Monday, May 26, 2008

Harness Your Power: Affirmations for You!

A wonderful friend of mine painted the picture you see here. She had a stroke 6 years ago and was able to paint this with her left hand (she was right handed before the stroke).

After her stroke she was unable to walk, talk or use half of her body. She never gave up and learned everything (walking, talking, reading etc.) from scratch. She is resilient and is an example to all of us that we can take our circumstances and become even more beautiful because of what we experience! Amazing, huh?

This week I'd like to keep the blog very simple and share with you some new affirmations that flowed onto the page after I spent some time sitting in silence. I trust these will be helpful to you.

Trust, trust, trust I trust myself to the remarkable hands of the Universe.

I release all past hurts and pains.

I choose to know that the past and the future have no connection unless I allow them to.

I choose to release the future to the hands of the Universe.

I know that my work is staying centered in the moment.

In each moment is love, peace and hope.

In each moment, I tap into the silent space to hear whispers of guidance and love.

I exude love.

I am light.

I lighten up so much that I float through my journey.

I am a fairy of love, fluttering here and there and dropping fairy powder, love potions on all those I encounter.

My mantra is NOW. I am now. I release myself to the present moment so fully that I literally float through life with ease and with little effort for the wings of love carry me wherever I journey.

My flow of finances is equivalent to the flow of love I encounter in the moment.

I release all worries and fears so that the flow of my desires can rush into my life, sweeping away the old and preparing the way for the new to arrive.

I am magnificent, full of possibilities.

I am miraculous, the very notion of walking the earth in a human body is intriguing to me.

I watch the dramas and situations of my life unfold in awe, with no worry or attachment for all is well all the time.

I choose to know this and live this truth

All is well in my life.

All is on schedule.

I need not worry. I choose to trust.

I relax, breathe and rest.

I heal within and without.

As I heal beauty exudes from my life.

I am beautiful in body, mind and spirit.

Beauty bursts through me in fantastic ways, ways I had never imagined.

The power of Spirit rushes into my life transforming all the old hurt into dynamic love.

Dynamic love is my nature, ebbing and flowing, constantly growing and expanding so that I join in greater part with the oneness of love that is reality.

I'd recommend that you choose one or two of these affirmations that strike you and write them down. Repeat them over and over to yourself until they sink deeply into your subconscious mind.

As we trust that each moment in life is perfect, that it is exactly what we need for our growth, we relax and begin to enjoy every aspect of life's journey.

May you experience warmth and growth this week,

Patricia Omoqui

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