Monday, May 31, 2010

Harness Your Power: Love & Spit Up

I'm sitting down on Memorial day evening.  I've gotten spit up on my shirt.  It's been an interesting holiday.

I had no idea that I'd have an extra baby living with me this weekend.   It was Love's calling.  A girl in my neighborhood who has a 10 month old son decided a week ago that she wanted to kick her drug addiction.  I was out of town on my book retreat when the text message came, "You told me that when I was ready to surrender and move forward that you and your family would help me.  I'm ready."  I was in awe.  This was truly miraculous. 

This text message kicked off a tremendous learning process for me and several family members.

There have been many ups and downs.  I've had moments of tremendous anger and sadness as she tried to run away and told me, "I'm taking my baby and I'm going to get high...I don't care what you think."  Then, hours later, after she and the baby sat in the pouring rain with no shelter, we received the phone call, "Please come get me.  I need help.  I need to get better."

We have had special moments too.  A few days into her withdrawal process she said, "I don't want to lose my son.  I want to get better.  I have to do this.  Thank you for helping me even when I have pushed you away."

Little did I know that this weekend I'd have baby boy with me.  Before entering a several month rehab program with her baby, this young lady was required to detox further under medical supervision and she couldn't bring her son.  Thus began our four day adventure.  I was given formula, wipes, diapers and clothes.

My children loved it of course.  Maggie and Skye enjoy playing mommy.  I've cherished it too -- though I must confess that it has been exhausting and has really got me to thinking.  What became clear to me is that when we offer love, we must be willing to go where love wants us to go and do what love needs us to do.  Sometimes this comes down to changing diapers, wiping up spit up and making sure another person's child is safe while they get better.

I honestly never would have thought that I'd be doing this.   I had planned to get an article written, to have time for relaxing and cleaning up the house.  The Universe always keeps me on my toes.  I am always surprised by how things turn out.

 I met this girl only nine weeks ago in my neighborhood.  I've been given a crash course in addictions.  I've learned that until a person is ready to surrender, until THEY WANT to get better, there is no stopping them from doing what they want to do.  I sat in the hospital one night after I got the news she had overdosed.  I went there prepared to hear the news that my friend had died.  But, she survived.

I write all this only to say that I have been reminded again that LOVE is patient, goes the extra mile, it does what it might not even want to do, it serves when and where it is called.  I'm being forced to live what I teach day in and day out.  I'm being stretched.  I'm growing in ways I never anticipated and being given crash  courses by the Universe on topics I never thought I'd be exposed to.

I pray often, "God use me in whatever way you need me today."  And God never allows a willing servant to go without an assignment :)  Perhaps God is chuckling lovingly at me while reading what I've written.

Let us all willingly follow where Love calls us. 

Written in love and with a prayer for my friend and for all addicts worldwide to find a way to freedom,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Harness Your Power: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

When we feel unhappy about the results we are getting in our lives, too often we look to blame external circumstances.  What if instead, we take a peek inside -- examine your mind and your thinking closely! 

Small thinking creates small living.  Empowered thinking creates empowered living.

The choice of thought is always ours.  But we often don't realize this and go with whatever flow of thinking comes into our mind.  Things like, "I'm no good...I can't do it....I'm never going to make it...I'll never find the love I want...I'm damaged goods nobody would love me....I'm just not smart enough, strong enough or good enough to get what I want in life."

Does any of that type of thinking sound vaguely familiar to you?

Take a peek this week.  Look at your thinking.  Examine it closely.  Do so by writing down the thoughts on paper and asking yourself, "Is the way I'm thinking about myself and life helping me to create a life I love or is it keeping me from what I want?"

Be honest.

If you need some help in transforming your thoughts, that is my specialty.

As the Thought Dr., I believe that as we heal our thoughts, we can heal every aspects of our lives.  It takes time and practice.  It takes honesty and willingness.  It takes dedication and discipline.  AND once you get the hang of it you will be amazed at the way you bloom!

With all my love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Harness Your Power: Flow with Life's Surprises

On Friday I boarded a plane to Dallas, TX.  This was to be the first stop on my journey to Albuquerque, NM.  We took off at 11 a.m.  Plane had already been delayed several hours.  While in flight we were told the Dallas airport was closed.  The pilot took us to Little Rock, Arkansas.  The airport didn't have any free gates open so we sat in the plane for four hours until the Dallas airport reopened. 

While sitting there for four hours, I had some great conversation with fellow passengers and chose not to look at my watch even once.  I reminded myself, "I will get there when I get there."

Finally we arrived.  I go to the American Airlines counter and I'm told, "All flights to New Mexico have been cancelled for the remainder of the day."  My mom and I are given a voucher for a local hotel and find our way there. 

To go with the flow or to fight with the reality of life?   It was all out of my control.  All I could do was choose a perspective that permitted me to experience peace and well-being during these unexpected changes to our schedule.

Friday we woke up, had breakfast and boarded a plane to Albuquerque.  At last we had arrived.  It was a relief and a joy to finally be to our destination.

