Friday, December 30, 2016

Wake Up BEFORE the Wake Up Call!

Stories of two people that I'm connected to:

He was in his early 50's.  He started to not feel so good.  But he forged on.  He felt pain in his chest.  He died in his sleep.

She was feeling quite healthy, a mom of 2 kids in college.  She noticed this scab that kept appearing on her neck.  She'd pick it off and then it would reappear.  She figured she should ask the doctor about it.  She didn't think it was a big deal.  This was on a Thursday.  The doc immediately said, "This is not good.  Get to a specialist."  She sees the specialist the next day.  He orders labs.  On the following Tuesday, she gets the news that she has Stage 2 cancer.  Her life feels like it is turned upside down.

Folks, life is temporary.  Life is short.  Life is NOT about accumulation, status, titles etc. None of that goes in the coffin with you when you pass to the other side, right?

 Life is about LOVE.  Life is about LIVING YOUR PURPOSE WITH LOVE.

Why wait until you get that notice from the doctor or until that person close to you is suddenly gone to WAKE UP?





How would you be living today if you knew your time here is limited?
What would you do today that you've been putting off for a time when you are "more ready?"
What would be IMPORTANT to you today if you knew that your time here is temporary?

What a grand opportunity we have to be here on planet earth.
The time is precious, to be savored, to be maximized and enjoyed fully.

My prayer for each one of us is that we LIVE LIFE FULLY and PURPOSEFULLY in 2017!

Now is the TIME to emerge into your potential.
Now is the time to set aside remaining self-doubt and fears.
Now is the time to get moving on your dreams--starting where you are today with whatever resources you have right now.
Now is the time to love and enjoy the people who are most important to you.
Now is the time to re-orient your life and your way of  being to THRIVE in 2017.

I choose to be wide awake today and every day!
Join me, please ;)
It sure will be a lot more enjoyable if we all do so.

With my love, 
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr. 

Monday, December 26, 2016

Re-Emerging Into Child-like Wonder & Joy

More and more I am less and less serious.

More and more I am returning to my natural essence -- that of an open heart, an energetic excitement for life.

I came onto the planet and got serious pretty quickly.  I was born into a family where a parent had a mental illness and a proclivity toward intense anger and emotional violence.

Any joyful inclination my brother or I had was immediately squashed by the German "Stop that non-sense.  Be seen and not heard."

I became a great soldier.  I put on the armor of self-protection to survive each day, ever ready to defend my young spirit from the powerful fatherly surges of mean energy.

As I grew into a teen, I channeled my energy into feats of achievement and great success.  I was an unstoppable warrior.  Yet, as I emerged into adulthood the inner sadness I felt was so profound that I couldn't enjoy any of the accomplishments very well.

And so, the last 14 years of healing work has been full of becoming aware of and letting go the layers of defensiveness, of sadness that blanketed my young soul.  I gradually and slowly have peeled back the pain and depressed energy.

In the process, I eventually got to peace.  Peace felt really good.  I no longer had the fears.  I no longer had the yearning for fatherly love.  I felt a sense of stillness within.

Then I realized, I had no clue what joy meant.  How could I get from Peace to Joy?

That was my quest in 2016.  I had absolutely no concept of what it would mean to be filled with joy and wonder of life.  I had to numb all that within myself in order to survive my brutal childhood.

Yet, my request to God was -- God, help me to re-awaken to joy.  I could see joy in my children.  They loved life.  They laughed.  They were happy.  They wanted to have fun, to connect with friends.  They were silly.

My 3 daughters were a door, once again, to my awakening to being joyful.

I now am re-experiencing child-like wonder at life.  I am beginning to step back into what happiness is. After doing the inner work of peeling back the hundreds of walls I built to survive -- now, what I am finally reconnecting to is my pure, child-like awe and wonder at the gift of life.

As I meditated this morning and sat in stillness for some time with pen and paper in hand.  Here is what emerged:

To expand exponentially one must relax profoundly.

Striving brings tension and closes energy down.

Relaxed, joyful focus allows for creative surges of energy to flow into MANIFESTATION.

From courageous openness to one's heart's desires, 
Emerges the simple next step to take.

Then, one step after the other, the path unfolds--
twisting and turning with peaks and valleys on a 

What one small step are you
Ready to take today
On your path of Personal Evolution?

Like a joyful child, full of excitement--let energy surge through your body 
As you go forth into Today.

Release heavy mental stories.
Surrender fear and negativity.

