Monday, October 14, 2013

Going Deeper in Knowing Next Steps: What is the Mind Without the Heart?

I had the privilege to share an hour of coaching with a colleague.  She coached me the first 25 minutes, then I coached her. 

I love being on the receiving side of coaching.  Coaching is a powerful experience.  And, she provided me the space to get clear on the approach I wanted to take with some of my writing goals.  But for most of the session I was stuck in my head, spinning around and around and putting incredible pressure on myself.  Suddenly I realized, I needed to connect to my heart.  What was it that was really best for me right now?  Was it time to push for completion on the project or, was I to allow the book to emerge in the best time?

When I went into my heart space, the dark clouds of inner pressure suddenly parted.  I knew clearly that this book would be born.  I decided on an approach that fit my current schedule.  I chose to do the work from an energy of joy and peace rather than forcing it to come together.

Funnily enough, as I coached my friend, she was dealing with a similar dynamic.  She had gotten stuck in her head, worried that she had to approach completing some of her professional goals like all the other people around her.   As she verbally expressed the inner conflict, I reminded her of her heart. 

She moved from the mental question of "What SHOULD I do?" to the heart question of, "What do I really desire to do?"  Letting go of the pressure she had been putting on herself to meet up to external expectations brought her back to peace.  She saw the clear set of next steps she really wanted to take.  And, she felt relief.

I've been realizing the power of the heart.  I had grown up learning to figure it all out mentally.  The last few years, however, I began to listen more closely to what I wanted deep down inside myself.  Life has become more of a gentle, loving, compassionate movement forward than a hard-core focused march to achieve.  I still do achieve, but I do so in a much more enjoyable manner.

Notice this week if you find yourself stuck in your head--overthinking things.  Then, go deeper into yourself.  Go down to your heart and your gut.  Listen for whispers of your spirit telling you of what would bring you the most joy on the journey to your vision.

Then, for a little soothing, why not listen to the song Mind vs Heart by Nneka (one of my favorite Nigerian artists): . 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Finally, A New Blog with some Fabulous Ideas to Inspire and Empower You!

Empty space inside.  Clearing out old.  Opening to new.  Contemplation.  Meditation.  Growing awareness.  Living.  Being.  Listening. Noticing. Healing.  Willing to write but no words to be found.

That's the space I've been in as a writer as of late.  Inspiration has flowed in short spurts (thus the Facebook and Twitter posts have flowed), but not in the longer blog spurts.  But, tonight, I just felt compelled to share a few helpful ideas:

1.  You can always choose a positive perspective.  A fabulous way to do so is to ask the following questions:

What good can I see in this situation?
What good can I see in this person?
What good can I find in myself?

These questions bring you toward light and hope, toward grace and goodness.  These questions allow you to experience life in an empowered way. 

You can become good at asking these questions by carrying them in your pocket and reading them regularly (especially in those moments when your mind is tending toward the dark, dreary, negative). 

2.  Taking the time to express the positive you see in others to them is powerful.  It's a technique called Acknowledgment.  You notice good traits another person has.  And, in one easy statement you can say aloud (or in a text), "One thing I know about you is that you are_____________ (good, kind, compassionate, creative, humble, gracious, helpful etc.)." 

Just this past week I shared a struggle I was having with some of my friends.  In the course of the conversation someone acknowledged me saying, "You are an amazing woman."  Those words were like refreshing water in a moment when my spirit was thirsty. 

Why not find some people in your life and reflect to them something positive you see in them?  By doing so, you lift them up.  And, you too will feel the joy of using loving words to encourage them.

3.  Ground yourself in THIS moment.  Yes, you only have to do life one little moment at a time.  Some call it the ever-present NOW.  The whole point is to bring your mind, body and spirit fully to the NOW.  Doing this allows you to more fully enjoy, experience and maximize life. 

Practice this today by taking a deep breath.  Feel your heart beating.  Feel your feet planted firmly on the ground.  Affirm:  I choose to take one moment at a time and savor the experience.  (Doesn't that feel good?)

I bring these ideas to you because I practice them myself--and, for me, they really do work to keep me uplifted, peaceful and flowing in the midst of life's constant surprises and challenges.

Hope you find something you can use in your journey!

With a smile,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.