Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Dear Ambitious Change Agent, Avoid this ENERGY DRAINING THINKING TRAP!

I am so fortunate.  For some reason, some of the best, brightest, goodhearted change agents want to come and chat with me.  They come via social media channels from all over the world.  The ones who open up their hearts and share their struggles receive the gift of my coaching and mentoring.  I receive the gift of learning from them too and being reminded of the "common traps and pitfalls" it is easy to fall into.

Listen, I am not perfect in my thinking.  There are still old thought-patterns that can suck us in unawares.  So, as I chat with them, it's as if the Divine is reminding me of lessons I need to be aware.

Let me cut to the chase on this story.

She's beautiful.  She's multi-talented.  It's been a process for her of starting to wake up to her own power and potential.  She's seen others doing it for awhile but for some reason she just wasn't ready to step forward.  Now, after finally seeing that SHE TOO can get into action, she is on OVER-DRIVE.  She's working to the point of exhaustion.  And that's when she came to chat with me.

It went something like this:  Ma (this is just a Nigerian way to speak to someone older than you with respect), I am very tired today--totally exhausted.

So, I probed her to understand WHY she was feeling this way.  What ensued was a 20 minute chat that brought out some easy, key truths and a common thinking trap that positive, agents of change fall into.

When we start waking up to our purpose, sometimes we get a BIG VISION.  We think the entirety of what we are shown must ALL BE LIVED A.S.A.P.  So, we get into high-gear and can work from morning to night to make it happen.  We might rob ourselves of needed sleep because our commitment level is so high.  We pressure ourselves to push through tiredness because we feel a deep sense of urgency to help ourselves reach the next level as we help others in the process.

BEWARE:  while beautiful and pretty on the outside and driven by a pure heart on the inside, this is a recipe for stressing yourself out and burning yourself out.

That big vision that you get a glimpse of is meant to be a LIFE-LONG Vision.  So, if you think of your Life as a series of many chapters, what happens is we try to live multiple chapters at one time.  Many of us are multi-talented and our eyes can see possibility written on every situation.  We get into fast and furious action without stepping back and asking a very important question:

What is this next chapter I'm living meant to look liked and how can I THRIVE and FEEL WELL AS I live this chapter?

We don't take the time to purposefully design our next chapter.  We rush into action.

We are NOT called to live like mad-people--hurting our health as we do good or work to be our best.  The visionaries amongst us need to realize WE ARE IN THIS FOR LIFE.  And, therefore, we must pace ourselves.

You don't needed to be a be-draggled, exhausted, good hearted person.  That's only one option.

You can design your life chapters so that you can be well, sane, open-hearted and joyful AS you take the next steps in living out your purpose.

But, who does this?  Who is willing to slow down?  TAKE 'EM EASY 'O! (translation:  Take it easy!)  Do this chapter well and enjoy it as you do.  It will lead you to the next chapter and the next.  Living the book of your life can be robust, healthy and fun if you shift your mindset and take off the inner pressure.

For the rest of the insights I shared in this intimate conversation with this emerging leader, check out this quick video I made.  I assure you that you will take away a key nugget or two to FINE TUNE YOUR APPROACH.

I want to assure each one of you, there is a FAR GRANDER design at work than you realize.

If there are some KEY TRUTHS-- a way of Thriving Change Agent Thinking you need to be made aware of, it is this:

My life is ON SCHEDULE.
I RELAX into the FLOW.
I trust the process.
I am constantly guided into my next steps IF I open my mind and listen for the answers.
This can be easier than I am making it.
I release the inner pressure and laugh at myself!
All that has happened to this point in my life was to prepare me for the moment I am in.
I allow myself to be my best today.
This means I take a Holistic approach as an Agent of Change.
I care for my mind, my body, my spirit.
I go at a pace that allows me wellness AS I share my unique gifts and talents with the planet.

Write these thoughts down.  Carry them in your pocket.  Post them on your bedroom or bathroom wall.  Keep a copy in your car.  (Hey-create some extras and hand them out to others!)  If you practice these thoughts on a regular basis, you will be amazed at how your view of your life may transform.

So, take a deep breath dearest friends.

Things can be so much easier than we make it on ourselves IF we can transform our thinking and avoid the trap of trying to live 5 life chapters in 1 chapter!

Please share your comments--YOUR comments may help someone else who reads this.  Let me know what you think of the blog and the video.  I will be creating more videos in days to come.  (If you look at my YouTube channel you will see many videos I made years ago--they are valuable too.  And, I happened to make 2 recent ones that may give you a nugget of truth to get you to that next breakthrough.  Feel free to spend some time on my channel and do some browsing.  Share the videos that resonate with you on your social media channels.  WE NEED MORE HEALTHY, THRIVING Agents of Change.  There is more work to be done with purposeful love than any one of us can mange.  There is plenty of success for us all to make a beautiful imprint on humanity with our loving hearts and gifts.)

Pass this on to your friends and family and colleagues who really need to WAKE UP and allow themselves to be well as we journey together to transform the planet.

Living one chapter at a time with joy, grace, ease and wellness,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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