Monday, December 28, 2009

Harness Your Power: Key Questions for 2010

As you finish 2009 and enter 2010, I want you to consider some key questions to help you get clear:

Who am I? 
What characteristics do I choose to cultivate and embody?
What do I want in every aspect of my life? 
How do I desire to feel when I wake up each day?
How do I desire to be in my relationships?

Please find an hour this week to sit silently and meditate on these questions.  Open your heart.  Release all limitations.  You are not your past -- you are who you choose to be in THIS Moment! 

Use these questions to become clear on a listen of your Daily Resolutions for 2010.  To reach New Year's Resolution takes a day-by-day commitment.  Write your Daily Resolutions for 2010 and then post them in a place you will see them every morning when you wake up and every night before you sleep.  I'd even suggest you carry a copy with you in your pocket to be a constant reminder to you.

You can be any person you want to be.
You can create the type of life you truly desire.

Take time to answer these questions and get clear...those who are clear are much more likely to experience what they want in life!

Much love to you,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.


  1. Thank you for inspiring the real me for 2010.
    your daily inspirations are essential in going towards the real me.

  2. Sara, So great to hear from you. I am so glad you find the daily inspirations helpful and inspiring. I pray that 2010 is full of joy, abundance and peace for you:)
