Sunday, July 31, 2016

More Hypnotized than We Realize: Wake Up To Your Beauty & Power!

Layers of beliefs and thoughts about what is "beautiful" have been created masterfully by society and the media to keep each of us feeling "less than" and to keep us spending precious resources (time, energy and especially money) in an attempt to Be Beautiful.

What if each of us was BORN UNIQUELY GORGEOUS?

What if each of us doesn't need anything added to us in order to see ourselves as incredibly beautiful?

Let's face it. We've been hypnotized to believe that the ideas the media and the world at large propound about beauty are true.  We've been told there are only certain types of bodies and faces that are "pretty."  Think Kardashin...think elite models...think commercials...think "If I don't live up to these images then I'm simply unacceptable and less than everyone else."


Unknowingly we bought into these ideas as children because we desired people's love and acceptance.  Many of our parents believed all this and passed these belief systems on to us.  We believed what we were told.

In addition, we too easily accept and allow the influence of the media to program us.  Think of the increasing avenues for the media to stream these beauty ideals to us via reality TV shows and commercials.  These mass hypnotization attempts now stream to us through our phones as well!  We have allowed ourselves to become easy targets:  we simply accept what we are shown and told as TRUTH.  And, in accepting these ideals, most of us have been left feeling not good enough, like we can never measure up to the false, unrealistic standard of beauty that has been propounded.

Let's start opening  up our eyes fully and seek a new vision.

We can opt out of a belief system that doesn't serve us at any moment we desire.

Consider this:  If you knew you were BORN BEAUTIFUL...that you are special, gorgeous, remarkable and unique-- that you are MEANT TO BE DIFFERENT THAN might this idea begin to change your life?

How might you begin to view yourself?
How might you begin to see others?
How much peace might you gain from accepting yourself just as you are?
How might your patterns of spending (time, energy and financial resources) begin to change?

Blind acceptance of worldly programming certainly has not created a happy, peaceful humanity.

Something has got to change.

Let the change begin with each of us!

What if personal freedom is as simple as shifting our own inner awareness?  What if as we begin to shift our thinking, we naturally can begin to shift how  we feel and how we live our lives?

What if it is time to wake up to the ENORMOUS power we have sheepishly given over to others by allowing them to tell us if we are worthy?

Liberation happens from within.  We each have the keys to open the doors of our own cages...and fly joyfully free into the World....(see image at top of blog!)

I encourage you this week to just start noticing what you believe about self-worth and beauty...consider how you might be selling yourself short because of what you have been told to be true.  Question it all.  Observe the thinking.  Notice ways in which you may have been hypnotized....AWARENESS BRINGS POWER TO CHANGE.

Then, if you feel ready-- why not write your own definition of beauty?

Let me know what you think about these comments by dropping me a comment below :)

Getting more aware with you,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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