Friday, April 11, 2008

Harness Your Power: Blossoming With Joy

Spring has sprung in Pennsylvania. The past few weeks have been amazing to watch. Each day when I walk I have taken particular notice of the changes in the trees. About a month ago, the trees were completely naked -- no leaves, flowers or signs of growth. The last few weeks there has been evidence of new growth. . .little green, white or light pink specks appearing on the branches. Now flowers are starting to appear on many of the trees.

There is a buzz of excitement in the air as people emerge from their winter hibernations. Kids are laughing. Bubbles float by my head. Dogs are running the fields at the park more freely. People are smiling more.

Each day I see more evidence of growth! It's fun to wach.

I see Spring this year as a representation of my own personal blossoming. During the winters of life it feels so bleak and cold. Yet, during those winters everything is very clear -- I can see my inner workings clearly just as I can get a good look at the naked branches and trunks of the tree during winter. I learn about who I am in my core.

I feel joy as I see the winter in my life come to an end. I watch myself and my life with a smile as I see new growth. The blossoms appear and grow. The fragrance is refreshing. Before I know it, the whole of my life is full of so much beauty that I am overwhelmed by the growth!

Waiting for the blossoming to happen is hard. . .the winters feel long. You wonder if you will ever experience Spring again. But, Spring always comes.

If you are feeling winter in your life right now, take heart. Look all around you at nature for reminders that your life will blossom again. Keep focused on your desires. Plant your seeds of possibility. Water them. Trust that the Universe is growing them in the perfect time. Then wait patiently with a deep inner knowing and trust that your life is blossoming.

Breathe deeply. Get out in nature. Run in the fields with your hands in the air. Jump up and down when you go outside. Get your body moving again. Wake up to your life. Life beckons us to get out and explore. Venture out of your routines. Go for a hike. Cut some fresh flowers from those trees and brighten up your home.

Allow yourself to blossom with joy as Spring begins. . .there is so much beauty that surrounds you. Take it all in and give thanks.

I wish you a week full of blossoms of joy.

A big hug,

Trish Omoqui

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