Sunday, October 26, 2008

Harness Your Power: Take Care of Your Soul

I had the privilege this weekend of hearing two excellent speakers. The first was Thomas Moore who wrote some bestsellers such as Care of the Soul and Dark Night of the Soul. As I listened to Thomas Moore speak I learned of an important distinction that I had not considered before -- the difference between Soul and Spirit. I had used those words interchangeably. Thomas contrasted these words, suggesting that Spirit is that part of us which desires to transcend, to feel bigger and grander than our experience in a human body. Soul, on the other hand, is that aspect of us that lives day-to-day, walking through life.

He has spent time with many spiritual communities. He commented that those who are very focused on their spiritual practice are often time out of touch with their Soul. In fact, they have difficulty in relationships, challenges in their sex life and don't enjoy the basic aspects of the Soul like preparing a meal and enjoying it with family and friends.

As I sat listening I realized how true that had been for me until this past year. I felt there was something "lower" about the basics of life. In my mind there was a hierarchy of the ways I would spend my time and energy-- at the top was my spiritual life, then my career and then the basics of home life. Because of this view, I often struggled to enjoy the basic activities of daily life.

As I encountered the idea of mindfulness about a year ago and really began to practice it, I began to experience joy in every activity. I soon realized that I could find peace in folding laundry and get a sense of bliss from making a meal for my family. Before these two activities felt difficult and unhappy to me.

Thomas suggested we focus as much on our Soul as we do on our Spirit. Enjoy nature. Go to a museum and connect with some art. Learn to cook. Put together a dinner party and give it your all -- bring your favorite friends together to share in wonderful food, drink and talk. Focus on your relationships.

These are very basic ideas but ones that I felt glad to be reminded of. So many of us right now are facing financial challenges, losing jobs, dealing with relationship problems and health issues. It is okay to feel as if your Soul is walking through a very dark time. In fact, if you can embrace these times and move through them with an openness to learning and deepening your wisdom, you can begin to see the beauty in the darkness.

I speak about this from a space of experiential knowing. I've been in a very dark time the past eight weeks. Many miraculous things have come from wading through the mires of my fears. In the darkest moments I always found that if I just took some deep breaths and focused myself within, there was light to be found. Peace was within me even if my circumstances felt in chaos.

Embrace the darkness. Listen to your Soul. It will whisper to you and guide you to what it needs. Be honest. Find others to support and help you through these times. Most of all, go inside. Love yourself. Admire your courage for moving through this human journey.

You are resilient. You are courageous. You are learning and growing. This is what your Soul came to do! Be glad for each experience in life. It is all truly perfect and on schedule.

(The other speaker I listened to was James Twyman. He is a truly amazing human being -- encouraging all of us to see how connected we are. He recently wrote a book called The Moses Code. He is also an excellent musician. All of his work focuses on bringing greater peace to the World.

With deep love for each of you,

Patricia Omoqui

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Harness Your Power: THE KEY

I have been constantly reminded this week of THE KEY to peace and joy during times of change and uncertainty. It is simple. It holds open a space of all possibility and total power. You can even find wonder and beauty at all times in your life if you remember THE KEY.

THE KEY is the present moment. In a sessions with a dear life coaching client this week, we talked at length about the importance of being determined to live in the NOW. This client has his mom and step-father in the hospital, has a job that deals with the volatility of the stock market and a dog who has a torn ACL and needs surgery. Talk about stressful circumstances!

In our conversation we discussed a few helpful questions to use when the future seems overwhelming or the past brings us a feeling of shame. I want to share these with you in hopes that they will assist you in staying connected with THE KEY--living life one moment at a time, fully present and open to the miracles available in each moment of life.

Question #1: Do I have everything I need in this moment? Anytime I consider this question I come to the conclusion, "YES. I do have what I need in THIS moment." I am always provided for. Did I have enough food to eat today? Yes. Did I have a place to lay my head? Yes. Are there clothes on my back? Yep. Am I breathing? Certainly. Can I find peace right now? If I stay present, I sure can.

Question #2: What good am I missing in this moment? We often get so focused on the things we feel are wrong in our lives. We become so preoccupied with the additional money we want to give us greater ease in paying our bills, the new clothes we'd enjoy, the bigger house that would feel nice...our focus goes away from what we DO HAVE to what we DON'T HAVE. When we pose this question, it brings us back to take a fresh look at what good we already have in our lives. This question is also great in challenging situations -- there is always something good to focus on even when life feels difficult. Will you open to find the good? If you do, I am sure you will begin to notice it!

Question #3: When do I have personal power? There is only one answer to this question -- it is the NOW. In each moment if you will keep your mind fully focused, you open to divine wisdom, phenomenal strength and inspired hope. In the present moment we receive all the guidance we need to navigate difficult situations and make progress towards creating what we want to experience in our lives. It is our preoccupation with the future, our self-doubts and limiting thoughts (based upon our past experiences) that cut us off from the step-by-step guidance we need to move rapidly and supernaturally through our life circumstances.

I find in my life coaching work that whatever I share with my clients ends up being wisdom that I need to apply to my own life. So, all week long I found myself using these questions to focus my energy in the Now. It is refreshing to live in the present moment. There is such joy, peace, hope, wonder and love when we live life one moment at a time. Trust each moment of life. You are safe and secure. You are not alone -- Spirit surrounds you, fills you and infuses your life with all you need. Just open. Simply open to THE KEY -- to each present moment of your life.

Trust the moment. We each have THE KEY -- will you begin to use it? It will open the door to countless blessings if you do.

