Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Intense Challenges = Enormous Preparation - Trust the Process

It was a beautiful day, everything had flowed as normal in our daily schedule.  And then, we had a "Prader Willi Syndrome" episode.

Those of you who follow my work know that my oldest daughter came to the planet with a rare disease few are familiar with -- P.W.S.  For the most part, Maggie is a rock star.  We have found a way to thrive even with the constant 24x7 sense of intense hunger she feels.  (Yes, in a nutshell, because of missing a tiny piece of Chromosone 15, she feels hungry no matter how much she has eaten...and to top it off, her body is always tired.  For just one moment, imagine being in her body.  How does life feel for you when you feel hungry AND exhausted at the same time?)

There are times, like a day ago, where intense moments arrive.  Maggie's brain works differently than a typical brain.  When you or I get upset and go into "fight or flight mode" we have the ability to use the front of our brain--the pre-frontal cortex--to calm ourselves down and over-ride our emotional reactions.  Maggie doesn't always have that capacity.

Over the years, I've learned to be the "holder of the space" while these scenes unfold.  I understand clearly that Prader Willi Syndrome sometimes takes over.  The kind, gentle, love-filled Maggie is overcome by a PWS storm.  And, it is often a matter of sitting in the storm with her until the enormous, highly-charged emotions complete their cycle.

After the storms, she often falls asleep, completely exhausted by PWS.  Then, those around her, affected by the episode, need time to process, express our emotions and then work through the aftermath of our own feelings.

I don't share this for pity.  I share this to give you a snapshot of my beautifully "imperfect" life.

Yesterday, when I woke up, I realized that my energy body was still filled with emotional charge.  So, after getting all my children launched, I knew that I needed to care for my own well-being.  I found a way to channel my own emotions and I took a walk and had a chat with God.

God, "Why, why, why is this the path you put us on? I am tired.  I want to be beyond this.  I don't want this for my child and I don't understand why you set up our life journey with this difficult disease?"

As I breathed out the tears and opened up my mind to listen, a clear message came through.

"Trish, you are given this over-the-top, un-heard of disease so that you are fully trained to handle any situation that comes your way.  You are growing a capacity to be un-shakeable.  Your vision of helping people around the world reach their potential means you are being offered the perfect training ground to be fully and completely prepared for the assignments ahead.  Be glad not sad.  Be peaceful not upset.  Trust.  Open.  Choose to continue to see this experience from a Higher Perspective.  Maggie is a gift to the World and so is your family.  See how you are all being expanded, grown and perfectly prepared for the service to humanity you know is ahead of you."

It all makes sense when I see it in that light.  In fact, I see the perfection of it all 99% of the time.  Because Maggie arrived with PWS, I transformed my entire being from the inside out.

Because there has been a constant stream of challenges with this disease, I have had to face more and more of my childhood traumas and do regular, intense inner clean-up so that I could find peace, even joy, no matter the circumstances that emerge.

Because of the struggles, I am becoming the best version of me that God intended me to be.

So, I give myself the permission to be human and FEEL what I feel.  And then, I open to the Mind of God and allow myself to see it all from a higher perspective.

Why bother spilling my heart like this to you today?  Because each of us has our own Divine Training Plan we are encountering.  Yours may not have a rare disease involved, but I am certain that the challenges you face are intimately tied with the visions you have for your life.  When things are difficult, it doesn't mean something is wrong.  What it means is you are being prepared, deepened, shaken up, called to become more AWAKE and open to your potential.

As I surrender and allow myself to enjoy the perfection of these intensely complex circumstances of my life, I smile now more than ever.  I can even chuckle at it all!  I see how each of these episodes makes me a better version of me, gives me more compassion and empathy for those I serve and guides me to new heights and breadths of wisdom than I ever thought feasible.

I am being trained to be joyful IN the struggles.  I am learning to be peaceful even in the wildest, windy storms.  I can tap into the Divine support, grace and wisdom required to handle anything that comes my way.

How would I know that these gifts are emerging within me if I didn't have a tests to show me how much I've grown?

Intense challenges = enormous preparations for living our purpose and potential to the fullest extent feasible while we journey on planet Earth.

How might your life feel if you viewed the difficulties from this vantage point?

Would you be able to lighten up?  Laugh a little more even as the storms arise and pass over you and your family?

Might you more deeply tap into a peace that passes understanding on a daily basis?

Trust the process.  We are more cared for, guided and helped than we realize AS we are moved through this Divine Training Plan.

It is more well than each of us realize....I hope you have increased vision to see that today,

With a smile,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.