Sunday, November 30, 2008

Harness Your Power: Be a Hero!

Sitting here this evening feeling tremendously inspired as I watch the CNN Heroes Awards. The people honored on this show are no different than you or me. They are simple, kind beings. They have stepped forward and followed their inner urges to help others. One thought, one word and one act at a time they touch lives, spreading love.

What is it that beckons you to serve? You know your inner calling. It echoes in your heart. Now is your time to get started. Take one baby step a day towards fulfilling your life mission.
If you feel unsure about what your purpose is, look deep within. Ask to be guided to it. Listen. Watch. Notice what brings you to tears, what moves your heart.

Then, step forward and act. Get involved. So many community organizations could use your help. It's time for each of us to live love. As we live love and give love it brings us love. Spread your love. Use your power. You are the change that your World awaits.

Serving others is the greatest honor and the most fulfilling thing you will experience in your life.

I weep as I see the positive changes happening across the World. It's time for more. It's time to unleash your power, your love and your gifts.
For those heroes who have been serving courageously, don't give up. Keep the faith. Your work is needed.

Thank you, heroes. I honor you tonight. I step forward with you. I believe in change.

Full of love and compassion,

Patricia Omoqui

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Harness Your Power: Focus on Love

In thinking about this weekly blog, I considered writing a traditional Thanksgiving blog, reminding each of us to be truly thankful for the blessings in our lives. Of course, I will remind you: let's all join together in counting our blessings and focusing our hearts in gratitude! But, I'd like instead to suggest that this week we focus on seeing others through eyes of love rather than through eyes of judgment.

Big family gatherings can be challenging. We join together with relatives who are experts at pushing our buttons. Old conflicts arise, putting a negative, cloudy energy in the air that everyone perceives but nobody talks about. It feels uncomfortable. Yet we pretend and put on a smile. We try to be cordial.

I'd like to suggest a new approach this year. Before you go to your family celebration, take a few moments to sit down and open your heart. Get a pen and a piece of paper. Begin by making a list of all the people you will be encountering (if it is a big gathering, just list the people who you are not comfortable being around.) Now, begin to write down any and every positive thing you can find about this person. For just a moment, move beyond your judgment and open to a bigger perspective.

If you feel stuck on trying to find positives, then say a brief prayer -- "Spirit, please help me to see this person from a new perspective. Open my eyes in an expanded way and help me to move beyond judgment and see any spark of light this person has within."

These questions might also help you in thinking about the person: Have you seen this person offer kindness to someone in the past? Are they talented? Do they intend to be loving but just never come across that way? (Give them credit for the attempts they make.) Are they full of good humor and jokes? Even though they often may judge you, is it really because of their fearful beliefs that are motivated from a deep love for you? Might it be that their mannerisms, though they annoy you, are merely what they learned growing up?

The whole point of this exercise is to focus on the light, the love you can perceive -- no matter how small it appears to you. When you focus on the light, it grows! When you focus on the light, you change. When you focus on the light, your perceptions shift. The old ideas that you felt you couldn't let go of, are able to transform.

If we desire World peace, the peace must start from our own small circles of friends and family. We may not be able to change the people who offend, ignore, or annoy us. We can change the way we view them. We can release our judgments; we can open to love.

Prepare yourself for these challenging interactions. You could even carry this paper of loving qualities with you to the gathering. Keep it in your pocket or your purse -- so if you find yourself moving into the old patterns of judgment, go to the bathroom, re-read it. Breathe and allow love to fill you again.

Ask Spirit to assist you in approaching these interactions in a new way. Ask for miraculous healing to occur in relationships that have been broken and stuck in conflict for years. It is all possible -- IF we are willing to open our hearts to new possibilities.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving. For those of you in other parts of the World, use this exercise in the same way -- make a list of the people who annoy, bug and upset you in your daily life. Open to making the same types of shifts in these relationships. No special family gatherings are needed to experience this growth.

On one other note, I want to say to each of you how thankful I am to interact with you via this blog. It is an honor to share these ideas from my heart. I offer each of you love because I know that you are pure love in your essence. You are, we all are, aspects of Source Energy in human form. We are more similar than different. Are struggles are common ones and as we join together and learn, we begin to see how beautiful we are in facing our daily challenges in our life experience.

I close with a few affirmations to support you in your interactions:

I open to seeing the love and light in my friends and family.

I open to seeing more love and light within myself.

We are all in this together.

I move beyond the conflicts and see others from Spirit's perspective.

I notice the beauty in every human being.

I see them with compassion and empathy.

I realize that their words and actions are not personal to me.

