Sunday, November 6, 2011

Back to the Basics - Two Helpful Daily Practices

Life can become incredibly intense and feel challenging.  As I experience these times in my own life, it brings me back to the basics.  I have been reminded the past few weeks that I only have to live ONE MOMENT at a time.  That's it.  If I can focus my energy in the NOW, then I can do what is needed for my life.

Two helpful practices that I've been using are gratitude and mindfulness.  I thought I'd share a few thoughts on each practice with you. 


Start and end the day by giving thanks. Focusing your heart and mind on gratitude will help you set an optimistic tone for your day. Before rising from bed, think of five things in your life right now for which you are thankful. From a friend to a bed to a beautiful sunrise to a pair of shoes – begin to notice each simple gift of sustenance and comfort that is so much a part of your life that you can hardly see it.

If you find yourself losing perspective midway through the day, stop and find something to be grateful for—like a pleasant greeting from a stranger or a call from a friend. Gratitude can raise your spirits and boost your energy.

Keep a small notebook and pen by your bed (you could even carry it with you during the day) to record your gratitude list. As you close your day, write down five things from the day for which you are grateful.

"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, 'thank you,' that would suffice."
 ~Meister Eckhart

Live life with mindfulness. We tend to live on auto-pilot moving from one activity to the next with very little thought. Using mindfulness is a powerful practice to bring our attention to the present moment. Each day choose one specific activity and give it your full attention. It can be drinking a glass of water, walking up a set of stairs, washing your hands, looking into your child’s or spouse’s eyes.

Engage as many of your sense as possible. For example, look closely at the piece of plantain you are about to eat. Notice its shape and color. Smell it before you put it into your mouth. Slowly enjoy chewing it – feeling the texture on your tongue, tasting the sweetness or saltiness. Listen quietly as you chew – be aware of your muscles and teeth.

By giving yourself totally to one such activity each day you will begin to view seemingly small every-day happenings in new ways. Soon you will be finding pleasure in things you didn’t even notice. Slow down and enjoy each moment of your life.

Hence, there is a time to go ahead and a time to stay behind.
There is a time to breathe easy and a time to breathe hard.
There is a time to be vigorous and a time to be gentle.
There is a time to gather and a time to release.
Can you see things as they are
And let them be all on their own?

~ Lao-tzu

Enjoy the week ahead!

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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