Maybe you can relate--you wake up from a good night's sleep. You step out of bed and head to the kitchen for your morning coffee. You sit down and suddenly, swirling furiously around you are "Thought Storms".
Before you even had a chance to get the day rolling with a fresh energy, the same old stories and thinking begin whirling in your mind. Perhaps it is financial fear that immediately spins 'round you or maybe a situation one of your children is facing that mentally swirls.
You take your first sip of coffee and ...
The daunting situations of the day ahead start filling your mind and overwhelm you with fear and personal insecurity--
...your annual review and how you aren't going to measure up to the corporate standards..
...staring at the bank account balance and trying to figure out how, once again, you will meet all of the month's bills.
...your body's increasing aches and pains...and how you helpless you feel in getting back to good health. broken your relationship is with your spouse and how incapable you feel to repair it.
You walk to the living room as you take your second sip of coffee and...
Then, in your daily routine you turn on the radio or TV and start to hear about intense Worldly dramas playing out--
...the insane violence of terrorists unleashed in another part of the globe..lives destroyed.
...the police shootings and shootings of innocent black lives lost.
...the wacky political situation and the future of our country being at stake.
All of this happens before it is even 7:00 a.m.
You are already lost in massive Thought Tornadoes.
No wonder you feel a sense of inner despair, sadness and grief as you start a fresh, new day.
It's time to unmask these storms that keep us spinning and stuck. It's time to understand the mental dynamics that hinder us from being our best selves. It's time to find a new approach, a fresh way of handling life that allows us to feel better and connect to our power and purpose.
You are probably thinking, "I'd love that...but it's impossible, Trish. How can I find peace and joy and creativity when I have all these personal realities to deal with? How can I connect to inner freedom when the World feels like it is crumbling around me?"
Yep--this new way of approaching life can feel daunting and unfeasible at first. We've developed deeply ingrained thought habits. Since everyone around us lives within these thought tornadoes all day long, we have come to believe that this is normal-- "this is just the way it is." We have all begun to believe that living in sadness and despair is just how this earthly life has to be. We are collectively hypnotized and we don't even realize it.
What if you could begin to unmask these inner dynamics and patterns?
What if you could begin to see the layers of thinking that you unconsciously ALLOW to keep swirling around you all day, every day?
What if outside of the Thought Tornadoes within which you currently reside, there is a bright, sunny day available to you?
What if you CAN LEARN to break free and find inner peace no matter what is happening in the world around you?
What if there are simple daily habits you could start that would allow you to generate peace as you start your day?
The first step to breaking free of these thought storms is to see them for what they are. Here are some ideas to try today:
1. Begin to OBSERVE the thought patterns that rage in your mind throughout the day. Just start tuning in and noticing the stories you are choosing to believe about yourself, your life and your World. Observe with curiosity--"What's really going on inside me?" Become interested in the thoughts you allow to inhabit your inner world.
Breaking free from these mental storms starts with awareness. The awareness in and of itself begins to create a small space between us and the thought storms. It's like sitting at the window watching the thunderstorm go by as opposed to sitting outside in the thunderstorm. Be a storm watcher for today and see what information you can gather about the storms.
2. You can even begin to write down what you observe. These thought storms most likely break into several categories: Fears (negative stories we tell ourselves about the future), Guilt (negative stories we tell ourselves about the past), and self-judgment (negative stories we tell ourselves about who we are and how we do NOT measure up). Name the thought storms: "Financial fear", "Health scares", "How-will-my-difficult-child-turn-out fear", "Guilt from family of origin", "Sadness that my Dad never loved me," "I'm so fat compared to everyone else," "I'm not as good as everyone else,"...give each of these stories a name. Again, do this with a spirit of curiosity.
3. Notice how much negative, fearful media you are allowing in your mind. What inputs are you choosing throughout the day? Do you turn on the TV to catch the news as you get dressed? Do you read news stories on the train before you get to work? Do you watch the TV in the break room every 5 minute break you take? Become aware of how much media frenzy you take in. Typically, the media only cooks up fear-driven stories. They WANT you to keep watching and stay on the edge of your seat. It is purposefully designed and scripted to get you to become addicted and keep you coming back for more. Are these inputs helping you feel good or are they draining your energy? Do you have options to turn any of these inputs off and replace them with something else? Again, just observe.
Step one of Harnessing the Power of Your Mind is pretty easy to do. Just watch. Notice. Observe what's happening inside your mind. Observe what you are allowing into your mind. You may be surprised at all the opportunities you find today to reclaim your personal power and peace.
Don't worry. You don't have to conquer your mind all in one day. Transforming your mind is a process. It's taken you all your life to become an expert in this current type of thinking. And, step-by-step, day-by-day you can begin to form a new way of thinking if that is what you desire to do.
In my next blog post, I will offer you step # 2 of the Harness Your Power process.
For today, I'm going to be working on step 1 too: Observe. There is still plenty of inner-thought-clean-up I need to become aware of (smiles).
I'm excited--imagine if each us begin to come out of our thought storms and feel instead, a sense of peace in today? How much more creativity, inspiration and power could be unleashed if we do so?
Drop me a comment here if this got you thinking ;) I enjoy hearing your insights!
With a smile,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.