I find myself in a different set of circumstances this week. My husband is off to Nigeria doing business and the kids are both finished school. Thus, I am a full-time mom for the week with a few spaces to get my professional work done. There is part of me that, in the past, resisted times like this. I love writing, speaking and coaching so much that it is often challenging for me to let my working time go. I am passionate and focused -- sometimes to a fault!
So, the Universe likes to throw me some twists and turns to help me remember to relax, play and be a kid again. I know that if I resist the role I'm assigned this week, I will feel frustrated, as if I'm being held back from what I want. Rather than pushing against the stream of life and where it is guiding me this week, I want to relax into my assignment and celebrate it.
What is there not to love about a week with my two little angels. They want me to be involved in everything they do. They invite me to snuggle with them on the couch as we watch a movie. They want me to chase them around the pool and they shriek with delight as I sneak up on them to surprise them. They want to sing fun songs in the car. They like to indulge in icecream, chew gum with their mouths open and let out bodily sounds that crack us all up. Why would I ever think that I should be doing something else when I am being given a precious week of intimate moments with Maggie and Skye?
Thus, I watch my mind again and again. I observe that I judge my time and create an artificial hierarchy of what are "important" ways to spend my time and what are "less important" ways to spend my time. I have to laugh at myself and the way I've been conditioned. Yet, it is wonderful to know that I need not buy - in to old belief systems and conditioning. I break these patterns of thinking and embrace each moment in new ways.
So, my assignment this week is to have fun. To enjoy each moment of not working. To be focused in the hours that I am able to work and then to let it all go and be open to the miracle of love that I share with these little, earth angels who chose to grace my life with their presence.
What more could I ask for? I am blessed. I see the perfection of the circumstances the Universe brings me. I know I am being asked to flow with life and trust in a way that I couldn't have fathomed even a year ago. Life is truly an adventure, a joyful one, when we accept the idea that each moment happens in the way it does for the purpose of our soul's evolution.
I choose to celebrate this week and find more of my inner child. My children will guide me in this process and are my best teachers.
What are you resisting? Do you feel that you should be doing something else than what you are doing? How do you feel when you judge where you are as "not good"? Just notice. The interesting thing is that when we release the judgment and accept where we are, then it all changes anyway. It's as if the Universe wants us to come to peace with the current set of circumstances and just as we do, the floodgates open and we rush forward to the next chapter of our lives.
I'm here for you to listen, to love you and to share my experience as honestly as I can. I will be availalbe this week so don't hesitate to be in touch:)
Would love to hear from you!
Patricia Omoqui
visit my listening forum on my new website for some soothing, inspiration...the Observe Your Mind tele-seminar can help you learn to see your mental patterns in a whole new way....
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