Sunday, August 29, 2010

Harness Your Power: Keep Stepping Forward

Tonight I wrote close to 40 of my daily Food For Thought emails.  I've written over 1,000 of them in total the past few years.  It takes focus and persistence to do this every week for several years.  (My years of playing basketball taught me this type of self-discipline.)  I'm happy to write the emails.  I've written these emails during dark, difficult days.  I've written these emails during bright, exciting times.

I share this personal experience with you only to encourage you: follow your dream, offer your service and live your purpose no matter the highs or lows you are experiencing. 

I know it can feel challenging to keep going, especially in those days you feel stuck or you see no visible progress.  I've been there.  I still have those days.  But, I love the path I have chosen and I wake up each day and do my best. 

Sometimes my best is just one tiny move forward.  Other days I find myself running forward quickly.

Consistency is essential to fulfill your dreams.  So, keep at it!  Take that next little step to which you are guided.  If you can take a few more, then go for it! 

Your efforts will add up and pay off!

Believe in yourself.  Stay focused on your dreams.

With Love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Harness Your Power: Say What You Mean

Through some business interactions I've had this week, I am reminded of the importance of using our words wisely.  Too often people say things and do not really mean them.  They make commitments with no intention to follow through.  Yet, the only way we have to build trust in our relationships (business and personal) is to make good on what we say we will do.

Say what you mean!  Mean what you say!

A few simple examples:

  • If you say you are going to call someone at a particular time, do so!  Be on time.  Show people you respect them by writing down your appointments and making sure you call.  If you can't call, give them advance notice that there is a complication and you need to reschedule.
  • If you are working with someone on a project or hiring someone, don't make empty promises.  Only commit to what you know you can truly provide.  It is better to under promise and over deliver than to over promise and ruin a relationship.
  • If you are having trouble meeting an agreement that is in place, it is best to communicate and let the other person knowin advance.  Hiding, ignoring a person's calls and emails and hoping the situation will go away is NOT a good way to handle your business.  Be courageous and honest.  In doing so, you will gain more respect and you open the door to understanding.
  • If you don't know what you are able to commit to, then just simply say, "Let me think about what I am able to do. I don't know yet." It is better to go away and think about the situation before making empty promises.
Hope these ideas help you in your business and personal matters.
Be a person of your word.

With my love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Harness Your Power: Love is the Purpose

I've come to realize that no matter what job we have or what our "outer purpose" is in the world, LOVE is our true purpose.  Anything done in the spirit of love --whether laundry or cutting the lawn or greeting a stranger, picking up trash or being an executive in a boardroom--anything done in the spirit of love can touch lives deeply.

This week, my simple focus is love.  Perhaps, that is truly what my life focus is.  As I center myself in love, more and more I realize that anything I do can be infused with color and meaning.  I used to dread the daily trivialities of housework and paperwork and the nitty gritty tasks of dealing with life.  But now, as I bring love to it and have a joyful song in my heart, I even see the amazing aspects of these ordinary tasks.

Open to infusing love into everything you think, say and do.  It's a tall task, I know.  But, if you begin to do so, life will take on a whole new look and feel for you!

Writing this short blog post with my love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Harness Your Power: Loyalty and Collaboration

Keeping the blog short this week.  I will be honest and tell you I AM TIRED!

I've spent all week lost in the details of editing my manuscript.  I am finally in the last stages of layout and should soon get the first sample copy of my new book, Clarify Your Purpose and Live It!  I have learned a tremendous amount about book writing the last few years.  I'm so grateful for this experience.

I am feeling blessed today that I have such an amazing support system around me.  I have family that cares, friends that are understanding and helpful and business colleagues that are willing to collaborate.  So many people have played an essential role in bring this book idea to manifestation.

Creating a team of positive, empowered people is a helpful (even essential) foundation for success.  Take a look around your life.  How is your support team?  Are they draining your energy or lifting you up when you are down?  Do they collaborate and cooperate or are the people in your life out to compete against you, even sabotage your success?  Do you have people who come and go as they please or are do you have a team that is loyal and will go the extra mile?

Being surrounded by good people makes a tremendous difference in life.  If you feel that you need some new teammates, why not write a list of all the traits you are looking for in enhancing your "success team."

Writing this list will give you a clearer picture of what you are looking for. Then, don't be surprised as you begin encountering the type of people you were hoping to find. 

Wishing you a happy, successful, joyful week ahead!

with love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Harness Your Power: The "List Exercise"

I thought I'd share with you this week a simple, but helpful practice I use on a daily basis.  It keeps me organized, helps me prioritize my work and it also assists me in letting go of my worries.

In the morning as I start my day, I write two lists.  The first list is all the "next steps" I am aware that I could take in reaching my goals and taking care of my responsibilities in my work and personal life.  The second list is a list for "My Project Manager" a.k.a. for God.  It is a list of all the issues, concerns and items that I feel are currently out of my control.  By putting them on paper I am consciously surrendering the worry and declaring to myself that I will be guided and directed in the resolution of each item on this list.

Sometimes I take a third step and write out a prayer.  This is a helpful way for me to express what is in my heart, how I feel about the successes and the challenges in my life and then, it allows me to release the burdens I am feeling.

I've been learning once again that spending time fretting over what is out of my hands only makes me feel sick inside.  When I relax and trust that every seeming issue finds a way to a good resolution, I feel better and keep more of my precious energy.

I wish you a happy, productive and peaceful week ahead.
Give the lists a try and let me know what you think!

With love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.