Sunday, August 10, 2008

Harness Your Power: Begin to Simpli-Fly

I made up a new word this week: Simpli-Fly. I decided after cleaning out more clutter from my spaces that simplifying my spaces allows me to fly higher. It's amazing to me that "stuff" in our spaces has energy and can block the flow of energy. At least, that is my experience. Extra stuff weighs me down and drains my energy. When I notice clutter or messes in my spaces there is a constriction I feel inside. I feel a sense of "stuckness."

My brother and sister-in-law were kind enough to watch the kids last night for a few hours. I decided it was my moment to conquer my children's toy areas. I dumped all their toys onto the living room floor and filled up 2 trash bags full of things that they rarely use. We still had their favorite toys left as well as some toys that had been "lost" in the piles. There is plenty for them to play with even after taking away more than half of what was there to begin with.

I have the opportunity the next few weeks to spend some extra time with Maggie. She starts kindergarten in three weeks. As we play together I plan on using the same Simpli-Fly process in every room in my house. It's time for me to truly get down to the basics. Bit by bit I've been attempting this but now I'm going all out to completely shift the energy around me.

I believe that our outer spaces are mirrors of our inner spaces. I've been cleaning out a lot of the junk (fears, limiting beliefs, worries, unforgiven heartache) the past year. As I have, I am able to look at my life in new ways and see opportunities around me to transform my life. It's an intense process to clean out the "gunk" that's within our hearts and minds. Yet, it is essential that we do if we want to lighten up and move towards greater joy and inner peace.

What's fascinating to me is that there are so many layers -- layer upon layer of inner "stuff" to clean up and layer upon layer of outer "stuff" that needs to be cleared out. For those of you who have been reading my blog, you know that I've cleared out clutter several times this year -- so, how can there be more?? I'm amazed at the layers and the hidden stuff that emerges from closets, corners and couch cushions.

It's the same within our hearts and minds. Just when you think you've gotten rid of major emotional junk, a little more light shines into the room of your mind and you see even more to work on. Rather than finding this frustrating, I find it fascinating. And, the more light that pours into the room of your mind, the more you see possibilities for cleaning it further and then redecorating the space so it looks exactly the way you want it to.
Part of this process is watching your thoughts and seeing that you can begin to purposefully choose thoughts that allow you to soar. This means, ridding your mind of the fearful, worry-filled, doubt-filled thoughts you have habitually learned. I've been focused on cleaning out the clutter in my thoughts for about two years now and it is an on-going process. But, the more progress I make, the better and lighter I feel.

I encourage you this week to look both at your inner and outer World. What junk needs to be removed? If you feel stuck in any way, ask Spirit to help you move these energies. Be aware that this might mean emotional releases and pain coming up that you haven't felt for years. The good news is that once it comes up and you work through it, you can release it and bring it to final resolution.

Free your mind. As you do, you are starting a process of freeing up your life. As you shift your internal energy you will begin to see ways to shift your expression in the World -- from clearing clutter, to changing your clothing style, to sharing love in new ways, shapes and forms. It's a fun process, though intense at times.

Go for it. Begin to Simpli-Fly.

Have a blessed week of clearing out more clutter!

Patricia Omoqui

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