Open the heart.
Unleash the spirit that yearns to finally be free of the mental prison.

The key of joyful personal choice is in your hands.

Emerge FORTH
Surpassing all expectations.
Flooded with Dancing enthusiasm for
The gift of Life Today.

Believe in your own miraculous potential...and
You are certain to
Step fully into it.

Dearest friends, this journey of life often means coming back to the child-like version of our self that brims with energy.  As we combine this wondrous energy with our inner wisdom, we skip along life's path, determined to leap forward into the unknown adventures that await us.

Follow the yearnings of your heart.
Keep healing.
Ask God to assist you in removing the layers of pain and protection you have accumulated.
As Layer by Layer falls away, the enormous potential of your spirit naturally emerges.

How I know first hand the process of intense healing and transformation....and I delight to walk side-by-side with others as they experience the same processes.

I'm only an email away.

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Wrapping My Gift to YOU!

I've finished up my Christmas shopping.  I still need to wrap up my gifts for my husband, kids and immediate family.  I realized, though, that I still needed to take the time to wrap a gift for YOU!

You may think my gift is too simple.  Maybe what I am about to offer you is not "sexy" or on "the list of Top Gifts for 2016".

The gift I have to give you comes in the form of a reminder.

Beyond the glitter, the lights, the wrapping paper, the presents you have gotten for the ones you love.  Beyond any of the STUFF and the Glitz.

It is essential to remember that YOU, YOUR PRESENCE is the BEST GIFT YOU CAN OFFER the ones you love.  

Yes, that means all of you -- the parts of you that go through the highs and the aspects  of you that have felt tremendous lows.  That means the talents you bring to the table and the strengths you embody as well as the areas of growth that are calling for your attention.  YOU -- ALL OF YOU -- each and every cell of your body from your hair down to your toe-nails is a tremendous GIFT.

What if for the next few days you put aside any worries of what people thought of you?

What if you decided to show up--warts and all--and just had a blast being the best version of you that you can?

What if you put aside all pressure and expectations and came to the parties and to the family celebrations with total presence -- a willingness to just BE FULLY with the people you love.  Your whole self -- mind, body and spirit -- listening, looking in awe a the magnificent people in your life, loving them in a fuller way than you have ever done before?

What if the real gift of this time of year is the togetherness, the late night heart-felt conversations of loving comfort you can give to someone you care about?

What if the deeper gifts of the Holidays is acting on those intuitive promptings to help a stranger in a special way?

What if the magic in all of this Holiday Hulabaloo (did I spell that right!??) is YOU?

Friend, my prayer is that you begin to recognize how essential YOU are to our human race.  Each one of us 7 billion traversing this planet at this time brings a unique, remarkable configuration.  The gifts you have, the experiences that have shaped you, the resilient spirit flowing through your body--all parts of you are designed to be a GIFT to your realm of influence.

So, why not relax yourself a bit.  All that is needed is for you to share the beauty of your heart and spirit as you move through the next few to fully relax into the moment.  Come out of your mind, and just open your heart and bring the FULLNESS of your love to the table.  As you do, the space for miracles open and you just never know what love will spark in your life and the lives of those you are closest to.

Ok...I admit it.  Beyond the gift of my own being, I did find you another great gift to share with you.

 I hit the Jackpot the other day.  I'm a positive psychology as I was searching YouTube to fill my mind with Positive Psychology videos, I found a series of 30 videos of the original, renowned Harvard course on Positive Psychology.  For those of you dedicated to growth and fulfilling your purpose, this will be some of the best 30 hours of learning you can find.  And, this Harvard course is FREE.  Sounds to good to be true, huh?  Well, seize the day and listen to these lectures. (They happen to have Chinese sub-titles in case you have any Chinese friends).  Pretend that you are actually attending the course and give the ideas this amazing professor offers a try.  It WILL change your life if you take the time to learn and apply what he shares.

Harvard Positive Psychology Open Course - 30 lectures

Have a blessed, and happy holiday,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Monday, December 19, 2016

I Chose to LEAN IN -- To My Life

Life is often very ironic.  Often the deepest realizations come from the most painful of circumstances that arrive unexpectedly and break us open.

It was 2002.  I was climbing the corporate ladder at a fast pace.  With my Princeton work-ethic and my belief that I could achieve anything I put my mind to, I had my sights set on becoming a V.P. as quickly as I could. Underneath the surface, though, there was a mild dissatisfaction brewing--that question that lurked in the dark moments, "Isn't there something more to all of this?"

