Sunday, September 27, 2009

Harness Your Power: Let Your Wounds Heal (Don't pick at them!)

Have you ever noticed that when you have a cut, it begins to itch as your body heals it?  It is all too easy to start scratching at the scab and open the wound back up.  In fact, I've been witnessing this first hand with one of my daughters this week.  I was reminded clearly:  wounds don't heal, in fact, they can get quite infected, if you don't let them heal without picking at them!

Isn't that the truth with our inner wounds too.  Time heals our inner traumas, that is, if we aren't constantly opening them up.  Many people spend time talking of dramas, traumas and past hurts, re-living them over and over in their head.  They do this so much that they prevent their complete healing.  I'm not saying that it isn't good to express how we feel about things we've experienced that have been hard for us.  It is good to process and tell your story.  It's powerful to understand the roots of our patterns for the purpose of moving forward and not repeating them.

Remember this week that repeatedly opening up old wounds to dig around in them is much different than applying ointment, a bandaid and letting the natural process of spirit-mending to take place.

If you could use support in moving beyond the past so you can fully enjoy the present, please drop me an email at .  Life coaching might be just what you need to make huge leaps forward in your personal well-being.

With all my love,
Patricia Omoqui

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Harness Your Power: Recent Observations

Share your dreams with everyone you meet! Let passion overflow from your heart as you tell others about what you love. I'm doing this regularly and it is amazing the connections that occur when I do. Not only are people happy to hear someone excited about life, but they often are very helpful and willing to connect me with the next person I need to meet.

This happened last night at a birthday party we attended. There were some Africans at the party. We got to talking about the need for development on the continent. I shared what my concerns were and the way I believe change could come about in Nigeria. One word led to another and before you knew it, I found that the person I was speaking to had a contact at a TV station in Kenya. You just never know!

Most importantly, I felt happy and uplifted by the conversation we had. I met a fantastic human being who cared about positive change. Those moments are to be treasured and savored.

Then, this morning after walking on the treadmill I felt the urge to go shoot hoops. I haven't done this in months. I followed the feeling and had a great time. As I shot I was reminded that when you develop a skill, you don't ever lose it.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, the ball went through the net! I hadn't lost my touch and it was fun to see that the thousands of hours I'd spent training are never lost. Dedication, perseverance and daily practice pays off no matter what skill you are trying to develop. I have found that it works just as well with speaking and writing as it works in becoming good at a sport!

After I finished shooting around I picked my girls up from the Kids Club at the gym. They wanted to know what I had been doing so I took them over to the court to see first hand. They loved what they saw! We walked out of the gym and a gentleman asked me, "Where did you play?" I told him about playing at Princeton and overseas. Guess what? He had just applied to Princeton for graduate school. We had a fantastic conversation. Again, I just shared from my heart and enjoyed the momentary connection.

People are wonderful. Years back I would keep to myself and not have much energy to connect with others. Now that I feel better about myself and life, I am meeting people more than ever. It feels good to see this change.

So, dear friend, share your dreams. Connect with others. Have fun talking. Help others and see how willing they are to help you!

Have fun this week,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Harness Your Power: See the Inner Light

I am practicing something these days that I wanted to share with you. When someone is disagreeable, mean, outrageous or nasty towards me, I am practicing silence. I simply watch the scene playing out before me. In difficult encounters it is much better for me to observe the scenario as an outsider peeking in rather than as a person taking the offense in a personal way and joining the drama.

When I don't allow my "buttons" to get pushed, I can calmly look into the eyes of the other person and see their inner light. Yes, the beautiful glow is there even when a person is in an angry rage, throwing a fit or a temper tantrum.

In fact, when I am watching I feel deep compassion for the individual. I realize now that they are in deep pain or fear to be acting in this way towards me or someone close to me.

I've made so much progress. I used to be "Miss Defensive." I would take too many comments each day as a personal offense. This would drain my energy. In needing to show myself "right" I would defend (or should I say attack) in return. As Byron Katie ( ) says, "Defense is the first act of war." I would engage in far too much verbal combat with others.

The more I began to identify and heal the inner wounds I had, the more I realized that what people were saying was not personal to me. In fact, they were projecting onto me what they were experiencing inside themselves. What a revelation!

The challenge I offer you this week is to do your best to be silent in situations where you would normally get into a nasty exchange of words. Instead, listen and watch. If you can keep silent for just a few moments, you might even be able to take a peek into the eyes of the person who is talking (or yelling) at you. Look closely. See the light. Focus on the light. What good can you find in them even in that moment?

Do your best to not defend. Instead, just listen quietly. When they are done their verbal tirade, (yes, at some point they will have to stop talking), you can just say, "Thank you for telling me how you feel. I will consider what you said." That's it. No defense needed.

If this seems like a stretch for you, then visualize yourself doing this. The more you practice inside your mind, the more likely you will be able to do this in the heat of the moment.

Let's increase peace in our lives this week!

Patricia Omoqui

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Harness Your Power: Acknowledge Growth

Almost every morning when my kids come down the stairs I say to them, "Did you grow last night?" They love this attention as we laugh and measure arms and legs, fingers and toes to see signs of growth. It's a fun way to connect.

Though I don't notice visible growth every morning, it is amazing how every few months they seem to need new shoes or longer pants. They are growing so quickly! I continue to tell them, "You aren't allowed to grow up so fast!" But they always echo, "No, mom, we have to grow up!" So much for a mother's plea ( ha ha).

This week I took a look at myself and began to see that compared to a year ago I have grown and matured so much. Ok, yes, I do have a few more grey hairs...but, I'm really referring to my inner progress.

My ability to relax into each situation I encounter is so better than last year. I used to struggle and feel tremendous inner tension when my husband would travel to Nigeria on business. I'd count the days while he was away and feel the weight of having to take care of everything on my own. Now, however, I just stay in each moment. I actually am enjoying the freedom while he is away and everything has a way of getting done as it needs too -- the kids get taken care of, my weekly articles get written, my clients get seen and somehow the house stays fairly neat.

My inner calm has deepened. It is a relief to have made this progress. The suffering that comes from fighting with life is exhausting. I find that I am more energetic and upbeat than ever. I wake up with a sense of joy. I find myself in awe of the beauty I'm surrounded with and the fantastic ways the Universe demonstrates support for me.

I wanted to take time to celebrate and acknowledge this growth. (Believe me, I know there are plenty of more ways I can stretch and grow!) It has come with continual dedication to a process of inner healing and transformation. Each time spent in meditation, each affirmation said, each moment of being willing to let go of the past and the future -- it is all paying off. I continue to say a prayer each day, "Show me the way to complete and total healing."

I can't take credit for it all. In fact, most of it has happened on its own. The right learning partners show up for me. The best challenges come my way to stretch me a bit further. Because I am willing this healing process continues in the most amazing ways. I am grateful that the most essential thing I've had to do is simply remain open hearted and willing to heal.

Enough about me. How are you? Take time to notice your own growth! Can you see the way you've changed since last year? Are you wiser, kinder and more carefree? Notice and be sure to find ways to enjoy this progress!

I'm here to celebrate with you.

With great love,

Patricia Omoqui