Sunday, July 12, 2009

Harness Your Power: Stop Comparing!

It's so interesting how Facebook, MySpace and other sites have the power to connect us with people we haven't seen in ages! For some it's fun to reconnect, for others, it brings up some interesting issues.

Recently a young man approached me online via instant message telling me that he had reconnected with some of his schoolmates online. He then said, "That my problem." I wondered what he meant so I asked a few more questions. Come to find out he had begun feeling really bad about himself because he felt he wasn't doing as well as his friends. He felt intense pressure to figure out how to catch up!

Do we really need to "keep up" with our friends and family members? Does it matter if they appear to be more successful or further along in their journey than we are? Why can't we feel inspired when we see what others have achieved rather than thinking there is something wrong with us?

These are good questions to ponder this week. After much consideration, I've concluded that I'm happy for anyone who gets great results in their lives! Yes, I certainly am. If they can do it, then I certainly can. And, I believe there is plenty of success available to all!

When we feel unsure of ourselves and are looking outside for approval, it stirs up even more self-doubt when we come across people who appear to have their act together.

This week I challenge you to look at how often you compare yourself with others. Would it be possible to turn this negative, judgmental energy into something positive?
Here's a challenge. When you begin to do this comparison, stop. Then, instead, open your heart and mind to what you desire to experience in your life in the next six months. Focus on your dream. Affirm to yourself that you have the gifts, creativity and energy to create what you desire. Then, rather than thinking about "how far behind you seem," take some steps forward in your own journey!

We waste so much emotional energy worrying about an artificial hierarchy that society tells us we need to fit into. Let this go! Be YOUR BEST! Cheer others on as they become THEIR best.

Keep your personal power intact by stopping the comparison game.

Blessings to you,

If you feel stuck in any way with this, drop me an email at .

Patricia Omoqui

Check out my recent article on might be just what you need to remember how valuable you are!

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