I'm here in Albuquerque with the intention of finishing my first book.  I came here last October with the same intention.  I made great progress on my last trip but there was more that I needed to learn, ways I needed to stretch in order for the books to be fully written.

I will be honest and tell you that I have NEVER written a book.  It can feel daunting at times.  The self-doubt arises, "Trish, who are you to think you have a book to write and share with others?  You haven't done this so how do you think you know what it means to write a book?  What are you thinking trying to pull this off?"

This trip I have decided to put all self-doubt and fear aside -- the ironic thing is that is partially what my book teaches.  It's funny that writing a book on transforming your thinking forces the author to further transform her own :) 

I am enjoying the process.  I've decided to release all timetables and inner pressure to GET IT DONE.  Instead, I am spending the time in silence and stillness.  I'm swimming, walking and sitting in nature.  I'm resting when needed.  And, I'm opening my computer to write anytime I feel inspired.  One day, I am sure, this book will get done.

The cover is designed.  The graphic artist awaits the final text for interior design.  I remind myself, all things happen in God's time.  I surrender myself to this amazing process.  I never would have believed it could be tihs challenging.  Perhaps I never would have started it if I knew! 

So this week, why not GO WITH THE FLOW!  Enjoy the unexpected twists and turns on your path.  If you open to these moments rather than fight with them, you may find some wonderful life lessons and even a few joyful moments too.

Pay attention to your fear and self-doubt.  Why not see your power?  Why not understand the potential you have?  As you let go of these harmful thought patterns and open to seeing the good in yourself, you may find some amazing things come about -- who knows -- maybe YOU will be writing a book soon.

With all my love
Please say a prayer of inspiration for me this week :)

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Harness Your Power: Power of Self-Talk

This morning I will be speaking locally at a Mother's Day breakfast.  I am looking forward to sharing insights with the mom's on the importance of self-talk.

We are typically our own harshest critics.  About 7 years ago I discovered that my thoughts about myself were harsh, guilt-ridden and extremely judgmental -- "I'm not a good enough mom or wife.  I should do better.  I don't measure up.  I can't keep up with others.  What if I don't give my kids what they need?  I am too fat.  I am not pretty enough.  I should be working harder, longer and doing more...."  On and on and on the self-talk went. 

From the outside people thought I had it altogether.  But on the inside I was beating myself up constantly. 
I was my own worst enemy. 

As I began to study my mind I realized that beating myself up was only one possible approach.  In fact, I began to see that I'd never talk that way to other people, so why would I be doing this to myself?

I began to review this disempowered self-talk and revise it.  Here is what I came up with to replace the old thinking:  "I am a good wife and mom.  I do my best every day.  What gets done today gets done.  The rest can wait until tomorrow.  I love myself and honor myself for trying so hard.  I am a beautiful person inside and out."

With this change in self-talk I began to feel better.  And, I began to find proof of all the ways in which I was a good wife and mom.  The better I felt inside, the more energy I had.  The more energy I had, the better I became.

How is your self-talk?  Take a close look this week.  Begin to write down any negative, disempowered thinking that haunts you.  Write the thoughts down and study the impact they have on your life -- if you changed this thinking, how different would your life feel?

You can do it!
If you need support, I'm only an email away :)

With all my love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

I have plenty of free positive affirmations at my website...check them out :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Harness Your Power: Keep Your Focus

I have been reminded this week through my own life experience and watching people arond me that we have more power and choice in our destiny than we realize. 

It is essential to clarify what we want to experience in all aspects of life (spiritual, relational, financial, professional, physical well-being etc.)  When we lack clarity we spin in circles and go on rabbit trails.  We allow whatever life presents to us to become our focus rather than consciously choosing our direction.

Each of us is constantly bombarded with a myriad of people, places and opportunities.  Those with clear vision maximize life by walking with their eyes open and seizing the empowered, positive possibilities presented.  Those without clear vision often (consciously or unconsciously) accept negative, self-defeating possibilities and become derailed. 

Here is a specific example.  I know a young person who has issues with drug use.  God has placed in his life positive people who want to help him to his goals.  Yet also on his life path are those who still partake and offer him drugs.  When focused on his vision of being drug free, he is able to avoid those people and / or be clear in stating he is not interested in engaging in drugs.  When he is not clear, he spends time with people who are doing drugs and gets sucked into his old habits.

What do you want?  What are you focused on?  Are you allowing yourself to unconsciously spin in old patterns?  Are you ready to break free and move swiftly to what your heart desires?

Take time this week to write down a clear statement of what you desire to experience in life in the next three months. 

Keep your list in front of you.  Read it every day. 

Then, as people, places and possibilities come your way, evaluate whether or not they support you in reaching your vision. 

If they don't, then make conscious choices to use your energy powerfully and purposefully instead.

I'm doing this with you!  I'm actively focusing my energy and staying distraction free:)

It is a daily choice to do so.

With Love
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.