Friday, January 22, 2010

Harness Your Power: We Are All the Same

I'm sitting here this evening unwinding from the week.  I have CNN's Tribute, Hope for Haiti, playing in the background.  I've been sitting all week watching the images of destruction and suffering from Haiti.  In each woman, I see myself.  In each child, I see Maggie and Skye.  In each man, I see my husband and brother.  We are all the same.  We are so similar. 

Too often we want to label and categorize, to separate ourselves by nationality, by skin color, by language, by religion.  Beneath it all our humanity joins us, beckoning us to remember that we are love in our essence.  We long for connection.  We desire a better future.  We wish for success and hunger for a sense of purpose.

As you walk through this week the challenge I offer us is to see the similarity.  Don't judge.  Join with others.  See deeply into their eyes.  Sense the energy.  Notice the pain points.  Watch the joyful moments. 

In the words of American journalist, William Allen White, “If each man or woman could understand that every other human life is as full of sorrows, or joys, or base temptations, of heartaches and of remorse as his own . . . how much kinder, how much gentler he would be.”

May our spirits expand with compassion.  May our minds focus on peace.  May we seek to help one another and see the best in each other.

Could it be that our sole purpose here is to serve humanity?  Could it be that we are here for love not material gain?  Might it be that we are here to find a new paradigm of relating and joining with one another so that we decrease the suffering on our planet?

Consider these ideas.  Meditate upon them.  Look within and find what your purposeful part is....there is a specific reason you are here, a profound reason you are walking the planet.  I pray you come to see how important you are to the whole of Life.

With my deepest love, a heart that melts and overflows with compassion and a desire to serve others,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.