Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Harness Your Power: Say What You Mean

Through some business interactions I've had this week, I am reminded of the importance of using our words wisely.  Too often people say things and do not really mean them.  They make commitments with no intention to follow through.  Yet, the only way we have to build trust in our relationships (business and personal) is to make good on what we say we will do.

Say what you mean!  Mean what you say!

A few simple examples:

  • If you say you are going to call someone at a particular time, do so!  Be on time.  Show people you respect them by writing down your appointments and making sure you call.  If you can't call, give them advance notice that there is a complication and you need to reschedule.
  • If you are working with someone on a project or hiring someone, don't make empty promises.  Only commit to what you know you can truly provide.  It is better to under promise and over deliver than to over promise and ruin a relationship.
  • If you are having trouble meeting an agreement that is in place, it is best to communicate and let the other person knowin advance.  Hiding, ignoring a person's calls and emails and hoping the situation will go away is NOT a good way to handle your business.  Be courageous and honest.  In doing so, you will gain more respect and you open the door to understanding.
  • If you don't know what you are able to commit to, then just simply say, "Let me think about what I am able to do. I don't know yet." It is better to go away and think about the situation before making empty promises.
Hope these ideas help you in your business and personal matters.
Be a person of your word.

With my love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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