I had the privilege this weekend of hearing two excellent speakers. The first was Thomas Moore who wrote some bestsellers such as Care of the Soul and Dark Night of the Soul. As I listened to Thomas Moore speak I learned of an important distinction that I had not considered before -- the difference between Soul and Spirit. I had used those words interchangeably. Thomas contrasted these words, suggesting that Spirit is that part of us which desires to transcend, to feel bigger and grander than our experience in a human body. Soul, on the other hand, is that aspect of us that lives day-to-day, walking through life.
He has spent time with many spiritual communities. He commented that those who are very focused on their spiritual practice are often time out of touch with their Soul. In fact, they have difficulty in relationships, challenges in their sex life and don't enjoy the basic aspects of the Soul like preparing a meal and enjoying it with family and friends.
As I sat listening I realized how true that had been for me until this past year. I felt there was something "lower" about the basics of life. In my mind there was a hierarchy of the ways I would spend my time and energy-- at the top was my spiritual life, then my career and then the basics of home life. Because of this view, I often struggled to enjoy the basic activities of daily life.
As I encountered the idea of mindfulness about a year ago and really began to practice it, I began to experience joy in every activity. I soon realized that I could find peace in folding laundry and get a sense of bliss from making a meal for my family. Before these two activities felt difficult and unhappy to me.
Thomas suggested we focus as much on our Soul as we do on our Spirit. Enjoy nature. Go to a museum and connect with some art. Learn to cook. Put together a dinner party and give it your all -- bring your favorite friends together to share in wonderful food, drink and talk. Focus on your relationships.
These are very basic ideas but ones that I felt glad to be reminded of. So many of us right now are facing financial challenges, losing jobs, dealing with relationship problems and health issues. It is okay to feel as if your Soul is walking through a very dark time. In fact, if you can embrace these times and move through them with an openness to learning and deepening your wisdom, you can begin to see the beauty in the darkness.
I speak about this from a space of experiential knowing. I've been in a very dark time the past eight weeks. Many miraculous things have come from wading through the mires of my fears. In the darkest moments I always found that if I just took some deep breaths and focused myself within, there was light to be found. Peace was within me even if my circumstances felt in chaos.
Embrace the darkness. Listen to your Soul. It will whisper to you and guide you to what it needs. Be honest. Find others to support and help you through these times. Most of all, go inside. Love yourself. Admire your courage for moving through this human journey.
You are resilient. You are courageous. You are learning and growing. This is what your Soul came to do! Be glad for each experience in life. It is all truly perfect and on schedule.
(The other speaker I listened to was James Twyman. He is a truly amazing human being -- encouraging all of us to see how connected we are. He recently wrote a book called The Moses Code. He is also an excellent musician. All of his work focuses on bringing greater peace to the World. http://www.emissaryoflight.com/_.aspx?t_t=5)
With deep love for each of you,
Patricia Omoqui
View my YouTube videos at: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=patricia+omoqui&search_type=&aq=f