Thursday, July 28, 2016

Soul Whispers--Can You Relate to These Growth Opportunities?

From the depths of my soul, I felt the need to share some personal insights.  For today, I will not share the back stories with you (there will be a time I will do so and your jaw may drop when you hear it).

I always appreciate when people just speak their truth--they say what needs to be said even though it may not sound pretty or be perfect in expression.

Here is what my Soul whispered (in moments, shouted) to me this morning.

Can you relate to any of this?

There are days when
You need to cry the un-cried tears,
Grieve all that was lost,
Unclog the stuck points so that
The Gorgeous flow of the River of Life
Can move through you more fully each and every day.


When you are too "strong" and carry the load for too many people's inadequacies, you end up energetically depleted and you are always operating at a deficit.  Doing so dis-empowers them and you.

Beckoning and allowing others to step into their power and responsibility is healthier for all.  When you are too steady and too strong for others, it becomes "expected" and gets taken for granted.

Anger builds in you because of the load you carry.
Anger builds in the other because they know down deep they aren't doing all that they can do.

It's time for re-balancing, for a call to growth.

For some, growth will come in the form of doing less, relaxing more and finally taking care of one self.

For others, growth will take the form of activating their power and demonstrating how capable they truly are, doing their part of the responsibilities with vigor and joy.

Notice constant opportunities for re-balancing, for growth, for coming into greater harmony, wholeness and joy.

As you own your side of the equation and make guided changes, Life begins to reconfigure beautifully around you in due time.

I can see how many steps of growth are still needed in my personal journey.  It feels exciting to consider the changes...daunting at times.  Yet I see that all I need to do is take on small baby step at a time as I experiment with new ways of being.

What opportunities are you already aware of for re-balancing, growth and greater harmony in your life?

What baby steps of change are you ready to today to increase our joy and wholeness?

Getting honest with ourselves can be scary...but it is the most courageous, empowering choice we can make today.

Growing with you,

Patricia Omoqui,  The Thought Dr.

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