Monday, March 13, 2017

Donkey, Lion & Happy Child -- Fascinating Stages & Choices of Being

I've shared this idea with some but not all of you. It popped into my mind today. So, will share a metaphor.

There is an evolution we go through in our journey to personal awakening.

First stage: The aimless told-what-to-do donkey/camel -- we are wandering and going only where we are told to go. Then, one day, we wake up and realize we have power to chart our own course.

Second stage: the Bold Lion who roars. When we wake up to our power, we can't help but ROAR and SHOUT and CONVINCE and tell others of the Truth we have come to. We can become overpowering, in people's faces at times. We have a voice! We know we have POWER.   Then, with time, we realize this approach may not always be best in all circumstances.  We discover a third phase.

Third stage: The Happy Child. After we've spent time roaring, convincing, pushing others to get to where we are, we finally wake up and realize all we have to do is be a Happy Child who knows and lives and fully embodies the truth. It is our life that speaks. It is our joy that will change others. We do not need to force or push. We just wake up and fully live with zest, zeal and total trust in God.

Just notice. You may be in different stages (Donkey/Lion/Child) in different aspects of your life.

I see in my own life, that the more I embody the "Happy Child", the easier the journey becomes and the more fun I have. And, the more others ASK me for the answer. I share it with no need to convince. I trust others to their journey. They too, will go through their own process of awakening to their power.

How much power would you be able to shift to your own work if you didn't push your truth on others--unless there is a specific moment when you are shown your BOLD LION MUST ROAR?

How much more would you LIVE joyfully if you trusted others to their own journey?

The Happy child speaks their truth in the most poignant, simple, easy ways. (Listen, I am in awe of my own children and how they say exactly what is needed to wake me up -- in their innocence and wisdom.)

What if you could BE AWARE and PURPOSEFULLY choose whether to be the donkey, the lion or the child depending on what the situation called for? Very consciously choosing with wisdom?

Hmmm...shape shifting --guided in the moment!

What do you take from this for your journey today?
Who in your life could benefit from hearing these stages?

With love...growing more aware with you, 

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.


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    1. Life is a constant learning process! Thanks for your comment!

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