I assume that they, and I, are capable of healing our conflicts and joining together in love.

I am an ambassador of peace.

My work begins in my circle of friends and family.

The peace that starts in my heart spreads to everyone in my life.

It moves around the globe and impacts World peace.

I see my power.

I see new possibilities in my life.

I give thanks for all that I am, all that I have, and all that I am becoming.

In love, knowing the beauty of each person who is reading this blog,

Patricia Omoqui

If you need any support in preparing for tough interactions, drop me an email and we can arrange a quick coaching session. Sometimes a few minutes of conversation can give you just the support you need!

Much love!


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Harness Your Power: Try New Things

I am a morning person. I typically rise at 5:30 a.m. to enjoy the peace of our home so I can meditate and work on writing my weekly articles or making progress on my book. It's my favorite time of the day. Around 6:30 a.m. my youngest daughter Skye wanders down the stairs and snuggles beside me on the couch as I finish up my work. (This is a picture of my sparkling daughter).

Skye is a dynamic little girl. This week she decided she wanted to dress as a ballerina for school. She wore a pink mesh ballerina skirt over her jeans, some shiny black shoes and wore her hair in a bun to get the look she wanted. May I remind you she is only 3 1/2. A true character! (She often wears a Hannah Montana wig when we got out to run errands!)

This morning she came down and showed me that she can now snap. Last week she got really focused on figuring out how to snap her fingers. When Dad sings, he often snaps. I think she also saw her teacher doing this at school during music time. She was determined and focused on learning this new skill. After a week of practice, she has almost mastered it! Now she is so excited to show off her new skill.

This got me thinking about how fun it is to learn and try new things. Kids thrive on the excitement of expanding their skills. They are often relentless -- trying again and again until they figure it out. Some adults do this as well, but many of us get so busy in our daily lives that we often put aside our inner yearnings to learn something fresh.

I'd like to encourage you to let your desires for growth and expansion to emerge. Even if you feel you don't have time for learning, at least listen to your heart. What would you really like to learn how to do? Would learning how to cook Thai food excite you? Maybe you have always wanted to dance? Or, is it time to refresh your guitar skills? Has there been a language you have always had interest in? Whatever it is that would bring you joy, just begin to write your ideas down.

Some of my clients take the time to write down a list of "The things I'd like to do and experience by age 35 (or, 40, 50, 60, 70 etc.)." The people I've met who have done some really cool things are usually the ones that are very clear in knowing what they'd like to do. They've taken the time to think through their list. Then, they pick something from their list and begin -- whether it is saving for the trip of their dreams or signing up for a class -- they get started and find a way to fit what they love into their lives. Because they have a list, they are able to fit these things into the hours of time that open up in their schedules rather than sitting in front of the TV because they don't have anything else in mind to do.

Take what is in your heart and put it on the page. Why not write your own list this week? Let your creative juices flow. Don't put limits on the exercise --no worrying about where you'll get the money or how you'll fit it into your schedule. Just commit your dreams to paper.

Notice how you feel just thinking about these ideas! Imagine what it will be like to actually experience them.

My next learning experience is one I never would have thought of months ago. Because of the recent experiences I've had with producing TV segments to air in Nigeria and now on a local Philadelphia cable called MindTV, I've realized I want to know more about Television and broadcasting. So, I'm beginning to ask around about classes at local colleges where I can get exposed to this learning! I'm also attending a class on Thursday that is a boot camp for learning how to produce 5 minute TV segments. It feels refreshing when we take the steps to continually expand our minds!

Take the time to write your list this week! Let your heart beat fast again!

On a different note, for any of you who are feeling the darkness of life, please check out my article on Vanguard this week. I believe it will encourage your heart: .

With great love for each of you,

Patricia Omoqui

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Harness Your Power: Belief, Hope and Courage

What a momentous week this was for our country. Whether you supported Obama or McCain, it was truly amazing to watch this election unfold. We saw the seemingly impossible become possible. What allows for these types of things to happen? Three of the key elements that brings a vision to reality are belief, hope and courage.

I am challenging myself to stay focused on these words in the weeks to come. There are many visions in my heart. It is easy for me to fret and wonder how these grand ideas could become a reality. It all boils down to a moment-by-moment choice for me to make -- will I believe or will I doubt? Will I worry or will I be filled with hope? Will I give up or will I walk courageously forward into the unknown?

I can choose. I will choose. I am determined to choose -- to walk by faith, rather than by sight. I have seen miraculous changes in my life in 2008. Things that seemed impossible to me have come about. Opportunities I never could have dreamed of dropped out of thin air and landed in my lap. The miraculous is wonderful to experience. We are surrounded by miracles.

