Friday, January 20, 2017

Get Beyond Thinking Blocks - Live Purpose Now!

The journey of living one's purpose is not only about serving others.  It is also about personal awakening and unfolding into one's full potential.

Too often I have seen within myself, that my thinking about purpose is part of what has gotten in my own way of simply being the best version of a joyful me I can be.

The more I've journeyed down this road of clarifying and living my purpose, the more I've been challenged to become aware of ideas that cause me stress, dis-ease within myself and rob my joy.  When my energy is being sapped, I can't fully live my purpose.

As I have identified these thought patterns, I've awakened to a new thought system that allows me more and more, to accept the circumstances I am in so that I show up FULLY to live my purpose joyfully and boldy in the here and now.

I'd like to unmask quickly a few thinking shifts that have been radical for me...and hard-earned through tearful, stressful moments of dealing with my inner pain and confusion.  I hope that in offering these to you perhaps you can avoid some of this stress and simply embrace these ideas and become more free today than ever to enjoy the unfolding of your purpose today.

1.  Somehow we have been duped by the World's thought patterns that lure us into believing that living one's purpose must be a grand, center-stage experience.  We think that if we aren't in the spotlight or if we aren't doing spectacular feats of loving kindness, then we somehow aren't manifesting our purpose.  When I discovered my deeper purpose in 2002, I saw a clear vision of speaking on large stages all across the World.  I knew that I'd be writing and coaching...that I would have the opportunity to touch others and help them in living their full potential.  It was an exciting, grand dream that emerged from the depths of my soul.  When all of this didn't unfold immediately, I thought something must be wrong with me or that I must be doing something wrong.  My judgment of my circumstances and of the pace at which I thought my purpose should be unfolding drained my energy.  I was constantly searching for ways to create and make happen that future picture I had been shown.

Then, I began to ask myself, "Why would it matter how big the audiences are?  What if instead, I simply understood that I can be used in my current circumstances?  What if my current circumstances ARE the stage that has been designed for me?"

Whether I am formally speaking in front of an audience or simply sharing ideas in a loving conversation with a colleague, family member of friend, I AM living my purpose.  I realized that as I accepted my life situation and relaxed into it, as I allowed myself to feel free to share love with who was with me in the place I was, that beautiful, touching opportunities to live my purpose were right in front of me.  And, as I enjoyed those purposeful moments of connection, I was being deepened, trained and prepared for whatever was to come in my path ahead.

I shifted my belief about my purpose to the following:  I am called to live my purpose in the here and now.  The circumstances I am in, the people I am surrounded by ARE the place I am called to.  I show up fully embodying my loving purpose and enjoy any opportunities that appear to be my best self and encourage others to do the same.

(This shift has brought me incredible inner freedom.  And, as I have followed my inner guidance and been at peace with my Here and Now, over time remarkable opportunities have emerged--yes, even ones to speak to big audiences, be on TV and have my writing appear on national stages.)

2.  I used to believe that my purpose was something I DID and it was something that was Public.  When I found my purpose I was in a corporate management job.  I felt that the job I was in was an obstacle to what I "really want to do with my life in living my purpose."  So, I felt frustrated.  I wanted to get out of my "corporate prison."  I felt that I was not in full alignment with my purpose if I wasn't living it in a specific arena of  professional work.  If I couldn't leave my job and live my purpose full-time in a specific way, then I couldn't be fulfilled.  I compartmentalized living my purpose to only the professional aspect of my life.

Over the years, I saw myself judging other ways I spent my time as a "Waste of my Time."  I felt that certain aspects of my life were in the way of living my purpose.

Over the past few years a tremendous shift has happened with in me.  I have come to realize that I AM my purpose.  My purpose is not something I do.  My purpose is WHO I am in all areas of living:  as a mom, as a spouse, in my spiritual path, in my friendships, in the fun I have.  I am the embodiment of my purpose.  And, my purpose, at it's deepest core is to LOVE all the time using the unique gifts, skills and passion I have.  I can do this in ALL arenas of my life naturally if I show up as my BEST SELF and relax and open.  I can offer my love fully and completely where I am with who I am with.

More and more I realize that belief systems that I unconsciously took on from the World around me have caused me incredible stress and fear, have caused me to judge myself and be my own-worst enemy.  Yet, as I took the time to look within and understand the thinking at the root of this distress, I discovered the greatest opportunities to break-through my own limitations and allow the fullness of my life experience to emerge one loving moment at a time.

I pray that in sharing these shifts in thinking on purpose with you that you are able to find greater freedom and fulfillment in BEING YOUR PURPOSE more fully and gracefully in the here and now.  The only moment any of us have is NOW.

Imagine if more of us showed up stress-free, joyful and open to whatever the NOW offered to us?
Imagine how much more of our loving presence could flow through us if we realized that we are where we are meant to be right now?

I wish you increasing joy, peace and understanding of how to bring your full, LOVING self to this and every moment as you move forward on your journey,

Please comment if these ideas resonate with you.  I coach people through this amazing journey to waking up to purpose and then living it fully every single day.  I'm an email away if you need support and guidance as you move deeply and boldy into PURPOSE.

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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