Sunday, October 25, 2009

Harness Your Power: Observe, Observe, Observe

I had the chance to speak today at the Mind, Body, Spirit expo in Valley Forge, PA.  The first step I share in my Harness Your Power talk is the importance of observing your mind.

Observation is the key to understanding how we sabotage ourselves with fear, self-doubt, guilt and limiting ideas.  The more you study your mind and see how it connects to the way you feel and the results you are creating with your life, the more aware you become of your next steps of personal growth.

Each thought you have is an OPPORTUNITY!  Yes, you have the power to choose to focus on empowering thoughts so that you feel well.  When you feel well, life becomes more enjoyable.  Your eyes open to new opportunities and you move beyond fear to experience what you desire in life.

Take time this week to observe your thinking.  Pay close attention to two areas:  self-talk (criticism) and fear.  Write down what you observe.  Notice the impact these negative thoughts have on the way you feel and the way you live. 

After observing, ask a simple question, "How might I view myself or this situation differently?"  I guarantee that with time you will be guided to the right answers!

I'm here to support you, love you and encourage you.
Never hesitate to send me an email:

With great love for you,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Harness Your Power: Get Some Rest!

I spent this weekend doing a lot of resting. (No, that's not me in this picture, it's my daughter Skye held in her daddy's hand.  She was only 7 days old).  I took a nice long nap followed by a longer than normal night's sleep.  I feel refreshed and refocused.  I stayed at home more than normal and did simple things with my kids like playing board games and hide-n-seek.  It felt good to BE more than DO.

Rest is essential to our physical, mental and emotional well-being.  Yet, so few of us get enough of it.  I admit I am guilty of this on a regular basis.

When you interact with people and ask them, "How are you doing?"  They often respond with the words, "I'm so busy."  It even can appear sometimes that people are competing with each other to see who is the busiest one among us.

For some reason we attach our value to being busy.  We have come to think that the busier we are, the more important we are.  I'd challenge you to question this notion.  All too often I've worked when I was tired and ended up getting very little done. 

I now know that if I rest first, I get far more done and have improved focus.

Listen to your body's signs this week -- do you feel exhausted, worn thin?  Do you feel on edge or cranky?  Are the tears flowing more than normal?  It might just be that what you need more than anything is a nice, long nap.

Get some rest.  I did and I feel much better.  I have extra zip to my step and a much clearer mind. 

Take good care of yourself.  You are so important!

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Come hear me speak on Sunday, October 25th at 3 pm at the Mind, Body, Spirit Expo in Valley Forge, PA

Monday, October 12, 2009

Harness Your Power: Tools for the Fire of Fear

The past few days I've experienced some very intense life situations.  They have brought my deepest fears back up to the surface for more healing.  In the moments when the fire of the fears burns strongest, I've sat quietly breathing.  I've taken the time to remind myself of the miraculous things that have been happening in my life the past few years.  I've used affirmations to help myself remember, "All is well.  I stay in the moment.  I enjoy what this moment offers me.  I am grateful for all the good in my life (then I list everything I can think of for which I can give thanks."

I have used these tools over and over the past few years.  They work. 

It doesn't mean that the fire doesn't feel hot, as if I may completely melt.  I actually have felt moments where I felt I might break into millions of little pieces.  But, I have learned that my spirit is far grander than the stories my mind tells me of future fear and guilty pasts.  I sit and watch my mental processes.  I feel what is there to be felt.  I move through it.  Then, after some time it passes and I move back into deep peace.

My faith is deepened.  I am more certain than ever that I am guided each step of the journey.

I wanted to share this with you so you can understand that you are not alone if you are facing difficulties that feel overwhelming. I  experience this too.  Yet, I've found a way to sit in the darkness with a calm spirit knowing that the storms will pass.

I was blessed this week to see a "rainbow spot" on a sunny day.  I've never seen anything like it before.  The sky was bright blue.  In the middle of one of the clouds was the most beautiful circle filled with the colors of a rainbow.  I looked up and breathed in the energy of hope it offered me.

Dear friend, we can only live one moment at a time.  To jump any further ahead than this moment often causes us too much suffering.  Breathe deeply this week and stay as present as you can.  Use gratitude to stay focused on the gifts this moment offers you.

Healing with you,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Harness Your Power: Serve

The question that burns in my heart every day is, “How can I serve?”

I have found nothing more satisfying than helping another being by sharing my love, time and resources with them.

As philosopher and physician Albert Schweitzer said, “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”

Yes, there is pleasure in enjoying material goods but that soon wears off.

Yes, there is excitement in traveling the world and seeing new places, but we always long to return home.

What lasts? The only mark we leave is our loving service to others. This is what truly matters. This is what people will speak of when our life comes to an end.

The wonderful thing about services is that it is simple to do – often the smallest acts of care change the lives of people around us.

Do you have ears? Serve this week by taking the time to really listen someone who needs your attention.

Do you have arms? Offer a hug to someone who is struggling to find hope.

Do you have a few extra Naira? Offer help to a family who needs help funding their children’s education or surprise them with food that they hunger for.

Do you have expertise? Find a young person who needs your advice and support and commit to a mentoring relationship.

In the words of Anne Frank, “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” Don’t wait another minute!

Use the question, “How can I serve?” to guide you through every day this week.

Wholeheartedly serving with you,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.