Life stopped me in my tracks.  Soon after my first child, Maggie, arrived, we were given the message by doctors that "There is something wrong with your baby.  She might not walk, talk or be normal." That was the message delivered after 6 months of inconclusive testing at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

I went from feeling a mild, inner discontent to my life being broken open into intense personal suffering.

Rather than Leaning In to climb the corporate ladder to numb my pain.  I instead Leaned In to my LIFE. I Leaned into my Pain.  This radical choice has made all the difference for me.

In the years just after Maggie's arrival, I learned that Pain could not overcome me.  Pain was a vehicle to my personal awakening.  The intensity of these circumstances had no outer solution.  Nothing could make me feel better anymore--my work addiction lost all it's magic. All the things that had caused me a sense of excitement no longer did so.  It was just me and the pain.

What I quickly realized as I sat in the intense discomfort of my life was that there were deeper messages beckoning--even screaming for my attention.

"Trish, you are here for something more, something deeper than this external rat race."

"Trish, it is time to come back to the clear callings you had as a young person."

"Trish, mild suffering is overrated--the status quo of stressful striving is not the only way."

"Trish, you searched for excitement in outer activities and it never satisfied you, look within and look above."

"Trish, you can find the way beyond Pain.  You can find a way to peace--even joy--regardless of the circumstances."

Leaning In to my Pain cracked me open and allowed me to discover who I was on a much deeper level.

Leaning In to the Fires life brought me burned away all that didn't really matter.

Leaning In to the inner messages that had, for years, been trying to get my attention allowed me to finally get on the path to deep self-discovery, spiritual awakening and incredible Life Transformation.

I fell apart and I was purposefully reconfigured into a better, connected-to-my-true-essence version of myself.

We live in a world that tells us pain is a bad thing--AVOID IT ANY COST.  Numb if you must--with alcohol, drugs, mindless device surfing, unhealthy relationships.  Stay so busy that you never have to be with yourself in quiet moments.

The results of that are clear.  We live in an age where depression is on the rise and mental health issues are becoming a massive, world-wide epidemic. Suicide rates are at their highest.

There is a better way.  The path through the fires of Pain may not be easy at first.  Sitting with discomfort to understand the deeper messages of our lives can seem daunting.  But, the good news is, that once we take the time to do this, life opens up into joy, peace, wisdom and self-understanding.

There are life-long payouts for dealing with our inner demons and becoming free of them.

The alternate path of constant numbing keeps us stuck in a perpetual pain cycle that has no end.  It eventually becomes so destructive with time that it forces us to break down into such a crisis that we have to face the pain ANYWAY.  So, why not, right now, instead, PAY ATTENTION to what Life's circumstances are trying to tell you?

As I sit here 14 years after Maggie's birth I feel at peace.  I did the soul searching to reconnect to my purpose on the planet. I cleaned out my mind one thought at a time--identifying my fears and negative self-talk and replacing it with optimism and self-compassion.  I began a journey of deep self-realization that has allowed me day after day to find ways to build a thriving, joyful life.  I learned to struggle well.  The journey of having a child with a rare disease (Prader Willi Syndrome) has not been an easy one....but, in the midst of the ups and downs I can now keep my peaceful center, knowing that everything I experience is for my highest growth and learning.

Now, I have the joyful honor of sharing all that I learned with others as a coach, speaker and writer.  Having survived the fire of Pain, I can tell you that on the other side is deep healing and amazing hope.  The greatest gifts in our lives often come in forms we don't expect.

Take the time to open to the gift of your life circumstances.
What is it your Life is speaking to you?
What is it time to get honest with yourself about?
What is your inner voice whispering (maybe even shouting) to you?
What transformation is your deeper self yearning for?

As you finish up 2016 and move into the New Year, I encourage you to stop running from what you are afraid of.  Instead, be curious.  Open to your life and your self in a new way.  With courage, you will be amazed at the treasures of wisdom and awareness that await you!

Choose to Lean Your Life.
You'll never regret doing so.

(Hey -- I got support from many people during my intense life transformation.  I could not have done it alone.  So, if you need someone to be with you, guide you, walk with you through some of these inner and outer circumstances, I am a professional certified coach and my greatest expertise is in Life Transformation.  For those ready to dedicate themselves to this process, I'm only an email away

With my love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Getting Things In the Right Order

I've been thinking of the greatest realizations I've come to this year.  One of them is:  Take Care of Things in the Right Order.

