Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lessons from the Sewer: Unblocking the "Clogged Pipes"

I am writing and there is a nasty smell in the air.  My eyes aren't as bright today as usual.

Yesterday I realized that something wasn't quite right in my house.  I followed my nose to the issue:  our basement was full of crap (I mean that literally).  For some reason there was about two inches of nasty gunk all over the floor. 

Fast forward to 11 p.m. last night.  I stand outside our house with a Roto-Rooter plumber watching as he investigates the pipes from the street and into our basement.  "A-ha" he says.  I got the clog.  It is gone."  I go in and flush the toilets and run the sinks and sure enough, it is fixed.

BUT, there was still a sewagey mess in my basement.  I could have gotten some professional help to clean this up but I did a bit of research on the Internet.  My husband and I fearlessly took on the mess ourselves.  And, it was DISGUSTING.  The good news is that we have cleaned it up. 

It got me thinking.  Too often we humans let our inner "emotional pipes" get clogged.  Over the years, there is a build up.  Rather than processing the "emotional waste" as we could as each situations arises , we tend to ignore the feelings and underlying issues. 

When the blockage gets too big, then there is a nasty overflow.  It is at these points that we can no longer ignore the mess and we must do the work needed to clean ourselves up inside.

Pay attention to your emotional flow.  Journal.  Write down your feelings each day.  Or, confide in a trusted friend.  Don't hold all the hurt, confusion, pain or despair inside OR - you may find yourself in an emergency inner plumbing situation.

Remember, some situations REQUIRE professional help.  Get that if you need it!  The mess might be stinky to deal with but once it is cleaned up, you will find a new, easier flow to life.

With relief that the mess is gone,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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