Saturday, December 24, 2016

Wrapping My Gift to YOU!

I've finished up my Christmas shopping.  I still need to wrap up my gifts for my husband, kids and immediate family.  I realized, though, that I still needed to take the time to wrap a gift for YOU!

You may think my gift is too simple.  Maybe what I am about to offer you is not "sexy" or on "the list of Top Gifts for 2016".

The gift I have to give you comes in the form of a reminder.

Beyond the glitter, the lights, the wrapping paper, the presents you have gotten for the ones you love.  Beyond any of the STUFF and the Glitz.

It is essential to remember that YOU, YOUR PRESENCE is the BEST GIFT YOU CAN OFFER the ones you love.  

Yes, that means all of you -- the parts of you that go through the highs and the aspects  of you that have felt tremendous lows.  That means the talents you bring to the table and the strengths you embody as well as the areas of growth that are calling for your attention.  YOU -- ALL OF YOU -- each and every cell of your body from your hair down to your toe-nails is a tremendous GIFT.

What if for the next few days you put aside any worries of what people thought of you?

What if you decided to show up--warts and all--and just had a blast being the best version of you that you can?

What if you put aside all pressure and expectations and came to the parties and to the family celebrations with total presence -- a willingness to just BE FULLY with the people you love.  Your whole self -- mind, body and spirit -- listening, looking in awe a the magnificent people in your life, loving them in a fuller way than you have ever done before?

What if the real gift of this time of year is the togetherness, the late night heart-felt conversations of loving comfort you can give to someone you care about?

What if the deeper gifts of the Holidays is acting on those intuitive promptings to help a stranger in a special way?

What if the magic in all of this Holiday Hulabaloo (did I spell that right!??) is YOU?

Friend, my prayer is that you begin to recognize how essential YOU are to our human race.  Each one of us 7 billion traversing this planet at this time brings a unique, remarkable configuration.  The gifts you have, the experiences that have shaped you, the resilient spirit flowing through your body--all parts of you are designed to be a GIFT to your realm of influence.

So, why not relax yourself a bit.  All that is needed is for you to share the beauty of your heart and spirit as you move through the next few to fully relax into the moment.  Come out of your mind, and just open your heart and bring the FULLNESS of your love to the table.  As you do, the space for miracles open and you just never know what love will spark in your life and the lives of those you are closest to.

Ok...I admit it.  Beyond the gift of my own being, I did find you another great gift to share with you.

 I hit the Jackpot the other day.  I'm a positive psychology as I was searching YouTube to fill my mind with Positive Psychology videos, I found a series of 30 videos of the original, renowned Harvard course on Positive Psychology.  For those of you dedicated to growth and fulfilling your purpose, this will be some of the best 30 hours of learning you can find.  And, this Harvard course is FREE.  Sounds to good to be true, huh?  Well, seize the day and listen to these lectures. (They happen to have Chinese sub-titles in case you have any Chinese friends).  Pretend that you are actually attending the course and give the ideas this amazing professor offers a try.  It WILL change your life if you take the time to learn and apply what he shares.

Harvard Positive Psychology Open Course - 30 lectures

Have a blessed, and happy holiday,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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