Saturday, May 16, 2009

Harness Your Power: Notice Your Natural Instincts

My older daughter, Maggie, woke me up this morning at 6:50 a.m! She was full of excitement and ready to get the day started.

Yesterday when my mom came to see the kids perform in their first dance recital, she brought them each a workbook. The workbooks are full of pages that let the kids practice writing their ABCs and 123s. As Maggie went to bed last night, she was trying to write in her workbook in the dark. Finally, after some convincing, she put it under her pillow and went to sleep.

When morning arrived she had the book in her hands and asked if I'd sit with her as she did her writing. Maggie will sit for hours with these books. She is naturally inclined to do her schoolwork. She'll line up all her babies in a row and teach them everything she has learned at school. (She also sends them for time outs and even to the principal's office when they are not listening to her!)

My four year old, Skye, is totally different. Yet, she has interests of her own. The first thing she asks me now in the morning is, "What's the weather going to be like? Can I wear shorts and flip-flops?" She loves picking out her clothes each morning. She is highly focused on fashion.

Yesterday I got all dressed up for my speaking engagement. She noticed that I was wearing a dark shade of pantyhose and was desperate to have a pair of her own. Remember, she is only 4!

She also loves to dance. After the recital last night she was running around with a group of kids. I looked over and saw her doing a handstand and moving her legs in crazy ways. When I asked her what she was doing she said she was trying a new dance move.

I share these stories to illustrate that we all have natural instincts. We are drawn to the things we love. Those of us who are older may no longer feel that we are connected to activities that we feel passionate about.

When I was a kid, I would always be on the go. I loved rollerskating, riding my big wheel, and organizing the kids in the neighborhood so we could play games together. Movement was important to me--intense, physical activities was something I loved. That is still the case (though I no longer have a pair of rollerskates!)

What were you naturally drawn to as a child or teenager? Before people told you that you should, "GROW UP!" what did you love to do? If you've put fun things aside to be an adult, I challenge you to reconsider.

I've determined that it is perfectly fine to do things that allow me to really enjoy life. I'm no longer going to put the fun aside and be too serious. I want every moment of my life to be a wonderful experience. I've been rediscovering my passions and taking the time to do what I love. It feels wonderful!

I challenge you this week to think back to when you were a kid: What did you do with your time? How did you express yourself? What was fun for you? Then consider how those interests might translate into your life as an adult.

You deserve to be happy NOW! Don't postpone fun and can start to love life right now.

As I finish writing this, Maggie is trying to convince Skye to give her the workbook Gram brought her. Somehow, I'm sure, Maggie will win this negotiation and have another workbook at her disposal for the day.

Be as unrelenting as my children in going after you want:)

With all my love and support,

Patricia Omoqui

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