Saturday, March 22, 2008

Harness Your Power: Notice the Signs

This Thursday morning on our daily drive to daycare, my youngest daughter, Skye, (her 3rd birthday is in April) reminded me of a very important truth. Every time we passed a street sign of any size, shape or color she would yell, in her sweet 2-year old voice, "Mom, another sign!"

What shocked me is that once she got started, she was telling me every few seconds that there was another sign. This continued for the 30 minutes we drove to daycare. I never realized just how many signs there are all around us.

In Skye's class at daycare they take kids for walks outside. As they walk along they look for all the signs. The signs are a tool to teach the kids about colors, letters and traffic. Little did the teachers at daycare know that as they taught my daughter about signs, she would in turn teach me and I would in turn teach you!

I couldn't help but smile as Skye kept yelling about the signs. I know very clearly that I am given signs from the Universe all the time. The signs are both internal and external.

For example, the other day while sitting in a local coffee shop, I kept having a repeated thought, "Talk to the guy at the next table." Finally I listened to my intuition. To my surprise, there was a tremendous amount that we had in common -- we shared connection and enthusiasm about sports. He is going to be traveling to my favorite country in the World this year (to a country where I've spent quite a bit of time) -- to Brazil, so I provided him with helpful information.

I followed the inner sign and met someone amazing. You just never know what might come out of a contact like that!

We receive inner signs all the time. Most of us are unable to hear the signs because we are so engrossed in the daily drama of our lives. By learning to quiet our minds and to slow down the pace of our lives, we actually save ourselves a lot of time and energy. When we hear the inner urges we are able to take the easy path to our dreams. We are also able to avoid difficult situations when we follow the intuitive feelings of uneasiness that alert us to potential pitfalls and dangers on our paths.

There are also external signs all around us in our World. I love these signs -- they are often profound. About 8 months ago I decided to do a fast to cleanse myself. For 4 days I did the "Lemonade Cleanse." It was a time of focus and refreshment for me. As I finished the fast, I was HUNGRY and ready to gobble down some food. The day I stopped the fast I left the house to do some errands. Can you believe that one of the first license plates I saw that day said, "EAT SLOW!" Now, what is the likelihood of coming across a license plate like at all-- let alone the day that you are about to break a fast. I thanked the Universe for the sign and followed the direction.

When we open our minds to experience these signs, it is amazing what can happen. I started a Circle of Abundance group recently. The group's focus is on helping people to learn to overcome their financial blocks and beliefs so that they can begin experiencing greater levels of financial abundance. After our first group session I gave each person a set of affirmations to assist them in opening their minds to new ways of looking at money. This week one of the participants emailed me and told me a wonderful story. She said that she began saying the affirmations, "Money comes to me in miraculous ways." As she said this to herself, she started to think -- that's ridiculous, that can't happen. But, she stopped herself and decided that she would give the ideas a chance. The next day when she got out of her car she found a $10 bill on the ground. Money did appear in her life in unexpected ways! What a beautiful sign from the Universe to encourage her to learn new ways to look at money.

If you aren't looking for the signs, you won't see them. As you begin to look for them, beware -- you may see more than you even though could possibly exist! That's how I felt as we drove to daycare and I began to see that there are hundreds if not thousands of street signs between my house and the daycare.

Ask for signs and you shall receive. Open your eyes and you shall see. Open your ears and you shall hear. Enjoy the comforting signs the Universe provides you for your journey. When you feel lost and you need direction, quiet your mind. Ask for help. Then, go about your business and trust that you are going to get all the signs (internal and external) that you need to create a beautiful life experience.

Life is easy. Life is much easier than we allow it to be. Slow down this week. Quiet your heart and mind. Relax. Trust. Surrender to the flow of life. Don't fight what is. Stay in the moment so fully that you notice all the signs the Universe provides you.

You will be glad you did!

With much joy and a great big smile,

Trish Omoqui


  1. Incredible call to go to the quiet space we all possess. We are all rich within and have wealth to give away for the higher good of others. Listening to the inner sign or voice made the gentleman you spoke with wealthy because within the words spoken was the gift of loving anoter person "just because." What a difference it makes to our own personal world and the world in general this makes. Peace and harmony...hearing and observing the signs..that's a wonderful way to grow it.

    Brenda Anglin, R.N.

  2. Hi Brenda, yes the silence is so rich. We are so rich and abundant. We can see so many signs of this if we just open our eyes and see!

    I trust your week will be full of beautiful signs:)
