Sunday, June 29, 2008
Harness Your Power: You Are Being Prepared
Friday, June 13, 2008
Harness Your Power: Choose Faith
Harness Your Power: Know You Are Gifted!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Harness Your Power: Simplicity is Beautiful
Last night our power went out just as the kids were going to bed. We don't have central air conditioning so the kids camped out in the living room. I found my way in the darkness to candles and set up a few to give us the light we needed. We used my husband's IPhone to play the kids music as they went to sleep. After the kids were asleep my husband and I sat outside for an hour chatting by candlelight and enjoying cold drinks.
The power was still out when we were ready for bed so I laid as still as possible and went to sleep in the heat of the night. The simplicity of the evening was wonderful. It brought me back to experiences I've had as I've traveled the World.
During the summer after my freshman year at Princeton I went on a three month trip to Haiti. Electricity was not constant. In the evenings we'd sit by kerosene lamp. Our entertainment was listening to one of the guys in our group play his guitar or playing cards by the light of the moon. One hot evening we even found time to fit in a tarantula hunt using flashlights.
Sometimes the gadgets become cumbersome and the stuff we've accumulated crowds our lives. In my kitchen I have the word "Simplicity" hanging on the wall. It is my constant reminder that the little things in life are usually the most wonderful.
Today I spent an hour cleaning out my kids rooms. It felt so good to clear out clutter and remove things they no longer needed or used. As I released the things we no longer need, I felt energized and free. I need not be tied down or drained by clutter.
As you approach this week begin to notice how complex you may have allowed your life to become. Notice opportunities to simplify your surroundings.
Maybe you could even turn out all the lights and sit by candlelight in the still of the night. You might find, like I did, that your spirit is encouraged and refreshed by the simplest of things.
Next week I head to Nigeria for an amazing speaking engagement. Vanguard, the newspaper I write for in Nigeria, invited me to be a keynote speaker to open their two day conference called Women on Wellness. I will have the joy of speaking to over 400 Nigerian women. The conference highlights the importance of taking good care of body, mind and spirit. It is one of the first of its kinds in Nigeria so I am grateful to be a part of it.
While I'm there I will be speaking at two elementary schools. I plan to bring 25 - 50 books to contribute to each school's library. (So, if you are local and want to donate some money or books before I leave, just drop me an email: ) . I am excited about the many opportunities I will have to share love with others while there.
Have a blessed and simply beautiful week!
With love,
Patricia Omoqui