Tuesday, February 14, 2017

What Remains? Only Love

This past weekend I took my 3 daughters to the mall to walk around and get some fresh air.  Sage enjoys going in the stores.  One of the stores had a perfect eye level display of hats.  There were 3 hats of various colors so she tried each one on.  She picked the aqua blue one and then began roaming the store.

You can see from the photo here that I caught her checking herself out in the mirror--looking lovingly and joyfully at herself and the cool hat she found.  Love is Sage's natural essence. She adores herself.  I've found that to be the case with Maggie and Skye too--they came in overflowing with love for themselves and others.

The work I've been doing as a mom is to keep that essence intact.

From birth, the complete and total love, compassion and acceptance these little beings come with when they arrive on planet Earth has been one of the most refreshing, wonderful experiences I have had in the journey of motherhood.

We come in knowing love and being in awe of ourselves.  We come in with the capacity for great empathy and compassion.  We come in open-minded and accepting of people of all shapes, colors and sizes (yes, EVEN Barney...).

In my journey of self-healing and discovery the past 14 years, the work that has been the most meaningful is the INNER CLEAN-OUT.  Day by day, week by week, year by year, I've been overhauling my insides.  Like an extreme make-over show or an episode of hoarders, I've gone within to face my messes.  Layer upon layer of fear, self-doubt, self-judgment....old trash bags full of painful childhood memories that were rotting inside me.  There were rooms in my mind that were cluttered with unrealistic expectations I took on from society and even churches.

As I've sorted through the rooms of my mind, as I've looked inside the painful memories to understand and honor my experiences, as I've taken the time to observe my mental thought processes I've realized that very little of what I had unknowingly allowed to build up within me over the years had any value.  Most of it was blocking me, causing me sadness and keeping me from experiencing and connecting with my true essence.  The inner clean out has been the best and most fruitful effort of my life.  As layer after layer of clutter was peeled back and I've come to my core, what remains is one truth:  I AM LOVE.

This inner knowing is affirmed by my experience with my interactions with children.  They ARE love.  That is why we are so comforted and changed when they sit on our laps and interact with us in their purity and joy.

The work we adults can do is to return back to that beautiful essence each of us have inside:  LOVE.

The only thing blocking any of us from Love is our fears.

My Valentine's gift to you today is a word of encouragement.  If you feel distanced from your essence, I want to assure you--I get it.  You may feel lost in tremendous inner pain. Today, you may feel alone, depressed, disheartened.  You may yearn for something more but have no idea how to find that which your heart and soul long for.  Trust the process of awakening.

For me, it was when I got to my darkest moments and fell apart that the light flooded in.  And, step by step I was guided to awaken.  Day by day, the inner clean-up work was done.  I was provided support by those who loved me.  And, with time, the inner spaces of my heart and mind got clean and organized again.  I even now had the privilege of choosing the colors of my inner spaces and re-decorating in a way that supports the purpose for which I am on planet Earth.

Be patient friends.
Be compassionate to yourself and others.
The work of coming back to our essence is QUITE a journey.
AND it is the most fruitful journey you will ever choose to take.

If you are stuck and unsure of how to move forward, my expertise is holding people's hand through the process of awakening and life transformation.  If you are ready for this, I am only an email away.  You can contact me on my website via the contact form: www.patriciaomoqui.com .


May you find the refreshment your soul longs for,

Patricia Omoqui, The Thought Dr.

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