Monday, March 20, 2017

YOUR ESSENTIAL GIFTS: Dear Change Agent, Please Step Forward Today

This weekend was FUN.  Our family had the opportunity to spend time with an amazing change agent.  What made it so delightful is that this young man KNOWS his gifts and has been spending YEARS developing himself.  Talk about focused --you can see that his determined spirit, his relentless focus on his journey of success and growth has brought him depth of knowledge and a sense of confidence.
As we sat together in a local Barnes and Nobles, I felt so grateful to be collaborating.  At one point in the conversation he said something like, "I didn't think your talents would need what I have but I see that our gifts and strengths compliment one another."  

Listen. I  am very talented.  I have an eternal, endless fount of inspiration that I allow to flow through me to each of you day in and day out.  This change agent sees it, benefits from it and is in awe of my gifts.

And, I am in AWE of his gifts too.  His ability to understand my brand, foresee opportunities to grow my impact --it is a skill set that I am excited about.  My vision is to use what comes through me to reach as many people on this planet as possible.  He knows how to help me do that!

I'm telling you this, Dearest Change Agent, because the truth is:  Each of us is a UNIQUE configuration.  You have strengths, talents, gifts and a calling that THIS PLANET NEEDS RIGHT NOW.  Your work is to keep stepping forward, one baby step at a time, to develop yourself, play with your gifts and grow more fully into your purpose.  

This does not need to be a serious, heavy calling.  In fact, this is the most exciting, light-filled, joyful opportunity anyone, anywhere can have!  Why not see it that way?  

Life beckons each of us to get moving and shaking.  Yes, right there in your little realm of influence, start experimenting and having fun --using your heart and talents to share love in the best way you know how.

As each of us do so, we are guided to destiny points!  Preparation meets opportunity and miracles then can manifest all around us.  

Don't shy away from the HARD WORK of developing yourself.  Start sweating.  Anything worth doing requires some effort.  Get off your couch, get out from behind your social media handles...get out into your local community and find ways to work on those gifts.  Come out from behind your bashfulness and insecurity and experiment!  Have loving conversations.  Offer to use your gifts in service to others.  Seize the day.

And, like this amazing change agent shared with our family this weekend:  DIE EMPTY.  Pour yourself out every day--your love, your talent, your passion, your joy--use all that you have to be All that YOU CAN be.  Then, it is certain, you will never have regret.  And in allowing the Divine to FLOW fully through your life, you open up a miraculous journey.  Step forward today.  YOU ARE NEEDED.

I'm only an email away if you feel stuck.  I thrive on helping change agents rise and get their breakthroughs!

I'm praying for YOU today, 

Together...WE RISE!

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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