Saturday, April 16, 2011

Harness Your Power: Break Your Vision into Chapters

The genie had been let out of the bottle.  It was stuck inside for years.  When my fear moved out of the way, something magical came about.  I discovered incredible passion inside me.  The more I kept the self-doubt out of the way, the more the genie emerged.  It grew bigger, wider, taller than I had ever imagined.

The part of myself that is made for greatness had emerged.  It was READY for life, ready to work hard, committed to achieving my dream.  My dream was to help people reach their full potential.  I could see myself standing on a stage speaking, working with groups and individuals and writing about topics that could transform people's lives.  I could see myself working all over the world.

Once my vision emerged, the challenge was that my dreams were INCREDIBLY VAST.  Idea after idea rose up from my soul.   I could see the way my skills, personality and passion could be combined to make an incredible difference in the world. 

So, where would I start?

I needed to start where I was.  What was that one next step I could take on the road to my destiny?  Many times I felt overwhelmed --there were so many things I wanted to work on, so many projects I could start -- so which one would I begin?

I discovered something important:  I had many years ahead of me!  So, I could break my dreams into "chapters" and get started.  I began by giving my next chapter a title: "Getting Started."  I needed to build the infrastructure.  It was time to create business cards, take needed training courses, get up on stage and build my network.  I needed a website, a blog.  I could take time to write on a daily basis and hone my skill.

One chapter led me to the next chapter.  It has been and continues to be a personal evolution.  The adventure is in the personal growth.  It overjoys me to see that with consistent effort, results do come. 

There are not enough hours in the day to work on all aspects of my vision so I take it one stage at a time.

If you feel overwhelmed and are unsure of where to start, try breaking things down into 90 day time periods.  Of all the dreams you have, which one could you best progress on in the next 90 days? 

Don't get stuck in over-analysis.  Listen to your inner voice.  Then, act on the guidance you receive.  One small step leads you to the next and the next and the next.  When you do this day after day, you make tremendous forward movement!

Use this motto:  I take the next step forward from where I am with the resources I have today.

If you need support, I'm here as a coach to help you clarify the next chapter so you can get started!

With a smile,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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