Tuesday, July 12, 2016

An Important Reminder: You are a Miracle

Yesterday as I sat with a friend, I listened as she felt guilt and sadness over her past.  Then, her thoughts pointed to the future and she felt a sense of fear and worry.

She talked of how hard it has been for her to simply open to the joys of life--taking in a sunset, feeling the water rush over her body as she took a shower, smiling at the antics of a puppy, feeling the delight of the food at each meal.  Her mental patterns were strong, keeping her from simply cherishing the gift of Now.

She described a desire to open to Joy.  Yet, opening to this felt foreign to her.  She felt unworthy of experiencing peace and joy in the moment.

As she sat, I looked at her.  I saw in front of me a Miracle.  She is a miracle of existence.  The breath of Life was flowing through her with no thought on her part.  The trillions of cells that she is made of are working together, allowing her the gift of health.   The kindness and warmth of her precious Being caused me a sense of awe.  There was so much love in her heart and she is so kind to others.  If only she could begin to open to the enormous miracle of her Being.

How would life feel to each of us if we experienced the remarkable nature of our Being?

What if we each took some time today to take contemplate the gift of Life?

What if we began to cherish these bodies that house our spirits on this Earth journey?

What if we relaxed into each moment rather than getting caught up in worn-out, chaotic mental patterns like self-judgment, guilt over the past, comparison games, worry over finance and fretting over image?

Friend, you are nothing less than a miracle, and so am I.

Open to the gift of existence.  Allow the love that you are to shine forth fully--No Fear.  No Worry.  No comparison with others.  Be FULLY the miracle you are designed to be.

(Feel free to contact me for coaching if you are stuck in low self-esteem or can't find a way past the inner chaos that fear and guilt bring.)

With my love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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