Moments, many moments, are tough.  Yet, I push through.  I persist.  And, gradually breakthroughs come in various forms--often miraculous ones.  In the moments when that inner fire feels as if it could give out, I am reignited once again.

I realize that my journey is MY journey.  It's not like anyone else's path.  So I need not be distracted with comparing myself to others.  I must celebrate and be inspired by successful colleagues and KNOW that I am on the right path, moving on the right schedule forward to being, doing and experiencing MORE of what I love.

I'm introspective today.  Just processing all of my feelings out loud is good for me.  And, I share it with you to remind you that YOU ARE CREATED TO LIVE AN EXTRA-ORDINARY LIFE.  Do so today without hesitation.  No fear.  Get clarity on what you truly want.  Take that next step.  Get the needed mentoring and support. 

Live full out.  Life is short.  Wake up to your deep desires. 

I'm here as a coach to support you in doing so.

Here are a few quotes to inspire you.  Meditate on them.  Post them in a place you will see them throughout the day.


"We all have our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be weaving. And we all have some power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep believing."

- Louisa May Alcott


"When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality."
- Dom Helder Camara


"I have learned, that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." 
- Henry David Thoreau

Dreaming with you,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Harness Your Power: Cherish the Priceless

This Sunday our pastor asked that our entire congregration join in prayer for a family whose son has a brain tumor.  This four year old boy was rushed to Children's Hospital for an emergency surgery.  They did not know if he would survive the surgery or not.  He did.  Yet, his family is being told that he has very little time to live.

There was not a dry eye in the service.  We joined in prayer for peace and comfort for the family.

I've been sitting with this in my heart all week.  I have been taking the time to cherish the priceless gift of my daughters and my husband.  I am looking at them with fresh eyes--enjoying them with greater appreciation. 

I have come to this conclusion:  I could have all the money, the fame, the success but without a family to share this with, it would be empty.  And, if I don't have the money, the fame or the success but I have my family, my life would still feel full.

I ask this week that you look at the people in your life with new gratitude.  Look for the good in them.  Find the love and connection and grow it! 

It is truly love that brings a depth and satisfaction to life -- it's not the external "stuff" that does.

With love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Harness Your Power: Get Out & Network

I went to a great event in Philadelphia last night focused on Women, Empowerment and Leadership.  It was hosted at the Constitution Center In Philadelphia which is a fabulous venue.  The featured speaker was Carla Harris, author of Expect to Win.  She gave great tips for success in the business world. It was an evening full of inspiration.  To top it off, I met some incredible new contacts.

Relationship building truly is a key to success.  Having a quality, top-rate group of people in your life is a catalyst on your journey to ever-evolving success.  It takes energy to get out and network.  Remember, it's not about the quantity of events you attend.  It's about choosing the right quality events to be part of.

When you get there, relax and be yourself.  Shine.  Extend a hand and get to know the people around you.  You are a valuable professional. You have much to offer based on your unique set of experiences, skills, personality and connections.  Look people in the eye with compassion and confidence as you shake their hand and greet them.

Last evening I went to the venue alone.  I walked the room several times with a smile on my face, looking for those who I felt drawn to connect with.  With time, I found myself in many interesting conversations--I met a fellow Princeton graduate, a top-executive who expressed interest in having me speak at an event and a distinguished woman who felt the need for a life coach after we chatted for a short time about self-confidence.

Now there is follow-up to do.  It's time to connect with those I met via email and set a time to get to know them even better.  I usually schedule a lunch or a coffee so I can deepen the relationship and know the person better.  This type of connection often leads to an important exchange of information and contacts and allows me to make a new friend.  Remember the words of Peter Drucker, "More business decisions occur over lunch and dinner than at any other time, yet no MBA courses are given on the subject."

So, get out there and get to know some new people.  Offer your kindness and your contacts to others and you will find that others will do the same for you.

May growing success meet your path!
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Harness Your Power: You Have More In You Than You Realize!

I hit a point of exhaustion yesterday.  It wasn't physical tiredness, it was mental and emotional fatigue.  There are many aspects of my vision I have been working on.  I do see progress but I do not yet see the full manifestation as of yet.  I feel more challenged than ever before.

Yesterday was emotional.  I stepped back and took time for myself.  I needed to express my emotions and get clear about why I felt the way I did. 

Today I feel better.  It struck me that I have had these feelings before.  During my college and professional basketball career, there were many days in practices that my coach pushed us.  He asked us to do that one extra lap, that one extra push-up, that one extra set of shots.  He demanded this in moments where we were already worn down after a long practice.  And, each time he asked, I'd push forward and complete the task I was given.  It was that "extra push" that allowed me to develop my basketball skills and physical conditioning to a point of excellence.  Then, when  I would play in a game, I would have more to offer in the court than many of my opponents.

This Sunday I did an intense workout at a local gym called Crossfit.  The workout of the day was to row 1000m, do 50 "thrusters" (squats with overhead press) and then finish with 30 pull-ups.  I did great up until the point I got to the pull-up bar.  My muscles were trembling.  I wondered how I would ever complete THIRTY pull ups.  I didn't feel strong enough.  But, I pushed through.  I did one at a time, for thirty times.  Thankfully, a few people who had finished before me came and cheered me on, "Trish, you can do this.  Keep going.  Just go for it."  I did finish and afterward felt so good physically and mentally.

We are stronger than we realize.  Each extra repetition, trial and challenge that life brings us is preparation for the dreams and visions we have.  We may not like having to push through these times, but if we keep in mind that it is essential training, it makes it feel a little bit easier.

So, here I am today writing.  I know I am living my life as best I can.  I am bringing my best effort every day. I am fully focused on my vision.  And, I am committed to being mentally tough, pushing forward to achieve my dreams.  I want to do whatever it takes to live my full potential.

Don't give up.  You are stronger than you realize.  You must persist, persevere and stay consistently focused on your progress.  As you do, you will be amazed at the muslces (mental, emotional -- maybe even physical) that you build as you work-out your vision day after day after day.

I was featured last week in a blog written by Ovation Magazine's Managing Editor, Mrs. Bola Obileye.  Here is the link for your enjoyment: .

Staying focused today,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.