Saturday, August 30, 2008

Harness Your Power: Question Your Thoughts

I've been reminded this week of something I know so well but in challenging situations have to remind myself to practice: it is essential to question our thoughts! Our minds are often tyrants that send us into negative emotional spirals. Our old "fear and worry tapes" start playing in uncomfortable situations. The thoughts that arise (and that we buy into without questioning) can send us into mild discomfort and even deep depression.

This past week I observed myself following thought trails into deep personal suffering. I teach people a process called Harness Your Power which, in three simple steps, allows you to release old thoughts and beliefs and replace them with new, consciously chosen thoughts. I practice this process day in and day out. I'm good at it. Yet, when the deepest points of pain that remain inside me are touched, my mind still can get the most of me.

I'm thankful for the past few days where I've seen my mind do this frantic dance. I know the level of mastery and enlightenment I want to attain so I recognize the beauty of moving through pain to deeper levels of healing and growth.

The last 24 hours have shown me that when our pain bodies take over (read Eckhart Tolle's book, A New Earth) they can overtake us--unless, of course, we begin to observe and question them.

I was guided last night to and watch a series of Webcasts she did with Byron Katie as part of her Soul Series. Byron Katie wrote an amazing book called Loving What Is. In her book she teaches four questions to use in challenging your thoughts. One of the questions that I find very helpful is, "Who would I be without this thought?" I use this question often and recognize that if I stopped the worry thoughts and guilty thoughts -- fully letting them go-- I can move back into a state of peace.

As we move through this week I encourage all of us to watch our thoughts. Notice the thoughts that cause you discomfort and pain. Then, ask yourself the above question. See that as you learn to release thoughts of suffering you can find peace right now.

Let's keep learning and growing together!
{On a sweet, beautiful note, my oldest daughter, Maggie was so excited this week as we attended her kindergarten orientation. She was bouncing with delight as we left the house. The smile on her face as she met her teachers, friends and saw her new classroom helped me to see the excitement available to us in life. Kids haven't forgotten the joy -- and they haven't gotten lost in fearful thinking...let's be more like them:) }

With deep love for each of you,

Patricia Omoqui

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Harness Your Power: Let Go of What No Longer Suits You

I am going to ask you to ponder something very simple. Is there something, someone or some situation that you are holding onto because you are afraid of letting it go? Do you feel intuitively that it may be time for a change but find yourself holding back from moving towards it?

Take time this week to consider why you are afraid. Look at the fear. Look at the beliefs that hold you where you are.

I'm learning that I often tolerate situations even though I know I am capable of experiencing and creating something that can bring me greater happiness. My fear of letting go of what I'm used to is capable of keeping me from moving into the possibilities of something even better.

Just remember that beyond the storms of change comes a rainbow, a peace and a calm... and often brings brilliant possibilities.

Are you ready for taking your life to a whole new level of joy? If so, take a close look at what you are still holding onto that may no longer match where you are headed.

I'm learning these lessons right now at a very deep, personal level. As hard as it is to let go and choose to surrender to the miraculous newness the Universe can provide, it is worth it.

My desire is to expand myself and open to greater levels of inner peace, unconditional love and brilliant joy. To do so, I have found, means that I must let go of the old patterns and energy to make space for the new. In this grand adventure of life why would we choose to stay stuck and suffer? There is too much too experience and, let go of the old... you can do it!

With great love for you,

Patricia Omoqui

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Harness Your Power: Tap Into Nature

I just finished a walk at a beautiful park in the area. I find it so refreshing to get outside and breathe fresh air. I feel thankful for the cool, gentle breeze coupled with the warm summer air. Being in nature has a way of lifting my spirit.

The past year I've used a technique as I walk to focus my mind and not allow it to wander to my to-do list or to worries. I spend at least 10 minutes while I walk creating positive affirmations about who I am as a person, what I create with my life and the impact I have on the World around me. I call this "Walking in Joy." It's fantastic what this little exercise can do. Even if I find my mood low to start my walk, by the time I've complete these affirmations I feel better.

If for some reason I'm unable to get into "affirmation mode," then instead I will do a "Focus on Gratitude." This is a bit simpler. I just begin to list anything and everything that I can be grateful for. This is a great technique to use while on the treadmill or in other locations such as -- in the car as you drive, as you lay in bed in the morning, while you take your shower, or as you drink your coffee.

I also use my nature walks as a way to hone my observation skills. Today, for instance, I tuned my ears into the crickets chirping, the corn husks brushing against each other and the birds singing. Such wonderful, melodious sounds there are! I also noticed the thump, thump, thump of my own footsteps as I walked along. I used my eyes to enjoy fluttering butterflies, soaring hawks, fluffy clouds, vibrant wildflowers, and last but not least a chubby groundhog.

Isn't life rich and amazing? When we are able to get out of the chitter-chatter of our minds and become more present with the wonders life has to offer us, we feel uplifted by the gifts of the Universe.

Take time this week to tap into nature. You don't need any money in your bank account to enjoy the vast resources the Universe makes available to you at no cost! It just takes a bit of effort on your part to move out of your comfort zone so you can go and experience more of the World around you.

In awe of life,
Patricia Omoqui

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Harness Your Power: Begin to Simpli-Fly

I made up a new word this week: Simpli-Fly. I decided after cleaning out more clutter from my spaces that simplifying my spaces allows me to fly higher. It's amazing to me that "stuff" in our spaces has energy and can block the flow of energy. At least, that is my experience. Extra stuff weighs me down and drains my energy. When I notice clutter or messes in my spaces there is a constriction I feel inside. I feel a sense of "stuckness."

