Sunday, November 29, 2009

Harness Your Power: Embrace the "F" Word!

You may think I’m crazy to say this, “I am proud when I FAIL!”

FAIL is a four-letter word many of us stay as far away from as we can.

None of us like to consider ourselves failures…we have come to believe that failing is something bad, something we should dread and avoid at all costs.

Maybe we’ve gotten our belief all wrong.

“Failure” is merely an attempt to do something that doesn’t work out the way we had wanted it to. Failure is for the courageous -- it is taking a risk, giving an idea a try.

Failure means we have boldly put ourselves to a test.

Failure is good. Failure is just another step of growth on the path of success.

Why aren’t you taking steps on your personal dreams for success?

Do you hesitate to act for fear of failing?

If so, consider the wise words of Barack Obama, “Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would do it. But it’s not. It takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty of failure along the way. The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won’t. It’s whether you let it harden or shame you into action, or whether you learn from it, whether you choose to persevere.”

The only true failure is not trying, not acting when you know what can be done…the only real failure is withholding your unique talents, perspectives and action.

Please, my brothers and sisters--step forward and TRY! Just do your best in improving your life, your community and your nation. We need you to learn and grow.  Growth comes from trying.

Trying hard and failing often…but always learning, growing and giving my best,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Harness Your Power: Prepare for the Holidays (and Challenging Family Members)

In the spirit of Thanksgiving (for those here in the United States) and for those getting ready for the December Holiday Season, I thouhgt I'd offer you some ideas to get prepare for the interesting and sometimes difficult interactions with family and friends.

1. NOTHING needs to be taken personally -- especially in regards to your family members! Remember that just because they are snappy, judgmental, or overly direct, you really never know what is happening inside them.  But, the way they act toward you has to do with THEM not you.  Be as compassionate and understanding as you can.  Let what they say go in one ear and out the other rather than taking this to heart. 

2. Be a kid...have fun, lighten up, relax, let it flow...take the days you have visitors in stride and focus on fun and laughter and love.

3. PEACE and LOVE and JOY...these are your key words...if you focus on creating moments of this, and release all heavy energy, this will be a wonderful time.

4. Before next Thursday write a list of everything you like and appreciate about those who you dread interacting with the most.  Keep the list in your pocket on Thanksgiving day and as soon as you feel yourself getting worked up, then stop and read...focus on the good, focus on the good...let the rest go.

5. Be you and enjoy the moment. Make sure that you enjoy yourself.  For those of you who get tired of dealing with difficult adutls, why not get on the floor with the kids or go outside and play!
Hope some of these tips work for you!  You won't know unless you give them a try.

Here are a few affirmations to use in preparing mentally.  Pick one or two of these each day and repeat them to yourself often.

I have a peaceful, loving holiday with my family.

We grow together and love each other more.

I am compassionate toward _______________ (fill in the blank with a challenging person).

I see the best in each person.

I offer love and kindness.

Nothing is personal.

I let people be who they are!

I lighten up and have a good time.

I laugh and eat and smile and cook and play.

I give thanks for it all...even the difficulty!

With love,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Harness Your Power: Peaks and Valleys

I was reminded today that life is a series of cycles --there are ups and there are downs, there are times of rain and times of drought, there are times of plenty and times of want.  When we understand that there is value in all situations, the "down times" allow for tremendous learning.

When we resist these difficult times, we feel tremendous suffering and exhaust ourselves.  What if we could relax and know that there are important lessons to learn, essential people to interact with and powerful tools to gain?  Though it might not feel easy or less intense, the challenges take on a new color and texture.

I want to encourage you today to ask the following questions if you are facing difficulties:

What is it that I am learning from this time?
What if I knew this challenge was purposeful for my soul's development?
What if I could open my eyes and see the situation from a totally different perspective?

I'm asking these questions myself.  In doing so, I am finding some fascinating answers.  I'm being reminded that life happens only one moment at a time.  I need not worry about 2 weeks from now or 2 years from now.  I can instead open to what is available to me in the moment I am living.  I can open to the gifts of today.

I am finding many miracles and blessings in these times even though they feel hard.

I offer you my love.  If I can be of assistance to you please drop me an email.

All is well,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Harness Your Power: This Moment is Perfect

I may have gotten you thinking with the title of this blog -- This Moment is Perfect.  Some of you reading this might say, "How can this be perfect when I don't have the money to pay for my mortgage or my groceries?  It feels so dark, so uncertain and uncomfortable."

I can relate to this response.  I've been contemplating this quite a bit lately. 

I've come back to the realization that in this moment, THIS EXACT MOMENT, I am always provided for.  Though the future is uncertain and I have no idea how the challenges in my life will come to resolution, this moment is just fine.  I must choose not to run ahead to a few days from now, a month from now or a year from now.  We are all being forced to be present to life right now.

The question is, will you be in the moment with a head full of fear or will you be in the moment with a heart full of peace?  This is the choice.  Believe me, I know it is not always an easy thing to move into a feeling of peace.  I've struggled with this myself lately.  But, I keep coming to the truth that my whole life there has always been a way forward, a miraculous provision at just the right time.  So, why not just rest into the arms of the Divine?

Yes, we each must do our part.  We need to show up every day and do what we are guided to -- to take the steps to provide for our families.  As we do our small, simple tasks, we find that the breakthroughs come in the perfect time of the Divine.  We want the breakthroughs to come sooner and this often causes us terrible grief and inner conflict -- WHY ISN'T THIS SITUATION CHANGING NOW???

I'm here to say that it isn't changing because the learning you are called to do is not yet complete.  Each challenge is preparation for your path ahead.  Try to relax and learn rather than fight with life.  You will save energy and feel better if you take this approach.

I give my love to each one of you.  I understand the feelings of difficulty.  I also know that there is always hope, always peace and always love available to us as we become present to the Divine.

With love,
Patricia Omoqui,
The Thought Dr.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Harness Your Power: Move through Intense Times

I will be honest and tell you that these days feel extremely intense.  Life feels unsettled.  Challenges seem larger than even a year ago.  I know I am not the only one experiencing this as many clients, friends and family members express this to me.

Here are a few affirmations and thoughts that I've been using that may be of help to you:

It is well.
All is well in THIS moment.
I give thanks for....(then I find any blessing no matter how tiny it appears to be to raise my energy.)
I am growing in compassion for others through these challenges.
I find ways to express love and understanding as often as possible.
My mind and heart are being stretched and expanded from these experiences.
I am prepared for the path ahead.
Every opportunity offers me tools and lessons if I choose to embrace them.

I am walking moment to moment...but then, isn't that the only way life happens.  We just think there is certainty ...but there is always the unexpected.  I choose to expect the best!

In a spirit of miracles and love and kindness,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.