It's quite tempting, isn't it, to be so passionate that we go out and serve the World around us....and we often do so to the extent that we become completely depleted.  Not to mention, we can become so focused on using our gifts to serve the outside World that we forget to offer our gifts first and foremost to those closest to us.

I admit it.  I've been guilty of this.  I'm such a passionate mentor and dedicated agent of positive change that it is easiest for me to pour all my time and energy into these efforts.

Yet, one day this year, my husband came to speak truth to me:

"Trish, you are exhausting yourself to the point that you have very little left for us at home."

Woa. That message stopped me fully in my tracks.

My husband has this way of observing me and my patterns...and then, when it's time, he delivers one of those poignant truths to me that cuts through me and brings me out of my unconscious fog to a new awareness.  (I do the same for him.  Actually, that is one of the best parts of our relationship--to have the level of deep love and comfort that we can actually speak the truth to one another as we grow into our best selves.)

So, I stepped back to look at myself.  He was RIGHT.  I had gotten a bit out of synch with my deeper priorities.

I was personally depleted.  Why would I be offering the energy I had to others when I wasn't fully taking care of me?

And, I was getting so focused on offering service to the World, that I was overlooking opportunities to invest all that I needed into the people I cared about most:  my husband and my 3 amazing daughters.

I had new awareness and I created a motto that I now live by:  Do things in the right order.

A move away from Deficit Living is essential now for me...and for all agents of positive change.  It is actually SELFISH to serve others to the point of exhaustion.  Yep, you did hear me right.  Here's why:  You cheat yourself out of enjoying life AND you cheat others out of getting the BEST of your gifts.

There is a NEW PARADIGM for Service -- one that fosters well-being, a stable home and allows you to bless the World through service too.

The key is to get things in the right order:
For me, here is the right order:

1. Thriving Self:  First, I must be in full alignment with my Source.  I must feed my spirit and nurture my soul.  I must make sure my physical body is well so that I am charged up and feel healthy as I walk my daily journey.

2. Thriving Intimate Relationship:  I choose to ensure that my relationship with my partner in purpose, my husband David, is at it's greatest harmony and synchronization.

3.  Thriving Home:  I choose to devote my gifts to raising my 3 daughters into empowered, whole, healthy change agents that are happy and thriving.


4.  Thriving Service to Humanity:  From the overflow of my personal well-being and from the stability of my joyful home, offer service to the World.

Sometimes our intention to serve the world with our gifts causes us to become unaware of other aspects of our lives that are important too.

If we take the time to get things in the right order, the foundation of our service is strengthened.  And, what we have to give to the World around us becomes a natural overflow of our well-being, our harmony with the ones we love and our strengthened relationship with the Source of Life.

It's a simple idea but it has helped me become clearer in my approach.  I'm now serving the World from a place of wellness and with the delightful knowledge that the people around me fully receive the gifts I have.

What's the right order for you?

Why not take some time to get clear on your priorities?

Life beckons us in so many directions.  Constant opportunities vie for our time and energy.  If we are clear on our priorities, we can say more purposeful "Yes" and "No" to the choices that come our way.

Praying that we all get things in the right order so we thrive each and every day,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

On Syria & Healing the War Within

I've been watching the unfolding devastation in Syria and my heart has been broken.  To see the intense suffering the people of Syria are going through--their cities destroyed, the loss of loved ones, the desperation of leaving Aleppo in total uncertainty.

I've been asking, "What can I do? How can I be part of the solution?"

I've found many amazing organizations that are unifying and bringing together resources to help the situation at a grass-roots level.

Yet, I was yearning for something more, something deeper that would allow me to be part of the solution.

As I sat in meditation this morning, I was reminded of the saying, "As Within, So Without."

In my mind's eye I became aware that within each of us is a massive war.  Just as we have watched the Russian and Iranian war planes drop bombs upon Aleppo to cause destruction, so too, on a daily basis many of us allow the inner war planes of self-judgment and self- sabotage to come in and destroy our inner landscape.

As we drop those bombs within ourselves, we destroy the possibilities of peaceful co-existence in our inner world.

As we open fire on our dreams with the bullets of our fears, we create an inner slaughter of our deepest desires.  Bloody, wounded...our dreams and aspirations and hopes die within ourselves.

As we let loose the destructive self-hatred bombs on a daily basis--barraging ourselves with demeaning thoughts of Not Good Enough, Unworthy, Undeserving --we cause vital, alive aspects of ourselves to flee the war and hide, going underground or heading to refugee camps to wait until the war subsides.

