Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Energetic Spill-Over Alert! Is It Time to Clean Up Your Energy?

My husband was driving yesterday afternoon.  From nowhere, a car that was attempting to make a left turn came into his lane and almost caused a head-on accident. The intersection is a messy one--one that keeps drivers from being able to see what may be coming their way.

David slammed on his breaks and avoided the potentially fatal accident.  His heart was pounding and he was startled by what happened.

What shocked him even more was the reaction of the other driver.  A gentleman of middle-eastern descent got out of the car and yelled, "F*cking Nigger!" and then proceeded to spit on his car.  Woa.  Really?

What was an accident avoided by Divine Grace, turned into an energetic assault of another human being.

David took a deep breath rather than engaging in a potential war of words and energy.  Instead, he drove home to contemplate what had happened.

What was happening inside this man that he felt the need to use racial insults toward my husband?
What anger was brewing within this person that caused him to lash out with energetically violent words in an already difficult situation?  
What caused him to spit at David?
What pain was this man feeling within that spilled onto the world around him?

It's amazing that twice in a week my husband and I have experienced racial insults.  These situations are clearly coming our way to teach us important lessons. (See a story I shared last week about a situation with a "drive-by"racial insult we experienced as a mixed-race couple:  A Simple Concept that Leads to Incredible Freedom.)

What struck me most from yesterday's car situation is that people around us are like walking time-bombs.  Whatever has built up in their energy fields can, at any moment, spill over onto the people around them--whether strangers, children, spouses, co-workers, friends or family.

Hey--let's be honest, sometimes each of us are like this, too, aren't we?

It is URGENT Friends:  We must take care of our energy fields.   We must clean-up our biases, our judgments, our pain and our unprocessed emotions.

Each day almost every human being takes the time to bathe or shower and clean-up their physical body.  Nobody enjoys being around a person who has not cleansed themselves.  None of us like to be around someone with body odor or someone who is unkempt, messy or dirty.

Yet, few of us, if any, take the time on a daily basis to clean-up our inner world and energy field.   We may look well put together on the outside:  designer clothes, perfectly done hair and make-up etc.  We keep the "tip of our iceberg" looking pretty and shiny.  But below the surface, we allow an energetic disaster zone to build up within and around us.  We are stressed, angry, and frustrated with ourselves and life.  We are sad, hurt and devastated by life's traumas and disappointments.  We are worried and upset about heath concerns, financial demands and keeping up with the Jones's.  We constantly torment ourselves with self-criticism and this causes us to be on edge and ashamed, feeling like we are less than and not good enough.

So.....when something happens like an "almost" car-accident, the outer mask of "I have it all together" comes off and the wild and crazy emotional energy that exists just below the surface comes out full force.

Last night, my husband, daughter and I sat out on our porch and processed the situation together.  Clearly, the racial insult from this man had nothing to do with who my husband was.   His reaction wasn't personal to my husband. This man projected all the unsettled emotions and pain in his energy field onto a stranger.

Is all this necessary, friends?

Those of us who have the awareness to do so MUST take the time to clean-up our inner pain and energy.

Listen, let's admit it.  When we allow stress to build up, it is easy to become snappy or edgy with people in our lives.  When we allow our fears to get in the way of our peace, a simple situation can trigger us to say a mean word to another human.  When we allow past hurts and pains to fester within, we end up acting our pain out through relational dramas.

Most of us want to be genuinely kind and caring to others.  We would never purposefully hurt or attack another person.  Yet, because of what we carry in our energy fields, we often unconsciously do so.

As I think of that driver...I am asking myself--What ways might I still be acting unconsciously or unkindly to others?  What is it that I need to clean-up within myself so that I can be more present, helpful and compassionate in my responses rather than lashing out?

Here are a few simple things we can each start doing on a daily basis to BE THE CHANGE:

1.  Pay attention to your feelings--don't ignore, avoid or stuff them down.  Emotions are a powerful signalling system.  They give us guidance and information on whether we are in balance or out of balance.  Emotions are meant to help us.  Begin to explore and understand the emotions. Ask yourself, "What am I feeling right now?"  Then, try to give the emotion a name. Then ask, "What is this emotion trying to tell me about what I need?" Emotions guide us to wise awareness.  Awareness of what is needed provides us a road-map to positive steps we can take to feel better and improve our well-being.

2.  Find healthy ways to process and work through emotions.  Take the time to journal and pour out your feelings onto paper.  You can even use art or music or other forms of creative expression to move through and express emotions.  Find regular connection times with trusted friends and family members to share the daunting details of life.

3.  Seek out support--expert help if needed.  Even if the people around you have smiles on their faces, don't assume they have perfect lives.  Each of us has some form of life challenge and difficulty we are walking through on a regular basis.  At times the challenges become overwhelming and we may feel there is no way through the darkness.  In these times, it is essential to ask for help.  There are professionals who are experts at guiding people through highly difficult, painful and emotional situations.  Seek out help if you are in intense inner turmoil--this could mean getting support from a psychologist or a counselor. What isn't processed and expressed gets stuck inside us.  What we don't deal with can lead us into vicious cycles of addiction or harmful relational patterns.  What we choose to work through can lead us toward peace, well-being and inner freedom.

Those are just a few suggestions that come to my mind.

I felt it urgent and imperative to share with each of you.  We have the power to transform our pain into powerful truth that allows us great impact on this planet.  We have the ability to be calm in the midst of these insane situations life brings our way IF we have created calm within ourselves.

Further cleaning-up my energy field with you ;)

Let me know what you think in the comments below.  Share the ideas with a friend if you find them helpful.

With my love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.


  1. Im so very sorry this happened to David,but so delighted he is ok. You are right, it is us who must be the peace we want in our world. Sending you all love.

  2. @sandra ghosheh, thank you. David is fine. None of it was personal to him. Just crazy, huh! I just pray the deeper truths of this blog hit home so that we can together make a better, more conscious humanity :)

  3. Thank you for sharing your hurtful experience and using it to for good. What the enemy meant for evil God will use it for our good if we let Him. I am glad your family did so!

    1. Thank you @The Encourager -- yes, each and every situation in our lives can be used for our higher good and the highest good of everyone on the planet. It's all in how we choose to see it. It's nice to hear from you!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Thank God Uncle David is fine and well. I love the way you were able to make out an inspiring piece from the incidence. More importantly I think we need to guide our peace always. Love you mum

    1. @alexgreatakhigbe, Yes, we are grateful that everyone is well and that my precious husband was not harmed in any way. Yes, we have a choice of peace in every situation and growth...these learning situations are truly purposeful, designed to help us grow further. I love you too :)
