Sunday, February 8, 2015

From High Anxiety and Stress to Peace...You Can Do It!

Last week a situation I was facing stirred up in me a vibration of anxiety that I had trouble shaking off.

In fact, one night I laid in my bed tossing and turning, struggling to find rest.  I'd pray and sleep a bit, then wake up with intense fear piercing my heart.

The requests for inner peace that I made to the Divine were heard.  When I woke up, I stayed in bed a few extra minutes.  This idea came to my mind:  visualize the stress of the past few days melting off yourself -- let it move off your body onto the ground beneath you.  Let the past days go.  Fully release.  Start fresh.

After about five minutes of doing this, I sensed my energy shift and I rose to meet the new day.

During the last few days I was guided to some helpful resources and ideas that enabled me to move from anxiety to peace.  I wanted to share these with you in case they could be of help.

1.  Do 24 hours at a time.  My husband reminded me -- just live for THIS day.  Just one moment at a time, one day at a time.  The past need not predict the present or future.  Instead, just BE and OPEN and allow the day to flow.

2.  Breathe, breathe, breathe.  When constricted and upset, just breathe for several minutes.  Allow there to be space for calm to re-enter.

3.  Try a guided visualization.  Here's one in particular I found helpful:  Guided Meditation for Anxiety Relief

4.  Be grateful.  Find every blessing in your life, big or small, to focus on.  Look for the good.  If you do, you will find it.

Hope these ideas are as helpful to you as they were to me!

I wish you a week of peace (even if you are in the midst of big challenges),

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.