Sunday, December 28, 2008

Harness Your Power: Get Some Rest!

After several non-stop weeks of activity, work and preparation for the holidays, I found myself exhausted. As one of my life coaching clients says, "My demons come out when I'm tired." That's true for me. Exhaustion comes in the form of a tired body and volatile emotions. You can ask my husband, I'm the type to cry when I'm at my low point. Early in my marriage it would upset him but now he understands that it's just how I get when I'm overtired. My warning signs emerged and I knew it was time to stop.

I have gotten a lot of rest the last week. It feels sooooooooo good to sleep or even to sit (or lie down) quietly and just breathe. When I put my kids down for a nap, I put myself down for one too. Sleep is essential to our well-being. Yet, many of us feel it is more important to be busy working (whether on professional work or housework) than it is to fill our tanks with energy.

I am determined to start the New Year in good form. I noticed that not only was I tired, I found myself mentally busy. I am usually very good about slowing down my mind and taking time for meditation. Yet, as I got really busy in December, my mind got into overdrive too. It has been refreshing to quiet my mind and move into my heart. By releasing the mental racing, I find myself clearer both mentally and emotionally.

I am also planning to give my body a break by doing a short fast. I want to clean out my internal systems. Our bodies are machines that need our care. If we don't ever do an "oil change" or "spark plug change" how can we expect to be in optimal working condition?

So, if you aren't feeling as well as you could, please take some time to rest. As you rest, listen to your bodies signals -- is your neck tense? Do you feel sharp or nagging pains anywhere? Are you stopped up, unable to release the waste that needs to flow out? (Sorry to those of you who find that topic disgusting...) Notice what your body is saying. Then, take action to give your body rest, good food, and plenty of love.
I am ready for a vibrant, adventurous 2009. Are you? I'm seeing that my main priority is to stay fully focused in each present moment of life. The more present I am the more I can sense my inner wisdom.
A big hug to each of you!
Take care of yourself as you enter 2009!
Patricia Omoqui

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Harness Your Power: Speak From the Heart

This was a busy week for me but a very rich one. I want to share two personal highlights with you to remind you of the simplicity and power of speaking from your heart.

The first: on Thursday I spent the day with 40 other volunteers from The Book Bank Foundation ( We loaded a bus in Queens, NY at 10 a.m. and spent the next 12 hours at 4 homeless shelters throughout the city. At each shelter we brought the residents clothes, books, toys, toiletries and a short, inspirational program. Spending time with people who are in such difficult circumstances put things in perspective -- it is easy to complain or think that we don't have enough in our lives...but if you have a home, you really are blessed beyond measure.

We also brought Santa to the shelters. The children all got to take pictures with Santa. The smiles were big and it was great to see the kids excited to see this familiar face.

This year we were blessed to have all the volunteers travel together on a large bus. Throughout the day as we traveled between shelters, we took the time introducing ourselves and sharing our feelings about the experience. We created an environment where people could be vulnerable and share as freely as they wanted about their lives. There were people from all walks of life -- from refugees to former prison inmates to women from a local church.

It was interesting to observe the comfort level each person had with getting up in front of the group to tell about themselves. Some were very shy and hesitant. Yet, with a little coaxing, almost every person stood up to share.

I was reminded that the only thing you need to do when you speak in front of others is to share from your heart. When you do, no matter what words you come up with, people feel your authenticity and are deeply touched by your experience. I found myself moved by each volunteer's experience and personal story. I give each of them a big thanks for their willingness to share, even though many felt an initial hesitation.

The second highlight: Early in the week I had the privilege to spend time with Nicole Brewer, digital journalist for Nicole did a piece on the daily Food For Thought list that I write. The interview was relaxed and spending time with Nicole was a blessing. I went into the interview excited and ready to share. It was fun to share the story of how Food For Thought came about since it has such a dear place in my heart.
When we simply tell our story with enthusiasm and love, people can sense our authenticity. If you haven't already, please check out the interview: . I was reminded through this interview that the only thing I have to do is BE ME. All I need to ever do in life is to authentically share my experience.

Take every opportunity you can this week to speak from your heart. Get out of your comfort zone a bit as you interact with family and friends. Share your feelings. Give people a sense of where you are in your life experience and what you are learning. Being honest about our life experiences is a means of sharing our love.

Written from my heart,

Patricia Omoqui

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Harness Your Power: Clarity then Permission

This week I've been reminded of the importance of being clear on what we really want to create with our lives. We must take the time to clarify every aspect of what we want our life experience to be like: relationships, career, personal life, health, and finances. We also need to be able to answer the following two questions: Who am I? and What do I want?

