Saturday, April 29, 2017

Becoming Masterful in Goal Meeting: Increase Your Self-Efficacy!

Isn't it exciting to be learning to become masterful at Goal Meeting?  The past two days I shared posts on HOPE, the foundation for Meeting goals and increase your achievements.

Today I want to take you deeper and equip you with an  understanding of Self-Efficacy and how you can RAISE your self-efficacy levels.  

Reminder:  Hope = Goals + Agency + Pathways.  (Please look back on the last 2 blog posts to get a deep understanding of Hope.  You may found some helpful nuggets to teach and coach others on.

Let's talk today about Agency.  Agency is the belief in one's ability and tenacity (motivation) to achieve their goals.  Many of us have heard of the self-esteem--feeling good about who we are.  Few of us have learned about Self-Efficacy which is a belief in one's capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action require to manage situations.  Or, more simply said:  You BELIEVE in your ability to succeed in any situation. 

So, how can we increase our sense of Self-Efficacy?

Here are some ideas that you can try out:

1.  Recall a situation where you were successful in reaching a goal.  Often, we forge ahead fast and furious on to our next goal.  Take the time to reminisce and FEEL how it felt to achieve the goal.  Notice the process you used, the effort you put in and then the feeling of getting the result you had hoped for!  If you did it once, you have what it takes to do it again.

2.  Take your big goals and break them down into smaller goals.  Then, focus on achieving one sub-goal at a time.  As you complete each sub-goal, do a mini-celebration...yes, get happy about any bit of progress you make.  This will fuel your feeling of confidence as you move forward to the next sub-goal.

3.  Laugh when obstacles arise on your path.  Rather than thinking there is something wrong with you if things don't go as planned, remind yourself that challenges are part of the process in achieving goals.  Challenges are here to build and teach you!  Be grateful for the learning.

4.  Enjoy the process!  While it is exciting to reach the finish line on that big goal, the process of growth that occurs by daily and boldly taking one small step at a time is enriching in and of itself.  Be present.  Enjoy the part of the journey you are in today.

5.  Be your own cheerleader.  Tell your inner critic to step aside and be quiet.  Allow your inner cheerleader to emerge.  Here are the types of things the cheerleader would tell you:  I can do this! I have what it takes to take the next step.  I will learn all I need to know to achieve this goal.  I will find and ask for the support I need.  This journey of goal achievement is exciting and it sometimes gets crazy!  But, I am resourceful and wise. I always can find a way over, around or through any obstacle that arises.

What might happen in your goal achievement if your belief that YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS increases?

How much more hopeful would you feel?

Let me know which of these points resonate with you.  Were you aware of the term self-efficacy?  Do you understand it well enough to share these ideas within your circle of influence so you can encourage and inspire others to their next level of success?  (Hey - forward the blog to them so they can learn and grow with you!)

With love, 

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr. 

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