Sunday, December 16, 2012

Shine...TODAY...Shine Bright...NOW is YOUR Time

As I have meditated upon the passing of some very dear friends this past week, I have come to a great deal of personal clarity:  Very little is only love that is my day to live with total purpose and is the day I have to love others with my full attention and focus.

The tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary brought that truth even deeper into my heart on Friday.  When I heard the news, more tears streamed down my face.  I could not fathom the deep pain of losing a child.  I have two precious girls of my own and I appreciate them today more than I ever have before.

Life is brief, so very brief, and we do not know what amount of time we will be allotted for our journey.

So, this week, I challenge you to relinquish your fear and nagging self-doubt.  As you close 2012, I encourage you to step more fully into your personal power.   Open to your dreams.  Take your next steps forward to actualize them.  Know that you are full of light and love.  You are a person of amazing value.  Shine that beautiful light you have...Shine...TODAY...Shine Bright...NOW is YOUR Time.

With a simple smile and a hug sent your way,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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