Saturday, January 18, 2014

The "Should" Prison - Release Yourself From It Today

It has been awhile since I've written a blog.  I have so many ideas bubbling inside me, but finding the time to sit down and be creative has been my challenge.

This week I had a conversation with a young man that I mentor and I knew I had to share it with you.

Too often we allow inner pressure to build and we believe we are behind in our progress.  We compare ourselves to people around us and think we should be further along on Life's path.
These "SHOULD" thoughts we put on ourselves become a prison in which we live.  Do any of these thought sound familiar?

"I SHOULD be out of debt.  I SHOULD be finished my education.  I SHOULD have a better job.  I SHOULD be married by now. I SHOULD have kids by now.  My career SHOULD be more successful than what it is."

These thoughts trap us.  They cause us to feel less than, not good enough and depressed.

There is a way out of this trap.  Perhaps the conversation I am about to share with you will allow you to see a new way to view things.  I pray it does.

Robert:  Coach, Happy New Year.  I know it has been awhile since I wrote to you.  I wanted you to know that I did get the job and that it is going well.  Truly Coach, I am not really happy with my life.  I thought by now I should be married, my impact would be felt as per the use of my gifts and public speaking platforms but not much is happening.

Patricia:  Robert, I'm so happy for your progress.  Don't let "shoulds" spoil your joy right now.  Because you feel you “should be further along”, you are causing yourself to feel suffering.

Robert:  But coach, I am still not financially sound as I hoped to be and in fact, I have some debt.  My rent is due. I need to gain full control of my life. 

Patricia:  Robert, God is in charge. He will use this situation to open the doors for these other things you desire.  Can you trust Him?

Robert:  Hmmmmm.

Patricia:  Robert, you are growing, right?

Robert:  Yes, I’m growing (smiles).

Patricia:  Life is a long journey.  It happens with amazing twists and turns.  Enjoy the stage you are in.  Maximize the experience.  Keep learning and growing!  Growth is the main point.  

Robert:  Coach, you are super.

Patricia:  Open your mind.  Don't let inner pressure close you off from the present enjoyment that is possible.  Even with over-due bills, you can choose to glorify God.  Praise Him for each moment.  He is in charge.  He loves you.  He sees your desires.

Robert:  I wasn’t comfortable coming to chat with you for awhile, because you have invested so much time and words into me and I feel I haven’t made enough progress yet.

Patricia:  Robert, it is the times when you are most uncomfortable that you can come to me.  I am here to coach you.  I don’t judge you.  I am here to love and encourage you.  There is no pressure with me.

Robert:  Wow, Coach, I am in tears of joy now.

Patricia:  Reeeeeeeeelax. Smile.


Patricia:  Take it easy in your mind.  Your mind is too busy.  Be quiet before God.  Sit in His lap and feel His love, His grace, His total acceptance of you.  He is happy.

Robert:  YES indeed my mind is too busy.

Patricia:  He knows the beauty of your spirit Robert.  Just live one moment at a time.  Listen for His voice guiding you rather than the mind’s fearful chatter.

Can I ask permission to use this conversation in my blog (I won’t disclose your identity).

Robert:  That’s okay with me, Coach.

Patricia:  I love you and I am proud of you.  I see your growth.  Remember, your life is on schedule.  I think many people feel the way you do.  I pray this conversation will soothe many souls.

Robert:  I love you too, Coach.  Many thanks for taking time with me.  I can’t wait to see the blog.

Feel free to share this blog with anyone who might need this reminder to:  Take off the inner pressure.  Open to life.  Keep learning and celebrate every inch of progress you are making.

With love, 

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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