Monday, January 21, 2013

Stop! Don't Wish Your Life Away...Savor This Stage You Are In

Yes, I found myself doing it again today.  That syndrome I had years ago--the "Postponed Happiness Syndrome" (PHS) was back this morning in full force. 

It all stems from that thought pattern I used to buy into a few years ago.  It goes something like this:  "When (fill in the blank) finally happens, then I will feel better about my life." 

I used to wish my life away.  I'd live for the future events that would somehow "improve" my life.  I did that so much and so often that I rarely enjoyed life. 

But, about 8 years ago I found a cure for my self-diagnosed case of PHS.  It was simple but not easy.  I learned to live in the present moment--I mean to really engage my whole being in the here and now.  As I did, life became more colorful.  I started noticing the beauty all around me.  I began to understand the importance of the stage of life I was in:  every second was purposeful preparation in becoming the person I am made to be.

Old patterns have a way of popping up.  The good news is that with self-awareness, you can catch them sooner.  So, I noticed myself letting PHS take over and I laughed.  Then, I shifted gears into the here and now.

I had the most wonderful day.  It wasn't anything out of the ordinary.  But, with my renewed presence, it felt extra-ordinary.  It ended with the a nice hug from my youngest daughter.  I sank into the warmth of our embrace and took the moment deep into my heart. 

Funny enough, I interacted with a friend who was wishing his life away too.  He was finally in his dream location, one he had worked to get to for the past year.  It had become his reality through many challenges, but with determination he had done it!  Rather than enjoying where he was, he already was worried about the summer months and what was coming next.

I chuckled to myself.  Each person is a mirror for me.  So, I reminded him to enjoy where he was and what he was doing.  As I spoke those words aloud they echoed in my own spirit and I knew they were for me too.

Live for today.  I mean really cherish the day you are in.  Look for the blessings.  Open to the glamour of THIS moment.  Life is truly magnificent and miraculous when you stop rehashin the past or wishing for the future.

Be here.
Be here NOW.
Don't miss out.

I am soaking it in again and it feels good.

With a smile,
Patricia Omoqui, The Thouht Dr.

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