Thursday, February 2, 2017

How Will You Choose To Experience The Journey Today?

As you read this today, take a few deep breaths.  Open your heart and mind.  Relax your body and become present to the moment.

Yes, a few more deep breaths please.

Life is presenting us an exceptional opportunity right now:  to see, to study and to release our fears.

I woke up earlier than normal today.  I had extra time to luxuriate in the Silence.  There is something calm and beautiful when children sleep quietly and you have some moments to simply BE in Quiet.

As I sat, these thoughts regarding these times flowed to me.

The lighter your energy the more easily you will flow forward....and the less "weight of the World" on your shoulders you'll carry.

The less worry, the less wear and tear on your body.

The more you soften yourself and open, the more wisdom can easily flow in, to and through you -- guiding you through any and every circumstance.

The more you release the need to judge the circumstances happening in the World around you--the more easily you can be shown a higher perspective and a Divinely guided way forward.

The more you choose to rest fully in God, the more strength you will have to take necessary loving action in moments you are guided to do so.

There is a constant flow of Divine Grace and loving support all around you--available to you every moment--there is no need to block yourself from this by a hyper-focus on your fearful thought patterns.  It is as easy as "changing the mental channel" and tuning into a higher, loving channel of God's assuring love.

Dear friends, whatever the global circumstances or personal situations, in each and every moment we have the power focus our mental attention on FEAR (thoughts of what we do NOT want to happen) or Loving Possibilities (that which we DO want to happen).  As we relax and open, we begin to see that we are still breathing in this moment, we still can move our arms and legs, the World continues to spin as it should and no matter what happens, there will be a way forward.  The question for each one of us to consider is:  How will I choose to experience the journey?

It all depends on the focus of your mind.

I pray that these thoughts in some way provide you new possibilities of what you might choose today.
I pray that your peace will increase, your heart will open and Divine ideas will inspire you in the moments loving action is needed where you find yourself today.

We are in this wonderful, crazy journey together....

With love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.