Thursday, April 27, 2017

Ready To Be More Masterful in Goal Meeting? INCREASE HOPE!

So many clients, mentees and friends often come to chat and they are feeling distraught--as if there is no possible way forward to reaching their goals and dreams.  If you feel that way, you are NOT alone.

Today, I'd like to share a very helpful teaching on the foundation of achievement:  HOPE.  I encourage you to grab a piece of paper and take the minutes while you read this blog to answer the questions I offer.  Actively working with this material WHILE you read it may give you some new insights and "aha-s".

How hopeful are you on a daily basis?  Rate yourself:  On a scale from 1 to 10 (1 equals very LITTLE hope, 10 equals HUGE hope), how would you rate your current hope level?

Having hope is a FUNDAMENTAL component for our goals and achievements.  You probably never considered that, right?

If you can raise your Hope Level, you may be amazed at how your ability to begin setting and meeting your goals increases.

There are three components to hope I'd like to offer you today.  (I need to give some BIG CREDIT to The Flourishing Center and their Certificate Program in Applied Positive Psychology...I learned this from them!)

Think of Hope as being composed of 3 dials.  (See below image)

What if you could purposefully begin to play with your HOPE DIALS so that you increase your hope?  Well, you can....

Dial 1 is the WHAT POWER or your GOALS:  How clear are you on what you really want?  Have you taken the time to take all the ideas spinning in your heart and mind and put them on paper?  Even if your ideas aren't fully baked and perfected, beginning to write down what you know is a powerful way to start increasing your hope.

Dial 2 is the Will Power or your AGENCY.  How connected are you to the belief in your ability and tenacity to achieve your goals?  How much do you believe that YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES to achieve your goals?  

Dial 3 is the WAY POWER:  How good are you at being able to generate possible paths to achieving your goals?  Are you able to brainstorm and visualize a variety of routes to achieving your goals?  

Take a few minutes right now and assess yourself in each of these areas.  On a scale from 1 to 10, rate where you are with each of these dials (Goals, Belief in Yourself and Ability to see Pathways).

Do this with curiosity--NOT JUDGMENT.  Listen, we ALL have so many opportunities to learn and grow.  What I'm offering you today may just provide you some little clues that will spark you to seeing a whole new set of opportunities for self-growth.  

I challenge and encourage you to grow your Self-Awareness on your Hope Levels Today.  In future blogs I am going to offer you nuggets on goal meeting from the best research in positive psychology out there that will guide you forward in becoming better and better and setting AND MEETING your goals.

Feel free to comment or ask questions on what I presented today!

Imagine a more hopeful you!  Imagine if more of your friends, colleagues and family were full of hope!  What if more of us worked on increase our hope?  What might happen in this world?

Share this blog with a friend or family member who needs to amp up their hope...

Increasing my hope with you, 

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr. 


  1. Talk about timing. Yesterday I downloaded Snyder's book on hope that describes these steps. Thanks for the confirmation that I'm on the right path!!!!

    1. Hi Pam - can you share the link to the book here? Others may really enjoy reading it! So glad this was good timing :)

  2. Wonderful insight MA. Do you mind share more light on the 3rd dial. Thanks ma.

    1. Hi Matt, sure! Pathways -- when we have a goal, it is helpful to start thinking about our plan to meet that goal. We can learn to generate multiple possibilities on next steps to take and possible paths to achieving that goal. One key things is to make sure you break a big goal down into smaller sub goals and little steps. You may need to equip yourself with a new skill to reach that goal. You can use Mind Maps as a tool to generate different path ways. (Google: Mind Maps to learn more) Let me know if you have follow-up questions!

  3. Excellent peace. Just this morning, I woke up thinking about the power of hope. In my quest to help a woman achieve a few some key life goals, I saw how hope transformed a person who was, prior to now, despondent and quite confused, has gotten the courage to wear an infectious smile. Hope is a powerful variable. Hope is everything. With hope, we can transform the lives of billions and make the world a better place. This GAP approach has better organised the process for me and O will be applying it henceforth. Thanks for sharing Trish.

    1. Thanks Brother Ayo! You are welcome. So glad this was applicable!
