Monday, August 2, 2010

Harness Your Power: The "List Exercise"

I thought I'd share with you this week a simple, but helpful practice I use on a daily basis.  It keeps me organized, helps me prioritize my work and it also assists me in letting go of my worries.

In the morning as I start my day, I write two lists.  The first list is all the "next steps" I am aware that I could take in reaching my goals and taking care of my responsibilities in my work and personal life.  The second list is a list for "My Project Manager" a.k.a. for God.  It is a list of all the issues, concerns and items that I feel are currently out of my control.  By putting them on paper I am consciously surrendering the worry and declaring to myself that I will be guided and directed in the resolution of each item on this list.

Sometimes I take a third step and write out a prayer.  This is a helpful way for me to express what is in my heart, how I feel about the successes and the challenges in my life and then, it allows me to release the burdens I am feeling.

I've been learning once again that spending time fretting over what is out of my hands only makes me feel sick inside.  When I relax and trust that every seeming issue finds a way to a good resolution, I feel better and keep more of my precious energy.

I wish you a happy, productive and peaceful week ahead.
Give the lists a try and let me know what you think!

With love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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