This example I am offering is not extreme friends.  It's real.  The war within ourselves is wreaking havoc and destruction on our inner landscapes.  The factions within us--the parts that stand for peace, justice and a desire to build remarkable possibilities are at war with the aspects of ourselves that hate us and seek to destroy what we truly desire.

How can I make the situation in Syria better and be part of a solution?

Yes, I can donate to these grass-roots organizations who are working so hard to make a difference.

But, more profoundly, I can work to bring all the aspects of myself to the table for peace talks.
I can immediately call an end to the inner bombing campaigns of the self-sabotaging thought habits.
I can bring a cease-fire about and notify my fears that they no longer are permitted destroy the incredible dreams that exist within me.
I can create a humanitarian corridor within myself to allow safe passage for all the sad, disheartened aspects of myself to return to help re-build my inner world.
I can open the door for co-existence of all the various parts of me.
I can give comfort to my inner child who for a time was lost in the rubble of my inner war.

I can bring total peace to myself so that I can allow creativity to emerge so that I am a thriving, micro-scopic aspect of humanity.  If I do this, I am certain to be part of the macro-level changes I wish to see in the World.

I'm not sure if I have fully communicated to you the profound awareness I have gained this morning.

Change begins WITHIN me.
Peaceful co-existence begins WITHIN me.
Love for all aspects of humanity begins WITHIN me.
Eradication of fear, hatred and destruction begins WITHIN  ME!

Imagine for just one moment being at total peace within yourself.  Imagine for a second that love and kindness and compassion pervade your entire being.  Dream with me for a second and think of how the energies that have caused inner war are instead channeled into building the most incredibly beautiful, thriving inner World and life your heart so desperately longs for.

What would happen in our individual lives if we took the steps needed to bring this about?

Then, what would happen in our our our our countries...and therefore, across this entire planet?

This is the highest call to action each of us can take on--to stop the war within and build a new world from WITHIN ourselves.

Sending you love,
I'd love to hear your thoughts if any of these ideas resonated with you via the comments section below....

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Take Time for an Awe-SOME December

When was the last time you sat for a few minutes and simply relaxed?

When was the last time you came out of your busy, mental frenzy and noticed the incredible, miraculous nature of the World around you?

When was the last time you tuned in to your breath, noticing that your body keeps functioning even without you paying it attention?

When was the last time you sat outside and felt the subtle breeze on your skin, the sun warming your body and the wonderful support the ground below you offers you all day, every day?

Too often our whole world happens in our little tiny mind.  We allow ourselves to become overwhelmed and zoned in only to the frantic mental stories of achievement, striving for success or striving for acceptance and love from those around us.

We constantly create "fight or flight" chemicals in our body living in fear, insecurity or worry that we are just not far enough along.

How is that working for us?  For me, when I used to live that way, I really didn't feel well.  I pushed myself to points of physical exhaustion.  I was mentally overwhelmed and running at high speed all the time.

Life is designed to be a miraculous experience.  Divine Grace is present all around if we take even a moment to get out of our thinking and pay attention to the World around us.

Become mindful.  Engage all of your senses right now.  Sit for a moment.  Take some deep breaths.  Notice your body from head to toe.  Tune in to this body that is supporting you all day, every day as you journey for life.  Your heart beats.  Feel it.  Your blood flows through your veins.  Connect to the sensations.  Your skin allows you the gift of connection and touch with other beings.  You are a living miracle, aren't you?

Now, feel the ground beneath you.  Notice that the planet keeps orbiting without you paying it an ounce of attention.  Galaxies stay in synch as you venture through your day.  The sun rose again today, offering you light, warmth...have you stopped to feel the sun on your skin and give thanks for the miracle of the Universe in which you exist?

What if all day, throughout the day, you took a few minutes to NOTICE the incredible gifts Life is offering you all the time?  What if you put aside the mental stories of "needing to achieve", "needing to prove yourself", "needing to make an impact", "comparing yourself to everyone around you"...what if you decided to give your brain a break?  And, then instead, make a conscious, regular choice to tune in, with all of your senses, and fully enjoy the incredible gift of life within you and all around you.

Awe...opens the door to Faith.  When you begin to realize all that is being done on your behalf--worlds turning, body breathing automatically--you begin to see that there is a much greater picture, one that is compassionate and actively seeking your highest good.  Why not take time to feel the awe of all of this?

When you tune into awe, you are opening up your creativity.  You are knocking on the door of joy.  You are creating needed pathways in your brain and body so you can stimulate good, natural chemical reactions that will allow you to FEEL BETTER.