Have you taken the time to detail your answers? If not, I suggest you take the time this week. If you don't, then please don't complain that things aren't happening the way you want them to. You are a powerful creator of your life experience. You are creating consciously or unconsciously. Most people don't give much thought to what they want and then feel like victims -- why is my life turning out this way? When all they need to do is take some time to dig deep in their heart and decide what they want.

Here are some questions to get you going:

What do you want to feel each day? Are you ready for increased amounts of peace, joy, hope and happiness?

If you could experience ANYTHING that you wanted in your life as you enter 2009, what would it be? What would your daily life experience look like and feel like?

If you are experiencing difficulty in your close relationships, how would you like to see the dynamics change?

Life is a constant clarification process. I've learned that sometimes I think I want one thing but once I experience it, I get clear that it really wasn't exactly what I wanted. What is beautiful is that we aren't stuck with what we create. We can create something new based upon our new clarity. It takes focus and awareness and courage to do this, but anything, literally anything and everything is possible!

I have clients who are clear on what they want to experience in life. But then they get stuck. Two common issues I have seen are: first, they don't really think it's okay to be happy and second, they don't give themselves permission to move forward.

So, if you know what you want but you find yourself stuck, answer these two questions:

Do you really believe it is okay for you to be happy?

Do you give yourself permission to create what you want?

Go deep with these questions. Let out your deepest truth. If you begin to write and meditate on this, your answers will emerge in ways you never expected.

If I can support you in getting clear or on taking your daily baby steps to create what you want, drop me an email at

I have a few spots open for new clients. If you are ready to speedily and steadily move towards what you want, I would be honored to support you.

Anything you want is possible. Will you allow yourself to get clear and create the life you want?

A big hug and much love to you all,

Patricia Omoqui

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Harness Your Power: Expect and Enjoy Surprises!

Aren't surprises wonderful? For us adults, they bring out the joyfulness of our inner child. It's nice to see serious adults turn giddy when they receive something that touches their heart.
On the spur of the moment I decided to put together a small birthday party for Maggie. She turns six on December 15th. With her birthday so close to Christmas, it is always a challenge to find the right day to celebrate.

Even doing things at the last minute allowed for a fun celebration: several kids were free to come, a few games were organized, and cookies were baked for decorating with the kids during the party.

As we walked to her bus stop on Friday Maggie said to me, "Mom, is a special visitor coming to my party?" I said, "Some of your friends will be coming." She replied, "Mom, I am not talking about my friends, I'm talking about Elmo or Dora." I smiled, "Ooooooh. I understand. I think they are both busy and won't be able to make it this year."

After finishing at the bus stop I decided to hop on my computer and to see if I could get a last minute invite out to Elmo. As fate would have it, Elmo was free and committed to coming!
We kept it a secret. (Though I almost blew it a few times as I talked to my husband!) Maggie was very excited about her party and sat at the window for an hour beforehand looking for her guests. (see above picture). The guests finally began to arrive and the party got started. We played "Pin the Sunglasses on Santa" (a take off on Pin the Tail on the Donkey.)

Suddenly, Maggie looked out the window and saw a big, red friend walking towards our house! She began screaming at the top of her lungs and ran to the door to let Elmo in! What excitement, enthusiasm and pure joy!!! As a parent, I was so delighted to see my daughter (and her friends) so happy!

I tell you all of this to remind you of a few ideas that we can each use in our own lives. First, find the things that really excited your heart. What do you love? What do you want to experience? Take the time to connect to your desires. Next, ask the Universe to shower you with all that you want. If Maggie hadn't expressed her wishes to me, I never would have hired Elmo for the party. Because of her genuine, heartfelt request, I gave Elmo a call.

Third, ask KNOWING that you will receive. I recently read in Conversations with God about the difference between a prayer of supplication and a prayer of thanksgiving. There is no need to beg your Higher Power for what you want. Begging and pleading comes from an energy of fear and lack. Instead, ask knowing that your prayers have already been answered. Last, leave the results and the timing to the Universe. Trust. The Universe always answers our prayers but often in unexpected ways.

Take the time to make a list of everything you desire to experience! Clarify your intentions. Focus on the emotions you will feel as they arrive in your life. Have faith that at the perfect time these gifts will arrive.

I've been practicing this for several years now. The process works. Though, the Universe tends to surprise me with answers to my request that I could never dreamed of!

One last thing, don't forget to be a kid even if you are an adult. Here are some shots of me, my husband David and Maggie sitting with Elmo by the Christmas tree. (see blog below).

My love and prayers go out to all of you,

Patricia Omoqui

A few more pictures with Elmo

Thought you'd enjoy some shots with Elmo and our family:)