Friday, June 13, 2008

Harness Your Power: Know You Are Gifted!

I had the honor two weeks ago of speaking for a large non-profit organization in the area called Kencrest. Kencrest is a 101 year old human services agency that provide services to people with developmental disabilities. I had the opportunity to deliver the keynote speech for a staff training day. In preparation for the speech I visited several of Kencrest's sites. Seeing the services they offer and the approach they take blessed my heart.

As some of the staff described their work to me it became very clear that they truly care about honoring the needs and desires of those they work with. They take a person-centered approach and allow their clients to develop a life that feels good to them -- with the work they enjoy, the house they live in and the activities they get involved with in the community.

Over and over I am reminded that each of us is specially gifted. Those with "disabilities" are merely differently, specially abled people who have brilliant gifts to give the World. We all have valuable gifts we bring to the World. Isn't it time we started to value ourselves so that we could more freely share the love and talent we have?

Many of us get lost in self-doubt and feel "not good enough." Because of this we sit on our couches afraid that we don't have much to give. This is insanity! If you really take a good look at yourself, you can find countless beautiful character traits, fascinating ideas, and wonderful life experiences you have to share with the World. So, what's stopping you?

The answer is....

YOU are stopping you. You are the only one who can stop yourself from living a full, incredible, courageous life.

I challenge you this week to know that you are gifted. Just know it. (That's my slogan -- I actually like it better than Nike's -- ha ha.) Know that there is no mistake in who you are. You have the perfect body for this life journey you are on. Your spirit is more powerful than you have yet begun to understand. There are so many ways you can begin to bless the World -- IF YOU JUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!

Don't leave it to others to believe in you. Do it yourself. If you do, there is no stopping you from getting off the couch, getting out of the comfort zone and letting your talents loose in the World.

Watch out World -- change is coming! The change begins in your heart and spreads like a ripple effect to the entire planet.

Just know it this week... will you please just know it because I need you to be you and so does the rest of the human race.

With loving honor for the special gifts we each bring,

Patricia Omoqui

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