Stepping back to take notice of all of this rejuvenates the spirit and will allow you a needed re-fill of your energy tank.

Will you give this a try this week?
Will you find a friend who might be interested in doing this with you and commit together to using the month of December to feel AWE-SOME together?

Just 5 minutes a day of this kind of present moment awareness may shift your life in ways you can't yet fully comprehend.  Clearly, it is worth a try.

Sitting in Awe every day with you,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

What's the Rush? Trust the Process

Tense.  Wound up.  Stressed.  Overly intense.  Working to the point of physical and mental exhaustion.  Pressing, pushing.  Must MAKE it happen.  Attempting to control outcomes.  Anxious.  Push to the limit.

Any of that sound familiar to you?

It does to me.  I used to adhere to that method of working to bring my dreams into reality.  And, yes, results would come but the process drained the life force of my body, mind and spirit.  Funny thing was, the results that came were so hard fought that I couldn't even fully enjoy them.  And, before I took the time to celebrate, my mind would be pushing me to achieve the next set of results.

As I've been growing and continuing with my inner work, I've seen that living life stressed, anxious, and driven is merely one way of doing it.  There are many paths to the same destination.  For me, personally, I'm waking up to the fact that enjoying the entire journey--yes, EVERY single step of it, has become just or more important than getting a set of specific external results.

Why can't I feel well and also move forward into living my full potential?  What if living my full potential means that I can be well, experience peace, focus my energy in a joyful flow --and allow the results to come in due time.

What's the rush anyway?  Thirteen years ago when I began this intensely amazing process of personal transformation, I received clear vision of what I was made for.  At the time, I assumed that the vision I received would happen quickly.  Some of it did.  I realize now how grateful I am that many of the things my heart and soul has yearned for has not yet come about in full.  I was not ready for it all.

Life has been growing me, purifying me, bringing me all the exact circumstances and learning partners to help me grow.  I can see how I am being prepared for a much more joyful, full manifestation of those initial visions I received.

It's like this.  When a woman gets pregnant, those 9 months seem like a long time, don't they?  As much as she wants to get that baby out of her body and into her arms, she would never want the baby to be born prematurely.  If the baby comes out too soon, he won't be fully developed  and he could have issues that affect him for the rest of his life if he comes before the appointed time.

The same is true with living our dreams.  There is a Divine timetable in place.  Rather than being afraid of why something isn't coming to fruition when you want it to, why not instead know that it will arrive at the time you are truly ready? Then, with that peaceful knowing, turn your attention to the day you are in. Do your best today.  Take the steps of action joyfully that you are guided to take. Open yourself fully to where you are, the people you are with, the experiences you are having and HAVE FUN GROWING TODAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE.

As I look at myself, I see that even the last 6 months of my growth have been VITAL to living my purpose.  There may not be major breakthroughs that the external world can see yet.  But, I FEEL different. I FEEL so much better.  I have moved from inner peace to finally being able to experience joy.

All the right situations have been showing up to teach me just how much further I need to heal so that I can access my inherent gifts and so that I can be the best version of myself to fully maximize and live out my vision.  I am trusting the process more than ever.  I realize that even moments when it appears there is outer chaos, the circumstances are truly here for my highest good and development.  I choose now to RELAX into whatever is happening, knowing that my calling is to live my best life right here, right now.

The beautiful thing is that there just isn't a rush.  The calling within me is for a LIFETIME.  So, why be so intensely focused that it MUST ALL come about immediately?  Why not instead go with the flow more, relax and have fun in each step of the journey knowing fully that the consistent efforts will bring about the manifestations in the Divine Moments when they are meant to come about?

Friends, as we relax into life, the vortex of possibilities and energetic convergence come about in a better, more comprehensive way anyhow!  So, I'm choosing to get out of my own head and get into the joys of living.  Believe me, I'm more committed than ever to living my purpose on this planet.  But now, I am ENJOYING the entire ride...not just waiting for moments of external results to celebrate.

There really is no rush, is there?

Notice opportunities to release the tension and stress.  Notice opportunities to be your best self today.  Notice opportunities to use your gifts today, right where you are even if it doesn't look exactly like you think it should.  We are each called to be fully present and open to our current circumstances.

Rather than judging yourself and your progress, why not relax into the miraculous flow.  Divine grace is providing the perfect path for your Best Self to emerge.

Your life is on schedule, dear friend.


With all my love,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.