I've been taking the time to recognize my miracles no matter how big or how small. My body is healthy and strong. My daughter Maggie is doing fantastically well given the challenges she faces. Skye shows such spirit and excitement for life. My husband is supportive, caring and courageous. I appreciate every small pleasure from a cup of hot cocoa to a spontaneous hug from my daughters. I am blessed. I am so grateful for all that I have.

Could I choose fear right now? Sure, I could. I believe that suffering is totally overrated. Fear leads me into deep suffering. I know the familiar pattern all too well. To be quite honest, I am tired of fear. So, I've replaced it with belief, hope and courage.

Let's encourage one another this week to stay focused in positive, loving energy. We can do this. It is a choice. If you feel doubt creep into your heart, just stop. Take a deep breath. Then refocus. Remember that the Universe supports you in this amazingly rich journey of learning.

A big hug to each of you.

"Yes, We Can!"

Patricia Omoqui

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Harness Your Power: Celebrate to the Fullest!

I had a special week. Thursday was my 35th birthday. I must say that this was one of my best ones ever. It wasn't because of the type of celebration I had. Yes, I had the traditional cake, a nice dinner out with my family, loving cards and even a massage! But, my birthday this year felt more joyful because of the many inner shifts and deep personal healing I have experienced this year.

I've decided that my intention for the upcoming year is to live with freedom and joy. In some dark times recently I saw how my deepest fears caused me to feel terribly worried and upset. I must say that I am tired of personal suffering. I've discovered that I am able to feel peace more of the time. In fact, with the help of teachers (listening to their CD's and reading their books) I have learned techniques that allow me to see the beauty and peace in each moment.
It's not that outer circumstances aren't challenging because they often are. The difference is that I am approaching these challenges in a new way. I question my mind. I examine my thoughts and see when they send me into feeling upset and exhausted. I stop. I make a conscious choice to see the possibility in each and every moment.

I've been practicing pulling myself back to the moment for several years now. Finally, I am able most of the time to live in the present. And, if I slip to the past or the future, I notice it. I come back to All That Is in the moment. It is refreshing to be in the moment. It is invigorating not to be drained by my fears. It feels like a relief to be able to experience joy again.

That's why my birthday felt so different this year. It was different because my inner being has grown and is more at peace. I am able to celebrate in new ways! It is a happier place to be. I can play like a kid now. I can laugh and be silly in a way I've been unable to for many years. It's nice to feel child-like again.

I feel tremendously blessed. I have been using a new technique during my daily walks. I want to share it with you because I feel such positive, hopeful energy when I do this. I recently read the book The Moses Codes by James Twyman. He tells the story from the Bible of Moses and the Burning Bush. Moses asked the Burning Bush, who are you? God answered Moses in a new way with a new name -- I Am That I Am.

When I heard James Twyman speak a week ago, he demonstrated how to use this name as a means to draw into our lives the experiences we want. Let me give you an example of how I use this to raise my energy. Here are the types of affirmations I create in the structure of I Am That I Am.

I am peace, I am.

I am love, I am.

I am abundant, I am.

I am two million dollars, I am!

I am full of faith, I am.

(I go on and on putting in whatever word I want to be or to draw into my life. As I say these phrases --actually, I chant them aloud as I walk-- I feel the energy of the experience of peace, love, abundance etc.)

Then I move on to offer the same thing to the rest of the World.

We are peace, we are.

We are love, we are.

We are free, we are.

We are rich, we are.

We are joyful, we are.

We are creative, we are.

We are amazing, we are.

We are full of gifts and talents, we are.

We are leaders, we are.

So, you get the idea, right? You can do this in your way. I'm sharing mine because when I do this as I walk it truly helps me. Rather than allowing my mind to drift to the seeming problems in my life, I keep focused on what I WANT TO CREATE. I affirm who I am. I see the vision for what can be changed across our planet.

Why not give this a try this week? Try to stay in this activity for as long as you can be focused. Let me know what you feel as you experience this.

I am so grateful to so many people. I am blessed to have caring mentors, friends and family around me. I am delighted by the material blessings I have -- from a warm scarf, to a soft bed to the trees at the park. Life is remarkable when you see it minus the fear and worry blinders.

Have a blessed week. Be present. Stay focused in gratitude. Use affirmations to bring yourself back to this moment. Each moment is truly exquisite. Have a loving week.

With love and gratitude for each one of you,

Patricia Omoqui

Check out my videos on YouTube...they were created to help and support you in your journey.