With great love for each of you,

Patricia Omoqui

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Harness Your Power: Release Excuses

It is easy to feel a "victim" of life. People don't always treat us like we want them too. Financial markets don't move in the direction we hope. Circumstances rarely ever turn out as we planned. In the midst of all these aspects of life that we can't control, we forget that we can control the most important thing of all -- our reaction.

For several years I've observed people in my life wanting to blame outside forces for where they are in their lives. They spend hours complaining, whining and resisting life. They use large amounts of energy trying to find excuses as to why they feel unhappy. I understand. I've been in the same place--fretting and trying to control my life thinking that doing so would make me feel better.

It wasn't until I stopped blaming others that I became vividly aware that if I go inside, I can find peace. I choose how I feel. No one can dictate that for me. I choose what I think. Nobody is thinking for me. It is I who choose my reactions to life. Once I understood that I am the creator of my life experience, my whole life changed from within my heart.

People in my life were still the same. Circumstances remained challenging. The light of hope and peace that sparked within my heart brought new vitality and vision. My perspective shifted: I could find joy even on the darkest of days.

To learn this truth, I had to give up my excuses. I needed to drop them completely. Was life challenging? Sure it was! But, that didn't mean that I had to be an emotional wreck. In fact, I began to see that the "story lines" of my life were fascinating. I observed myself in each circumstance. I found new power to become who I had always wanted to be. Life didn't need to change. I did.

Change begins within. There is no time like NOW for each of us to choose what we want to experience. Are you going to be focused on gratitude today or will you be down in the dumps? Will you feel the frantic fear that is rampant in our society or will you see that we are surrounded by the peace of nature? Your experience of life is dictated by your experience within.

I challenge each of us to look at the excuses we still hold -- to understand why it is we think that we must put off our happiness for a sunnier day. Why wait for a wonderful life? Instead, look within and see that you have the inner resources to create the wonder, joy and peace in this moment.

I write all this to myself as well as each of you reading. I need constant reminders that I am stronger, more remarkable and vibrant than I give myself credit for. I find this when I quiet my mind and connect with my brilliant spirit.

Take time this week to be silent. Listen to the peace all around you. Notice any conflict within. Ask the Universe to guide you towards beauty and joy. You are ready to experience more of this. This doesn't need to happen AFTER circumstances change. It can begin now.

With love, joy and peace,

Patricia Omoqui

p.s. Exciting news -- I am going to have a weekly 5 - 7 minute spot on Nigerian National TV. You can check out some of the clips that will be airing by visiting . Search by "Patricia Omoqui" and you can get a sneak peek of some wonderful topics that can inspire your heart.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Harness Your Power: Study Your Emotions

Why is it that I am so surprised at the guidance I receive all the time? It is so consistent and it always shows up just at the right moment. Yet, I feel amazed when I am guided. Shouldn't I expect it by now?

I was led yesterday to purchase an amazing book at Borders. It is called, "The Heart of The Soul" by Gary Zukav and Linda Francis. I love books. I devour them. They stir and feed my soul, expand my awareness and stretch my heart. In a very simple, but profound style Gary and Linda share the importance of emotional awareness.

They suggest that each of us is a student in the Earth School of Life. The courses that we take are the emotions that we experience. We each choose a unique curriculum. Some of us are studying anger, others are studying joy, and yet others are studying jealousy. If we begin to pay attention to our classes we can move at whatever pace we want in finishing that particular course so that we can move on to the next.

The key to learning is that we must accept that what we are experiencing emotionally is INSIDE of us. Our emotions may be responses to our circumstances but we must own what we feel and learn why we feel it. As we come to an understanding of why we are experiencing the emotions inside of us, we become authentically empowered to choose the responses we want to any circumstance we encounter in life.

As I read these pages in the book, I smile. I see what my coursework has been the past few years...and I see that I am wrapping up some intense coursework in fear and anger. My heart has been yearning to start some new courses and I've been experimenting more with joy, peace and love. I'm ready to give more of my time and attention to the classes of happiness, trust and hope.

I see the importance of the courses I've been taking on fear and anger. Where does this fear come from that I experience so often? Why do I feel unsafe or insecure? What beliefs do I hold that cause me to judge myself and others? These are the questions that I've been pondering the last few years. It has caused me to do deep excavation and come to the core beliefs I hold in my life that cause me deep suffering and pain. Slowly, but surely, I've been shifting these beliefs and opening to expand my understanding of the possibilities that new beliefs offer me.

What courses are you focused on? Take time this week to note the emotions that you most often experience right now. That is your current coursework. Give thanks for wherever you are and the courses you are studying. By understanding that this is your coursework, you can lovingly begin to examine these emotions. You are at just the right point in your journey. Accept this. Then, purposefully begin to choose to move through this coursework so that you can experience a sense of authentic empowerment.

I love the School of Life even though it feels very painful at times. It is fascinating and invigorating to see the progress each of us can make in learning that we create our reality. Wow! We can lovingly shift our reactions. We can look at our lives through new lenses and begin to see the deeper meanings of what is happening all around us. We are not alone in our studies -- the Universe guides and tutors us by bringing us the people, circumstances and opportunities to take the next step in our coursework if and when we are ready.

Here are some affirmations that I have written for myself today...I share them in case they can be of support and help to you:

I choose to become authentically empowered.

I study my emotions.

I embrace all aspects of my life experience as perfect.

I choose to release judgment and offer myself and others love.

I choose to respond in love and trust as often as I can.

I am a spirit being in a human body.

The Universe supports me on my journey, guiding and directing me all the time.

I celebrate each day for it offers me new gifts of self-awareness and love.

With great love and admiration for all of us,

Patricia Omoqui