My brother and sister-in-law were kind enough to watch the kids last night for a few hours. I decided it was my moment to conquer my children's toy areas. I dumped all their toys onto the living room floor and filled up 2 trash bags full of things that they rarely use. We still had their favorite toys left as well as some toys that had been "lost" in the piles. There is plenty for them to play with even after taking away more than half of what was there to begin with.

I have the opportunity the next few weeks to spend some extra time with Maggie. She starts kindergarten in three weeks. As we play together I plan on using the same Simpli-Fly process in every room in my house. It's time for me to truly get down to the basics. Bit by bit I've been attempting this but now I'm going all out to completely shift the energy around me.

I believe that our outer spaces are mirrors of our inner spaces. I've been cleaning out a lot of the junk (fears, limiting beliefs, worries, unforgiven heartache) the past year. As I have, I am able to look at my life in new ways and see opportunities around me to transform my life. It's an intense process to clean out the "gunk" that's within our hearts and minds. Yet, it is essential that we do if we want to lighten up and move towards greater joy and inner peace.

What's fascinating to me is that there are so many layers -- layer upon layer of inner "stuff" to clean up and layer upon layer of outer "stuff" that needs to be cleared out. For those of you who have been reading my blog, you know that I've cleared out clutter several times this year -- so, how can there be more?? I'm amazed at the layers and the hidden stuff that emerges from closets, corners and couch cushions.

It's the same within our hearts and minds. Just when you think you've gotten rid of major emotional junk, a little more light shines into the room of your mind and you see even more to work on. Rather than finding this frustrating, I find it fascinating. And, the more light that pours into the room of your mind, the more you see possibilities for cleaning it further and then redecorating the space so it looks exactly the way you want it to.
Part of this process is watching your thoughts and seeing that you can begin to purposefully choose thoughts that allow you to soar. This means, ridding your mind of the fearful, worry-filled, doubt-filled thoughts you have habitually learned. I've been focused on cleaning out the clutter in my thoughts for about two years now and it is an on-going process. But, the more progress I make, the better and lighter I feel.

I encourage you this week to look both at your inner and outer World. What junk needs to be removed? If you feel stuck in any way, ask Spirit to help you move these energies. Be aware that this might mean emotional releases and pain coming up that you haven't felt for years. The good news is that once it comes up and you work through it, you can release it and bring it to final resolution.

Free your mind. As you do, you are starting a process of freeing up your life. As you shift your internal energy you will begin to see ways to shift your expression in the World -- from clearing clutter, to changing your clothing style, to sharing love in new ways, shapes and forms. It's a fun process, though intense at times.

Go for it. Begin to Simpli-Fly.

Have a blessed week of clearing out more clutter!

Patricia Omoqui

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Harness Your Power: Journal for Joy

(This picture is from my journal. Inside the letters JOY I've written the word NOW several hundred times to remind myself that if I stay focused in the present moment I can experience JOY all the time.)

Ever since junior high I've kept a journal. I'd frequently take time to jot down my thoughts and feelings. During my high school years my journal became especially important to me as I worked through the painful emotions of my parent's divorce. It became an outlet for me to express my feelings on paper, often crying and petitioning God for help as I wrote.

As I studied at Princeton and then played professional basketball overseas, I continue to write in my journal. It was a wonderful way to capture the exciting experiences I was having -- in travel, on the basketball court and in my relationships.

Once I returned to the U.S. from my years abroad, I stopped journaling. I'm not sure why this happened, but it did. As my inner turmoil grew, my need to write became important again so I started to use my computer as a journal. I'd sit down and write each day about my experiences. Again, the relief and refreshment I felt from getting my feelings onto paper was immense.

A few months ago I took a new approach with journaling. I had noticed my mom delving into art therapy. She would often sit with colored pencils and blank paper and create the most remarkable pictures. She told me that it was a very helpful exercise for her in processing her emotions and in understanding where she was in her life.

In May I was at Barnes and Noble (one of my favorite places to relax). I happened upon a beautiful journal there and it had blank pages (no lines). Perfect, I thought! Colored pencils happened to be on the adjacent shelf so I picked up a box and headed to the cafe. I am not an artist AT ALL (or so I had told myself all my life). I started by doodling words that were important to me -- Dreams, Expand, Fear focus, Joy, Peace. I am amazed what happened both in the page and in my heart.

Journaling in this artistic way became such a joy for me. It helped me to create a means to sit calmly and express my feelings again. Using pictures and words brought a whole new element to my journaling. By drawing and coloring I was able to connect with an even deeper level of who I am. Expressing my thoughts and feelings brought me joy and relief.

I've put a number of my recent drawings in the blog below so you can get a sense of what I'm talking about. I am finding that as I continue to allow my creative juices to flow and combine with my life experience, that magical things are flowing from my hand to the page. I NEVER thought I'd find such joy in this type of expression.

I'd encourage you this week to begin to express your feelings on the page. Do it in any way that feels comfortable to you -- writing in a traditional journal, doodling on a piece of scrap paper, coloring a mandala, sign-up for an online journal or type your thoughts into a Word document. How you go about doing this doesn't matter. What matters is that you provide yourself an outlet to release the pent-up emotions. Journaling is an excellent tool to assist you in healing yourself and expressing your joy.

A big hug to all,

Sharing From My Journal of Joy

Here are some recent drawings from my journal. I trust they will inspire you to connect to your creative side since I never thought I had one:) Creating these pictures is pure joy:)