Sunday, December 9, 2012

He Just Turned 40 and is Gone!: Life Goes Fast & Is Fragile!

I have much to reflect on.  It has been a weekend of up and down emotions.  Let me explain.

On a high note, my oldest daughter, Margaret (yes, she has decided she is no longer going to be called Maggie now that she has "grown up"), had her ten year birthday party.  The event was lively with loads of screaming kids playing and splashing in the pool.  Santa even made a guest appearance! 

As I reflect on Margaret's ten years I am in awe that a decade actually seems like a blink of an eye to me. 

How does time go so incredibly fast?  I realize more than ever that I need to savor, cherish, relish in every moment I have with my daughter.  The years we have together before she leaves the nest are less than the years she has already been with me! 

The night before, a friend called me.  She was stunned.  She had gone out with a friend for a meal.  Her friend had just bought a brand new BMW months earlier and the two of them were driving home together. 

They noticed a car coming at a fast speed toward them.  Thankfully the car hit the driver's side wheel (not the door).  The car was totalled instantly.  The two of them emerged from the crash without even a scratch. 

She felt terrible that her friend's car was wrecked.  But, her friend had such a great perspective: "Imagine if I would have had to call your husband to tell him you were hospitalized or even worse, that you had passed away. . . cars are grateful for full health and life."

Tonight I was informed that another friend we had just run into a few days ago passed away unexpectedly.  He had just turned forty years old a few months ago.

Life has many unexpected twists and turns.  You simply do not know what lies ahead.  So, leave the fears aside.  Live fully for today.  Yes, bring your all--your body, mind and spirit--fully into this moment.  Bring your love, your enthusiasm, your passion to the tasks before you.  Share your total presence and attention with those you encounter.  Make your impact.  Be determined to live the full expression of who you are created to be.

Now is the only moment you have.  My ten year old seems to know that as do all her happy, frolicking friends.  They are joyful, full of energy and ready for life.  I aim to be more like them: carefree, joyful and willing to try new things!

Reflect on these simple, yet profound ideas:

"Rejoice in the things that are present; all else is beyond thee." ~Montaigne

"The other day a man asked me what I thought was the best time of life. "Why," I answered without a thought, "now." ~David Grayson

"Transformation can only take place immediately; the revolution is now, not tomorrow."
 ~Jiddu Krishnamurti

"It is only possible to live happily-ever-after on a day-to-day basis."

 ~Margaret Bonnano

Go into this week with a spirit of adventure.  Cherish and celebrate your loved ones.  Make special memories.

With my love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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