Sunday, August 24, 2008

Harness Your Power: Let Go of What No Longer Suits You

I am going to ask you to ponder something very simple. Is there something, someone or some situation that you are holding onto because you are afraid of letting it go? Do you feel intuitively that it may be time for a change but find yourself holding back from moving towards it?

Take time this week to consider why you are afraid. Look at the fear. Look at the beliefs that hold you where you are.

I'm learning that I often tolerate situations even though I know I am capable of experiencing and creating something that can bring me greater happiness. My fear of letting go of what I'm used to is capable of keeping me from moving into the possibilities of something even better.

Just remember that beyond the storms of change comes a rainbow, a peace and a calm... and often brings brilliant possibilities.

Are you ready for taking your life to a whole new level of joy? If so, take a close look at what you are still holding onto that may no longer match where you are headed.

I'm learning these lessons right now at a very deep, personal level. As hard as it is to let go and choose to surrender to the miraculous newness the Universe can provide, it is worth it.

My desire is to expand myself and open to greater levels of inner peace, unconditional love and brilliant joy. To do so, I have found, means that I must let go of the old patterns and energy to make space for the new. In this grand adventure of life why would we choose to stay stuck and suffer? There is too much too experience and, let go of the old... you can do it!

With great love for you,

Patricia Omoqui

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